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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. first and ten,


    IMO going be 10X harder in NOV for a few reasons:


    1. In NE and the crowd will be into it and in Full playoff ready mode

    2. Pats should have Hernandez and Mankins back on O as well as Hightower on D. All 3 IMPORTANT players.

    3. Pats are a better HOME team

    4. Pats Young D (with 3 rookies in there) will be seasoned and probably not make dumb mistakes 9See 68 yd TD run)


    But could Buffalo make it tough? yes but your D going have to step up BIG time. And I personally dont know if they can or will.


    Yeah, well....Brady could always bruise a hair follicle and be out for the game, so there is hope.


    There was only one play on that drive where a blitz could have ben effective. The Pats are not going to leave Brady back there hanging around very often today; he'll be getting the ball out quick working on the Bills second level. A bunch of blitzing is likely to hurt us more than it is them.


    Hurt us worse than what we just saw? The Pats came in thinkin he Bills wouldn't blitz, its on tape. Play conservative all day and Brady will tear them apart anyways. No risk.....



    I definitely fired the controller at the TV many times in my Atari career. As for ET, I always thought it was underrated. Superman was another game you never heard about but it was one of my top 2 or 3.






    Superman was one of my favorites too, but the sound was god awful. Could never find the last piece of the bridge either.


    Spiderman was another top game for me.



    Combat came with the unit.


    My library included: Combat, Breakout, Space Invaders, Astroids, Adventure, Superman, Warlords, Defender, Berzerk, ET, Yars Revenge. Later, Activision had some good ones like Pitfall, Donkey Kong and Frogger.




    But my first was Pong. You could also play soccer and tennis!


    ET.....the first time I ever threw a controller at the TV. NO! I did NOT touch the !@#$ing side making me fall to the bottom of the pit again!


    River Raid was always my favorite 2600 game.

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