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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Do you mean the person who graduates last in their class in med school? Personally, I graduated with an honors in economics. But that was decades ago, and really doesn't have much bearing on my life beyond me getting my first job.
  2. I am not even sure what your point is here, champ. I am right and that makes me uncool? And you are trashing the SAME EDUCATION that you received? Frqnkly, your terrible grammar and drunken stream of consciousness ramblings make us both look bad. Be a better human being.
  3. Because it's the only way to get subscribers for that trash service
  4. You are unhinged, it was a pretty straightforward conversation. He posted that he goes by another handle and I asked which one. Be more careful in your interactions, doc.
  5. Not sure what is a hoax exactly there, bu Happy New Year, buddy. Hope you are spending it with people you care about
  6. You seem to be the only one who wants to talk about it/thinks we are currently engaged in one. Get over yourself and try to be a better person, you'll find its really ok to have differences of opinion. You aren't at war with anything on a Portuguese bender, except maybe enjoying your trip. I don't have a brain, what other handles do you use here and why do you need them?
  7. I 100% agree. Also, those claiming we are already in a civil war are painting a far more dire picture than truly exists, and are artificially increasing the danger.
  8. Yes. Riots are very dangerous for both police and rioters. Swatting isn't a picnic for anyone though, and you know that. Be a better person.
  9. I think we could all do with admitting that the sky is blue once in a while, don't you?
  10. Doc, this is a really low point for you, my hope is that you don't honestly hold this extreme view (just like you dont believea lot of the crap you post).. But I hope that you our yours aren't ever swatted. It's incredibly unsafe for both cops and civilians.
  11. This does make me happy, and it's good to know that there is still a modicum of rational thought in your head. As for trans folks, why not take that discussion where it belongs? This thread is about scumbags who like to endanger lives by swatting.
  12. Bizarre whatabouism, but at least it aint a Trump meme. I personally don't want to be subject to the trans folks nonsensical gendering schemes or to let biological males play contact sports against women. Does that mean I want them erased? But seriously, why can't most of you people just admit that swatting is bad? Do you support/agree with the practice? This is getting weird.
  13. So are you against swatting or not, doc? Simple question to decide whether or not you are a decent human being.
  14. I agree with this. I would suggest Best Spot (linked below) or anywhere east of it on the south side 20A. It's important to note that they shut 20A down right at One Bills Drive, so it'll impact where park. I can make it back to Rockland County in about 5:25 from there, so if you are going all the way home it's the only way to fly... PM me if you have questions. https://maps.app.goo.gl/HLLPrK2iKrT7MXC27 As for tailgating, Hammer's and his buddy right across Abbot are both great...
  15. WTF are you ranting about here? Huffing Billsy's paint can?
  16. Are you really ok with swatting? I cant believe that you are that bad of a person. Terrible right? Just like all swatting?
  17. Please don't go on. Clearly you do not understand what swatting means, see below. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatting
  18. Lol, gtfoh. Who did you "remove ", tough guy? Personally, I think most of the reason you are here is because you feel emasculated since stopping practicing, and are trying to get "wins" by spamming a message board with nonsense that you hardly believe.
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