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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. She reported it to the bus driver? When? The bus driver/janitor/loser was her superior/manager? Hmmm, I doubt it. But if that were the case and she went over the bus driver/janitor/loser's head to report a case of abuse because the bus driver/janitor/loser didn't do anything about it (how much time does he/she need?) I highly doubt she'd be "ripped a new one."


    Once again she's an enabler.


    According to the local news the day the main video was shot, there is video of her saying that. The bus driver is responsible for what happens on that bus, and at least in all 4 districts my wife has worked for ( including Greece) the monitors report to the driver and the driver deals with any incidents with the head of the garage who reports to the various principals and vice pricipals. The driver is not the monitors boss, but that's the way the info flows. Karen was a driver for many years so she knows how it works. If she didn't see action being taken in a reasonable amount of time I agree she should have done more, but that hardly makes her an enabler. She's been there long enough to know how long it takes for the district to take any action, which can be slow at best. For all she knew the process was in motion.


    Same type of thing with teachers aides. They report what happens in the class to the teacher even though the teacher isn't the boss. My wifes current aide was the subject of a hostile environment with her previous teacher, took the district 2 months to take it seriously and move her after she went all the way to the top.

  2. Here's my point. Kids are out if control because they feel there will be no negative consequences to their actions. And in this case they are 100% correct. If their nimrod friend hadn't recorded the event and posted it they would have completely gotten away with it. Had this woman stood up for herself they may, or not, have learned a lesson. But because she didn't they would have learned nothing from their actions. I'm not saying she flips out on them. There are plenty of actions she could have taken


    1. Tell the kids to stop or she was going to report them to their parents. She had plenty of witnesses that would have backed up her story.


    2. Tell the kids to stop or she'd report them to principal once again with a bus full of witnesses.


    3. Tell them to stop or she'd report them to the police and again with a bus full of witnesses.


    4. Use her own phone (if she had one and even my 87 year old mother does) to report the incident to the school authorities and that they were heading back to the school with a bus full of witnesses.


    None of these scenarios would cause any litigation challenges to the school district. But to sit there and do nothing made these little ***** feel stronger and more empowered. By doing nothing she enabled them. This is why I cant understand so many of you are saying she did the right thing.


    She reported it to the bus driver which was her chain of command. It was then up to him/her to do something about it and Karen needed to give time for that to happen. I don't know about your world, but at my job if I skip over my manager and complain to the director I'll be ripped a new one. So how did she not do the right thing? It's not like this had gone on for months, or even weeks where she would have had the chance to escalate it if the driver took no action.

  3. Which is all true...but I'm thinking that anyone over the age of 30 who lets the taunts of seventh graders get to them to that degree (and yes, I heard the taunts) isn't exactly a rock, either.


    Taunts yea, but mention of her family killing themselves when her son already did that could break even the strongest soul.

  4. And what job was this lady supposed to be doing? Bus monitor right? She waant doing much monitoring was she? Just because she's old doesn't mean she can't stand up for herself. I would love to see how my mom who is truly a little old lady at the age of 87 would have handled it.


    Lost her **** then lost her job? This lady apparently needed her job so she did what she needed to keep it. A bus monitors job is to keep the kids safe, not lose her temper because they are picking on her. She told the bus driver what happened and he/she should have dealt with it through the proper channels, that didn't happen.


    This lady isn't cashing in through her own doing, so some of the vitrol makes no sense. I'll agree it's getting out of hand but we don't know if she'll turn around and dontate the majority to a worthy cause yet, lets give her the benefit of the doubt until she has that chance.


    Its amazing how people can openly criticize a kind gesture by thousands just because it doesn't meet their definition of a good cause. People can spend their money how they choose, and if their choice means sending $10 this ladies way (no matter how empty an actual gesture it is) then who really gives a crap.


    This thread is starting to turn into the same type of judgemental crap that brought this on in the first place.

  5. Raised $301,535 towards the $5,000 goal.


    This is not about just what is wrong in this world, it is about what is right. Also, how do taxes work in this situation?


    ****Edit/Update: Been tracking it. As of the last couple hours it goes up at least $1,000 ever ten minutes.


    Unfortunetly she'll now have to deal with the same scum that comes out of the woodwork when you win the lotto. Hope she gets in touch with a lawyer.

