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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Considering that only Clarkson and Underwood are making hit records, it goes to show that it's the songs that matter most. The same goes for TV shows; it's the writing.
  2. LOL! We'll see how much McNair or Boller help him, much less the Ravens losing their starting RT, FB, and with Ogden considering retirement (either his year or next).
  3. It all comes down to the songs. You could put virtually anyone with a good voice on a catchy song and it would sell well.
  4. Well it's not like Williams or Larson lit-up the NFL, especially considering they were drafted much higher than McCargo.
  5. If the Bills use their original 2nd and 3rd round picks, they can move into the 27th overall. If they use their 2nd and the Ravens' 3rd, 31st overall.
  6. A-Train became an UFA after the season.
  7. Let's see. They both were in "Naked Gun: 33-1/3" together back in 1994 and her daughter was born last September meaning conception happened at the end of 2005/beginning of 2006. Yep, that's some slow-moving sperm alright!
  8. This is the golden age for pro football players. I wonder how long it will last considering Bob Kraft recently came-out and said the players got TOO good of a deal.
  9. The Jets acquired Jones for what amounted to (points-wise) a low 3rd round pick. But I doubt the Bills ever had any intention of trading him to a division rival.
  10. I'll take the Jets. They look like a team set to implode under Pennington, and I'm not scared by Clemens. Thomas Jones gives them an upgrade at RB, but that's negated by the struggles of their O-line and Pennington (who became a hated man by Jets fans at the end of last year). Plus they won't have a creampuff schedule again this year.
  11. Sounds like a lowball offer from the Pats and is looking for a better offer and not worrying about latching-on with a "winner." Although in this case I can't blame the Pats, seeing as how Stallworth recently entered the NFL's drug rehab program.
  12. I don't see them trading him for a 3rd, much less the Raven's 3rd which is more like an early 4th rounder.
  13. Yeah I'm not too thrilled with the prospect of Walker playing at RT, given his problem with speed rushers, hence the reason I hope he plays RG for the Bills. Maybe they can teach him better technique though. I don't know. I guess it's a matter of lining-them-up and seeing how it goes.
  14. Maybe pending a physical on Al Davis to determine whether he's brain dead BEFORE giving him a pen to authorize that ridiculous trade.
  15. He should have been good for the Bills. However as they say, you can't measure heart.
  16. If this trade did indeed happen, it's only proof that Davis suffered a stroke before agreeing to it. That being said, no fargin' way. The Raiders may be dumb, but they're not THAT dumb.
  17. And the Vikes got rid of Harris because he wasn't suited for the cover 2.
  18. "Best chance..." for what? A big payday? Because the Dols will finish last in the division again.
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