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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. Tuscaloosa leveled, Birmingham with possibly a severe hit by a wedge. Bad day to live in the south. It's going to be a very sad morning when the fatalities come to light.


    I'm a weather junkie and watch the coverage every year, and this is historic.

  2. Yes, my moral outrage is so extensive it can barely be bound by a single webpage.

    So are you the next fella who's going to follow me around making these type of insightful comments because his political bunk was removed from where it didn't belong?

    This oughta be entertaining for a good 2 or 3 minutes....... :rolleyes:


    Miss me? :D



    More like a dumbass...."It's blowin up the power lines!"

  3. I'm looking for a new router for the home. I dont need anything crazy, as most of my internet usage is net surfing from the laptop or ipod touch, and the occasional online game on the PS3. I'm looking to spend in the $50 range. Anyone got any suggestions? I've looked on cnet and most of the routers in that price range get similar reviews.


    I was looking at one of these...








    The reason i am getting a new router is because my old one is 5-6 years old, and my ipod touch can't keep a wireless connection. It holds the connection for 5 minutes or so, then drops it, and i have to keep renewing the lease and/or toggling the wireless off/on on the ipod. My ipod touch holds other wireless network connections just fine, ao i assume its my old router thats the issue.



    My link



    This thing is a workhorse. Had it two years and have only had to reset it once. It's not wireless N, but few people actually need that. I have a Wii, PS3, Samsung internet TV, iPod touch and a laptop all connected to it and never have an issue. Handles netflix streaming flawlessly as well.

  4. My wifes uncle is in upper management for Tops and I had this discussion with him at one point. Wegmans model is lower everyday prices so if you don't want to shop the sales then you're better of there. Tops generally has higher prices, but they have great sales where you can really save. Tops makes up for it by drawing you in with the sales banking that you'll buy a few other items while you're there. All depends on how much time you want to spend shopping. I prefer Wegmans because I don't want to worry about price, just get me in and out.

  5. Samsung as the main TV in my house, Vizio's in the bedroom and office. Samsung blows them away, but I'm happy with the cost/quality trade-off in the lesser used rooms.


    Yes, Samsung did have an issue with their power supply caps as pointed out, but that issue is no more.

  6. Or just eat it because "it's good for you"? I find it bitter like chewing on raw coffee. Why can't I have a wonderful loaf of warm French bread? Just eat wheat germ if your that worried about it.


    You talking sandwich bread? For a nice fresh loaf from the bakery I like the "whites" so to speak. For sandwich bread I love Wegmans whole wheat and I'd take it any day over the white bread. So much more flavor IMO. I do agree though that some whole wheat breads are just awful, the key is finding a good one. I also eat Wegmans whole wheat english muffins for the taste, not for the health benefits. That's just an added bonus.

  7. There is evidence out there to support what you are saying. I'm just not sure what we should do with it. You can't get rid of all firemen whether volunteer or professional. Where would we be then? If you wiped the slate clean and started from scratch wouldn't you just end up with a bunch much like the one you just rid yourself of?


    One word. Elephants.

  8. This is one list that Buffalo should be happy about not making. It may be a long time before California and Florida bounce back given the fact they have multiple cities each on this list.


    Rachacha Jobs


    Sounds like a pretty crappy study.




    Now, the Forbes list. There is only one metric in play: They divide the number of unemployed workers by the number of jobs posted in online listings.



    I wonder if they included all the wonderful work at home listings. :doh:

  9. Not until they add a "None of the Above" option.


    They have one, just leave the ballot blank. That's what I do for races that I refuse to pick someone for (like NY Governor) but don't want to look apathetic and not show up.

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