  6. youtube.com/watch?v=l93wAqnPQwk


    Karen on the Today show, raised about $180k for her so far.


    on 98.9 The Buzz


    If these are your kids, well, you better not own up to it. People in anonymous and many others are looking to track the kids down. They were one of the first groups to really bring this to light.


    It's heartwarming watching our community and the world rally behind Karen. But some of the response has been equally as vile. First, I'll just point out that Kimberly from the Buzz that you linked to is about as bad as those kids, not surprising she'd use two full days of her show to exploit this for ratings.


    I think the anger needs to be directed at the school district here. Not the kids or even the parents. Why was Karen unable to do anything about this while it was occurring? The reality is, if she reacted they would have gone home, edited the video and only shown that part. In the end Karen loses her job. It's an issue many in the educational field deal with everyday. These precious little kids are never wrong. The other sad reality is if this wasn't exposed on youtube the school district would have never done anything about it. Karen reported it to the bus driver but it seemed to stop there. Had she reported it higher with no video evidence, the kids words would have been taken over hers for fear of the parents reaction.


    Is what the kids did disgusting? Yep. How do we know they're all bad kids though? Often, one will be the ring leader and the other weak minded ones will follow thinking it's the cool thing to do or wanting to fit in because of peer pressure. One or two may be good kids for all we know that made a stupid mistake. Now they'll learn their lesson (hopefully) but they don't need to fear for their lives. I don't doubt that at least one of them is a vile little **** though.


    Is it the parents fault? Maybe. But some kids just can't be reached. You can teach your kids all the manners and respect in the world but once they enter their peer group it's who can be the coolest. It's also hard to teach strength, if your kid is easily influenced and weak minded it can be hard to overcome that. Get them next to the wrong kid and they try to fit in. Luckily most kids are strong enough to overcome peer pressure and do the right thing.


    What the internet is doing for Karen is great, what the internet is doing to the kids, family and those connected to them is as equally as vile and they are no better than the kids who harassed Karen.

  7. My PC crash twice today . . .


    My home builds haven't crashed in 5 years. Same or more computing power of apple for half the cost. The problem isn't the OS anymore, it's the cheap parts manufactures put in them that don't play nice.


    And no, I'm not a fanboy of either, love my PC, love my iphone.

  8. I think you're referring to the Samsung Galaxy Note -- too big to be a phone, too small to be a tablet! :D


    Seriously though, there's roughly a million different phones there. To say all of the Android phones are getting too big is rather silly.


    I didn't say all, but any of the latest ones worth owning are, not just the note. Even the razr was too big for my liking and the galaxy s III just looks silly. IMO 3.5 inch screens are the sweet spot. 4 inches is pushing the edge when it comes to physical size and anything larger men need to carry a purse.

  9. Mark me down as a vote for the iPhone. I debated back and forth for my last upgrade. In the end the deciding factor was the physical size of the phone. The andriods are just getting too big. I don't care to hold a mini tablet up to my head and they're uncomfortable in my pocket. I hope apple doesn't follow the trend and make it larger.

  10. for iphone:


    Clear - check list app for my tasks

    Al Jazeera Live - HD live stream of their English news

    TuneIn Radio - listen to, record, etc radio stations from all over the world.

    Zillow - take a tour of all your neighbor's houses, and find out what they are worth

    ScoutMob - a MUCH better take on the "Groupon" fad which doesnt require you to purchase anything up front


    According to zillow, my house is in foreclosure. Good to know. laugh.gif

  11. Boy, Tiger's a whiny b*tch.


    It's amazing how many people still like this guy. Kick another club you classless jacktard.


    It's great to see Feddie up top, hope he can be in the final group Sunday. With Couples, Rory and Phil all in the mix, it's going to be hard to pick a guy I want to win.

  12. She's taken over from Carl for the most annoying character, IMO. Nice to see she supported her husband when he was explaning what went down with Shane... dry.gif


    I didn't get that at all. A couple episodes back she all but told Rick to take him out to protect their family. Then she cops a tude when he does it.

  13. Good deal, Captain...I don't knwo if you've seen the new ones, but they're way cool. It's very small, but has more capacity than the 1st gen, has a nice interface, and even an FM radio built in. I am very impressed with it so far...


    It's not bad, I got one with the replacement program. Problem is the battery life for the radio sucks. I have a 3 year old Sansa I've used everyday at work for the radio that still last the whole day on half a charge. The Nano i can't even get 5 hours brand new.

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