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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. I just got back from a week on Cape Cod. Fantastic place to kick around on wide sandy beaches. The seafood there is fantastic! Fried clams (with the bellies) are beyond compare. Chef - you should take your lovely bride there on your next vacation. Wait... I didn't... :unsure: Oh No! :bag:


    Thanks...now I'm craving some Arnolds.


    Haha ya.


    She called me. Wanted to see how I was doing and wants us to be able to talk and be friends. Since im still all smitten by this gal, im gonna play along for now, but i was pretty stand offish last night. I decided tho that if it starts to hurt and i find out things I dont like, im gonna cut bait. I dont deserve that


    2-1 odds the other guy she was eyeballing rejected her. Sounds to me like she can't/doesn't want to be alone. But of course thats only based on my experience, not your relationship.


    Just a guess, but possibly for emergency exit? Like if the bus tips over?


    Chaperon said he told them to keep them closed, but obviously they didn't, though I'm guessing there will be a nice law suit since there was one chaperon for two levels. I don't blame that though, just a kid doing something he shouldn't have.


    Yep, emergency exit if the bus is on its side. Usually school buses have alarms on theirs, wonder if the coach did. Bet it will in the future.





    It wasn't 'not enough' for her, it was too much. Waaay too much. Dude, you can't smother women, no matter what the stupid ass Hollywood movies tell you. They will run away every time (unless they are crazy needy and then you'll need to run away).


    I'm sure Captain Hindsight won't make that mistake next time.


    Yup, you over compensated captain and she saw you as needy. Live and learn.



    Im reluctant to do that until I know fully where I stand with her. We are still a couple on Facebook. She hasnt changed that and I'm not sure what to think about it until I talk to her again. I decided to wait a few days before contacting her again just to let things settle and before tempers rage and destroy everything.


    My thinking right now is, Ive invested a lot in this relationship, I love her, and Im in no rush to find someone else. Im going to be coming home around thanksgiving so finding a girl down there for 3 months isnt worth it to me. After talking with my sister last night, I'm gonna let this whole thing play out. I drove almost 700 miles to go see her every few weeks. She meant that much to me. I dont regret doing it and I would do it again. Until I know where we stand as a couple, single, whatever, Im not gonna do anything to jeopardize a future with her


    Sorry my friend, but she already has another man or at least has one in mind. Time for you to bang a few hoes, even if you do get back together with her, in 10 years you'll wish you used this opportunity, especially after you find out she did.


    ....salesman guaranteed 10 years use (but not in writing). of course, he said i wanted a "real" john deere and that it was an investment and not a throw away item. not buying that but trying to talk myself into it.


    Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.

    Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.

    Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.

    Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.

    Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?

    [chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]

    Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?

    Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.

    Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?

    Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of ****. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.

    Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.

    Tommy: Well, that's...

    Tommy/Richard Hayden: ...What?


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