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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. Rochester PD = Scum bags




    Ok, I still don't feel bad for this chick but seriously, WTF? RPD, you now get what you have coming. I've been working in the city for 10 years, lived there 2 of those years and have never seen a cop with a ruler doing this or more than one cop writing traffic citations in a single area.

  2. Definitely agree with the low percentage comment -- but it makes the entire profession look bad.

    It's the 5%rule. 5% are ignorant jackasses but they make the other 95% look bad. Just likeany other segment of society. Being a cop is such a visible profession thatmany people can't differentiate this and consider all cops jackasses and thisis unfortunate. I wonder who these people that have such disdain for lawenforcement will call when someone breaks in their house?




  3. Looks like the tape is running for a bit before they even know she was there. If she was talking **** then they would have turned to her much sooner. Just because a cop tells you to do something, doesn't mean you have to. Some cops don't know what they are doing, this is one of them. I'm betting tough guy gets some time off.


    No, you don't have to but it sure as hell is in your best interest to. That moment is not the time to argue the law with the cop, because if he doesn't know the law there is no way for you to win. If he is just hellbent on being a dick, still no way for you to win. If you feel your rights are being violated, you remove yourself from the situation and file a complaint later.


    This woman was looking for a confrontation and got exactly what she wanted, giving the RPD a black eye and that boneheaded cop was all too happy to comply. And frankly the cops request wasn't all that absured to begin with. Cops ask people to move away from a scene or go back inside all the time. They do it for their own protection and the publics. I still say he could have handled it in a MUCH better way, but she is still the one who instigated the exchange.

  4. http://www.huffingto...r_n_882122.html



    I'm sure the officer will be swiftly disciplined with paid vaca.. i mean suspension.


    It was not for video taping and at no time does the officer tell her to stop taping. That's a great hot button issue to garner sympathy for her. It was for not complying with a request to move. Should she have been arrested? No. Should she even have to move? Probably not. The officer should have had much better judgement and realized she wasn't a threat. Will probably be suspended. Of course, we don't know what she did before she started taping as the officer alluded to.


    Given that, I have a hard time seeing this girl as a victim. She went looking for trouble. The officer had a simple request and if she had any respect for police she would have just backed up onto her porch. It was dark, the officer was focused on the suspect and didn't want to worry about bystanders. She was a tough girl until the cuffs came out. She got what she went looking for, controversy.

  5. The bartender claims that Dunn wasn't even remotely drunk. This could be him protecting his own arse after over-serving then letting a patron drive (makes him liable if he is drunk).


    The body didn't burn, it was recovered before the car went up in flames. They're doing the toxicology on it right now.


    If it comes out he was sober, a lot of "holier than thou" folks on this board better be ready with a mea culpa. I'm going to wait to pass judgement on the guy until we find out if he was wasted.


    If he was, then he's an absolute idiot.



    If he was neither drunk or driving 100 I'll gladly issue a mea culpa and maybe would should wait for the facts, I'll give you that.. But if he was doing either of those, being critical of him is not even close to being "holier than thou". It's having respect for your fellow man by not engaging in those activities. If he did do either, for once the right person died instead of the family of 4 on the way home from grandmas that is too often the victims while the idiot walks away.


    I'll say it and if it makes me holier than thou I could care less. If you drink and drive, you're a f'in dumbass and I don't care what happens to you. I do believe in redemption, but that is earned by your actions that follow and you're still a dumbass for ever doing it. This isn't 1950, it's well understood what alcohol does to your judgement and ability and knowing that if you still choose to make that decision I'll pass judgement on you without remorse.

  6. In the 7 posts before yours, including my OP, there wasnt a lot of "slapping him on the back and telling him to rest in peace". If you bother to read them. A few of us saying "he was our favorite" or "seemed like a good guy", but no one is canonizing him here. Relax.



    Thread title "RIP Ryan Dunn"


    Would you like a mulligan?

  7. A guy speeding in his Porsche, after drinking at a bar, kills himself and a passenger at 3:00a in the morning and y'all are slappIng him on that back and telling him to rest in peace? :unsure:


    He just killed someone and assuming a third party wasn't the cause of the accident, I can think of a better place for him to spend eternity and it isn't in peace.


    Yes. Don't you know it's sad because he was once on TV?

  8. From the sound of the article I'm making the assumption the university police are fully trained law enforcement like those of the SUNY system and not just campus security. If they are not, it would change my opinion as he wouldn't be equiped to deal with that type of situation.


