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Everything posted by PSU_Mouse

  1. What does your gay-dar say about Ace? I'm pretty convinced - I mean for crying out loud, his first two songs were George Michael and Michael Jackson.
  2. I agree with your premise - heck I don't think its all that challenging for snyder either. HOWEVER, there are two glaring omissions in your numbers: 1. Nothing for Southern Ontario, including Hamilton and Toronto. That will increase the population and income base quite a bit. 2. Ignoring the fact that another NFL franchise, the Baltimore Ravens, exist in the same CSA.
  3. This whole CBA mess has gotta be pretty frustrating to everyone, not only in the front office and the players, but also the fans too. However, I think that flexibility might be a team's greatest asset right now. As far as I can tell, I don't think that we know how the cap and CBA is gonna look in 2006 and 2007 for sure - and that it can be low or high, depending on how it all shakes out. Some of the things that made the Sabres so successful this year (compared to their recent past) are: a stable front office, a team that is hungry and built for the new NHL, and the ability to be flexible once all the new changes came out. If you look at all the cuts that the Bills have made, they have made them to become more flexible, both in terms of the talent that they have, and flexible financially too. Sam Adams is a perfect example of this. He could have fit this team in a 4-3 defense, as long as he had another DT who could help him do the things he can't do. He isn't a good fit in any 3-4 defense. So basically, to keep him, the Bills would have been burdened financially with his cap number, AND, would have still needed to make a move to support him. Now, we all know that Ron Edwards and Tim Anderson isn't going to be the final answer at DT. However, now we have more flexibility to pick up someone via draft or free agency, without being tied down with Sam Adams's cap number. and since the terms that all teams are going to have to fill out their rosters via the draft and free agency isn't definite yet, flexibility seems to be key. I think that Regier did a great job with how he navigated the Sabres thru the lockout and resulting "new NHL". I don't think the NFL is going to be as drastic, however, I think Marv is doing a good job in the fact that there is quite a bit of uncertainty and all the draft/free agency moves shouldn't be done in a vacuum of this.
  4. He was great at Penn State. However, even back then he was regarded as undisciplined, as a player...which is why although Lavar is more of an athletic freak, Posluzny is getting more hype as an "all-time great" at PSU, right up there with Jack Ham and Shane Conlan.
  5. I love that guy...read his story sometime. I think with his makeup and motivation, he is gonna be quite a productive player in the league, for a long time.
  6. The Colts have signed Tee Martin for the 2006 season. Thinking they've got a complete team with the exception of one piece, they feel that Martin is that missing piece. Colts GM Bill Polian states "You can't help but see the similarities between us and the late 90's Tennessee Volunteer teams". More on NFL Primetime
  7. yeah, especially since Zemaitis is a local boy..
  8. Going to the Orange Bowl...going to see two living legends...and traveling with the Nittany Nation!
  9. well it is a TOPIC i started....all I was saying is that I agree. who cares how many posts I have.
  10. HEY - there's a local tie-in. Alan Zemaitis, who played his high school ball at Spencerport (west side of Rochester) had 3 INT yesterday, and is a jim thorpe award finalist!
  11. about robinson - I said the same thing about 3 weeks ago...scroll down this board.
  12. Not even close guys. Here's how to compare, IMO: SEC Big 10/11 ACC Pac 10 Big 12 Big East 1. Alabama Penn State Miami USC Texas WVU 2. LSU Ohio State Fla. St. Oregon TT USF (yeah, i know) 3. UGA Wisconsin VT UCLA Colorado Louisville 4. Auburn Michigan BC Cal Oklahoma Rutgers 5. Florida Northwestern UVA Arizona St Iowa State Pitt 6. S. Carolina Minnesota UNC Oregon St Nebraska ????? 7. UT/Vandy Iowa Clemson Stanford ???? ???? Based on this, here's how I rank them: 1. Big 10/11 - There isn't a deeper conference in America right now. I didn't even mention Michigan St, who beat ND at ND. Not to mention at the end of the year, PSU, OSU and Michigan are projected to have the 1-3 toughest schedules all year. 2. SEC - good D's beat good O's most of the time. Although there is no O around these parts , D's are good. 3. ACC - top-heavy. After VT, there isn't a real good team left. 4. Pac 10 - any conference where your co-leader can lose 52-7 is either A) really balanced and deep or B) has a ton of weak teams. Its USC and everyone else.. 5. Big XII - only because Texas >> WVU. If it wasn't for Texas, this conference may be worse than the big east. 6. Big East - South Florida isn't a horrible team, people. They have no business in a BCS Bowl, and the fact that they may be the 2nd best team in this conference is sad, but hey, better than nothing.
  13. VT AHEAD of PSU? what has VT done to deserve that ranking? they beat ?????? oh yeah BC. they just lost at HOME by 20.
  14. Ok Penn State fans - What are your thoughts on drafting Michael Robinson. Definitely not in the 1st, but 3rd-4th Round??? I'm not sure what his future NFL stock is, or what position he'd be good for. But I think that he might actually have a chance as an NFL QB - provided he has time to learn and get better. And I think he might not be a horrible 3rd stringer while he learns. Before you say I'm crazy - I think coaching and getting reps is critical to a QB's development. and no matter what you think about sam wyche and MM's work with JPL - its gotta be better than one year under Jay Paterno. And if it doesn't work out??? Well, he might be a good strong safety - just ask that Minnesota DB how hard he can hit...
  15. That's the ideal scenario. Its so easy, I don't know why it isn't the case??
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