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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. Shaping up to get the ball back with 1 minute down by 3. What will Mr. MVP Wannabe do?
  2. What you don't address is: was it a bad route? Yes. Laughably bad. Now the Davis analysts are weighing whether to give this guy a second contract or let him walk. He's had 0 impact this game, going up against the non-Ahmad corner. I don't think it's an unfair question to ask, or a difficult decision to make. If you want a Super Bowl in Buffalo in your lifetime the choice is pretty clear.
  3. Manningcast is spot on, that was a horrible route from Davis. Never pushed the safety upfield at all, rounded it off hilariously.
  4. Not with this play calling and decision making. Defense is due to get gashed, I hope not but it feels so much like last season. Giving teams life and a Pedialyte instead of stomping their throat.
  5. Obvoiusly Josh saw what happened when Rodgers kept his feet on the ground.
  6. There was something aggressive about Milano standing there staring, I guess.
  7. Poyer doesn't even look like the shell of former Poyer so far. Yikes.
  8. You think think that you can try, but can you do the Milano mosh?
  9. You're right, either you're serious which is , or you're being sarcastic in which case you have an upset tummy and
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