    But going off my assumption, what a boneheaded move to fire him (unless of course he has a long history of poor judgement). Yes, he was wrong not to inform dispatch and he was probably even wrong to go there unless he was requested for mutual aid. Given that, it's not like he left his post to go out to lunch or meet a chick for a little romp. He probably had to make a split second decision to help a fellow officer and responding to that type of call takes big brass ones. Had he not been fired, he could have been disciplined in private, the media would have never known and the university wouldn't have egg on it's face.

  9. Come on, that ball now resides in a place of honor in paintmyhouse's junk drawer. Just like the one I got at Yankee Stadium while cutting school my senior year of HS.



    I was at a game once where a foul ball nailed a little kid (about 6 yo) in the head and ricocheted to a guy about five rows back who wouldn't give it up to the kid!! The whole section started shouting and cursing at the guy, everyone getting louder and more pissed off. I think he was about two minutes from getting the crap beat out of him by a mob when he finally gave the ball up to the kid.


    Was at a minor league game and a big fat guy sitting by himself got a ball early in the inning, came right to him so no biggie, it's his. About 5 pitches later a ball is fouled and lands in the other end of his empty row. A little kid (4,maybe 5) walks slowly over to pick it up, but this guy comes bolting down the row and grabs the ball as the kid is bending over to pick it up. Kid starts crying. Needless to say, crowd unloads on this guy. After about 5 minutes of harassment a real man who caught a foul ball earlier walks up and gives it to the kid. Kid lights up, crowd goes nuts, fat man leaves.




    Yes Mr. fat pathetic sports fan, you're a douche. Kids idolize athletes and like tokens from the game, adults should act like the idols and know when to give up the mentality of a 8 year old.

  10. I noticed that a lot of people had to go to interior rooms.. Closets... Bathrooms... Etc... Don't they have basements in these areas? I know here in Illinois through the years there have been many times where we hunkered down in the basement with the sirens going off. I would never buy a home in the MidWest without a basement!


    Depends on the area, but there are a few reasons for no basements. High water table, soil type and earthquake zones are the primary reasons.


    If I ever had to move to one of these areas, there is no way I would live in a home without a reinforced safe room. I would factor that into my housing costs. I know it's not cheap and many might not have the means but you're risking too much without one.

  11. For the past few years I have mulched my yard with the bags of scotts naturescapes....I noticed the quality of the mulch has decreased and the price has increased....Anyway....i have noticed some homes with a real nice finely graded black mulch and I would like to know if anyone on the board knows of any places that offer this finely shredded mulch. I am located in Amherst...A couple places i found offer the double shredded but it is not as fine as the mulch I saw.... Any suggestions or experiences?


    I've tried nursery/garden center delivery (multiple ones) and have yet to find anything that stays black even half as long as the naturescapes. I agree the quality has degraded a little, I noticed more large chunks this year and uncolored pieces, but not enough to make me switch. Price jumped but I got it on sale and the cost was in line with the past few years.


    Good luck, hopefully you won't be looking at grey mulch in July like I did for a number of years.

  12. He needs to change his game and whole mindset about the way he plays if he wants to play past a few more years. Few players can do this, but he has the skills and the drive to be able to return to the top (or close to it anyways). One could hope if he manages to do this, it will also change his crappy attitude on the course, otherwise I could care less if he fades into obscurity.

  13. Speaking of restaurants expanding, DiBella's Subs has opened a shop here in Columbus. For the life of me I can't remember this from when I was at RIT. Is it worth the drive to check it out?


    If your only other option is Subway, then yes. But it's no different then other good sub shops.

  14. the law is wrong, once again. newsflash: laws change over time. and this is one that will change. where someone is born is meaningless. did you know that john mccain was not born on US soil?


    Gearing up for the Schwarzenegger presidency I see.

  15. Yeah, this is really serious....over 30 people already dead in Alabama and now GA is getting hit. Tornado WARNING just issued for Fulton Co, which is Atlanta.


    EDIT: Just as I typed this, the death count has doubled...it's now over 60


    At least 173 dead now, I think that's a two day total including Tuesdays storms.


    Probably won't reach the level of the '73 super outbreak but it's damn close.

  16. We have a tornado warning here in buffalo actually


    You have a watch....and the first round of storms is well to the east. Second round late tonight won't have the ingredients for a tornado.


    The Dansville, NY high school roof was blown off. Probably straight line winds and not a tornado.

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