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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. Some of the jokes I heard on the radio were pretty good.


    "Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn't hope. Sometimes it's just New Jersey."


    There were some great one liners, but the whole thing was very disjointed and most of the bits seemed more like very poor improve that didn't even fit the theme. They could have done so much more with that stage.

  2. Just watched it on TV. It was pretty much what I expected... a satirical take on the news media and how they generate more division and fear than anything else, sprinkled with some music and humor. Of course most people... especially the news channels... won't get it.


    I was disappointed. I didn't think the message was there that they were trying to get across and even the comedy bits were very forced and lacking in humor. The Roots were the highlight, IMO.

  3. Certified Pre-Owned at .9% for the first two years of the loan, while a standard used car bank loan is about 5%.



    I already know all that. All it comes down to is if I have the money to pay for a vehicle outright, why shouldn't I? I'm not the type to change vehicles every three years. I'm driving a 12 year old truck, that doesn't look that old, maybe 5-6 years, because I take care of my stuff. My TV is 13 years old. I could run out and buy a new 60" 3-D one, but why bother? The prices keep going down. I'll use this one till it dies.


    You might want to rethink that TV thing. Prices this fall/winter are going to be the lowest you'll see. There's a large overstock of panels in the market due to decreased sales and manufactures are using the new fangled LED tech to drive prices back up. You'll never find better prices on CCFL LCD's then you will this fall, especially as they are phased out for the LED's (which are pure hype and offer no benefit until they are all local dimming set's, not edge lit.)

  4. http://latimesblogs....ducer-dies.html


    Cannell has created or co-created nearly 40 television series, mostly crime dramas, including The Rockford Files, The Greatest American Hero, The A-Team, Wiseguy, 21 Jump Street, Silk Stalkings, and The Commish. In the process he has, by his own count, scripted more than 450 episodes, and produced or executive produced over 1,500 episodes.


    Wow....a quick glance at the name made me think it was Steve Carell.

  5. then consider the case of an elderly patient mulling knee replacement. if he's faced with $10k+ of the cost he's more likely to come to me first for joint injections and medical treatment than to jump into an expensive surgery frought with possible complications with marginally better outcomes. thats a win- win.


    And then when your injections don't work and he's left with no choice, he's already out the 20% he's paid to you plus another 20% for the replacement. Who's it a win-win for? Better evaluation of the best course of treatment from the start would help. You think Mr. Senior wants knee surgery if there are other options? Unfortunately, hospitals can act more like a business offering upsells then a place for care. You're looking for reform in the wrong place.

  6. I don't see the difference -- in both cases, the idea that someone is being "threatened" is ridiculous.


    If she had said, "You better hope you're never my patient," that might be a LITTLE different, but even then - grow up.


    You don't see the difference, but there are always a good number of cop haters that come out when something like the reverse happens. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of it for those people.

  7. Cop pulls over nurse for speeding.


    Nurse reportedly tells cop "I hope you are not ever my patient."


    Cop reports nurse's comment to hospital...he feels 'threatened'.


    Nurse fired.






    Nurse had it coming, she used her profession to make a "threat" to the officer. Sure, the officer probably should have brushed it off but he's free to report it.


    Now reverse it.


    Cop is in the hospital, nurse takes a little too long, is having a bad day and is being a little snippy.


    Cop is annoyed and tells the nurse I hope I never see you driving through my town. Nurse reports to the police that she feels threatened. Would we be questioning that?

  8. Here ya go.....





    I'd give you explicit directions, but one of my son's friends is playing video games right now. When you select your resolution(s) pick 1080 and 720....and for the picture size you want to select Stretch.


    P.S. If your picture is grainy you may have a signal issue and if I were you I'd schedule a trouble call. There's no charge for that.


    P.P.S. I'm assuming the Buffalo Division has the new Navigator.


    P.P.P.S. I have the 8300HDC DVR and I have no issues with it.


    Hope this helps.


    By the way Cablelady, the new Navigator (and I'm assuming you mean the guide?) SUCKS ASS! :thumbdown:

  9. I'm convinced that something isn't setup properly. I'm not in the mood to tinker with the box settings and possibly screw up an entire weekend of football broadcasts. I'll probably call Time Warner early next week.


    Changing the picture size on the cable box is a simple menu change. If it doesn't look right after changing it, you can put it right back to stretch and you'll be where you started. Nothing to lose.

  10. My TV is set to "normal". (16:9) The cable box is set to "stretch".


    Cable box also needs to be set to Normal. It's stretching standard def broadcasts, but is also stretching the HD broadcasts which is degrading the quality. Once you change the cable box back to normal, you should have the bars for standard def broadcasts and HD should fill the screen. If that doesn't work, the box is screwing something up and TW should give you a different one.

  11. This is the weird part - it's set to "stretch" for the HD channels, but the aspect ratio is correct. The picture isn't "stretched", it's just subtlety grainy if you look closely. When I set the aspect ratio to normal while watching an HD channel, I have bars on the top and bottom.



    Are you changing the aspect ratio on your TV or cable box? They both have them. Go to the settings > display > picture size on the cable box and make sure it's set to "Normal". Maybe the setting on the box is conflicting with your TV setting, make sure that both are set to normal.

  12. I doubt it. The tech who installed the new box setup the HD channels so they were the proper aspect ratio and filled the screen. I can press the # key to change the aspect ratio, but the only changes I can make either gets a picture that overflows the screen, or doesn't fill it properly. The bottom line is the feed itself is grainy. When I called Time Warner to ask them about this, the person answering the phone didn't even know what OTA meant, and tried to tell me that the cable feed isn't supposed to look "exactly" like what the networks provide.


    One other obvious difference is now when 4:3 commercials play during an HD broadcast, there aren't any bars on the left/right. Instead, the picture is blown up so portions on the top and bottom are cut off.



    If the picture doesn't fill the screen on an HD channel, then the show wasn't recorded in HD and isn't meant to fill the screen. You were probably on a standard def widescreen broadcast on an HD channel if the tech had bars on all 4 sides when setting it up. You need to have the aspect ratio set at "normal", not "zoom" or "stretch" (or your tv's equivalents).


    Some people like to stretch the standard def programs, but if you don't change it back when you're on an HD channel, then your HD isn't going to look right. If standard def programs are filling the screen, then you are either zoomed or stretched which will degrade the HD look.

  13. years of experience and relative success. remember the elderly saying "don't touch my medicare" while railing against govt run healthcare? in general, they're very happy with the program (not so much for private insurance customers)...and it runs efficiently compared to private insurers- administrative costs as a percentage of total costs are much lower than even the most efficient private insurers...no million dollar salaries or stockhholder dividends to pay, no profit to be made. the case study has already been done and it has worked while private insurance continues to fail and increase in cost while refusing care for huge swaths of the population including the sickest patients.


    Oh yes, they're very happy with Medicare. So happy in fact, that millions have to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan to cover many of their basic medical needs, because original Medicare doesn't cover enough for them. And who are these Medicare Advantage plans run by? Egats! It's private insurance companies. Ever look at the reimbursment rates that Medicare gives these private companies? They'd be shockingly high to you, and Medicare sets the rates.


    Why are administrative costs as a percentage of total costs lower? Another shocking answer, because these are passed off to the private insurance company running the Medicare Advantage programs. Medicare can hide the $ amount in the reimbursment payment.

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