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Posts posted by 90sBills

  1. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    Beck - Thanks for finding that.  I thought the "never been more locked in" thing was a media sound bite and didn't put much stock in it.  It was interesting to hear him talk more specifically about it.   It's better evidence that he's spending his off-season the way he should.  


    I really would like to know who, if anyone, is Allen's true mentor.  Maybe Palmer.   I say that because I've come to the conclusion that what Allen needs is some really high-end training in on-field decision making.   It's interesting that what he talked about here was mostly getting better physically, and being healthier.   That's great, but that's not what distinguishes the great ones - like Rodgers and Brady and I'd say Mahomes from Allen right now.   What distinguishes them from him is decision making.   What is the absolute right choice to make every second, and then executing it.  


    Just for sake of discussion, I'd say that purely physically, Allen is one of the top five QBs of all time.  I don't who's on that list, but I'd start with (in no particular order)  Cam Newton, John Elway, Josh, Michael Vick, and I don't know who else.   Big guys who were real threats running the ball and with powerful arms and the ability to deliver all kinds of throws accurately.  I'm a huge fan of Rodgers' ability, and I put him high on the list, as well. 


    In my view, for Allen to achieve true greatness, it's mostly about also putting himself in the top five mentally.   I don't know who the top five are (certainly Brady and Peyton, who were almost other-worldly processing information at the line of scrimmage, maybe Rodgers, and whether he's top five or not, Mahomes at least has shown he's very good at it).   Whoever the top five are, Josh is not among them.  Elway worked to get better and better in that regard; Newton and Vick never became elite because they never showed it.  


    I'd love to know what he's doing to improve mentally.  Do Dorsey and McDermott help him set goals in that regard?  Does Palmer?  Does Josh seek out someone like Peyton and ask him about how he processed at the line of scrimmage?    What's Josh doing to make himself a brain surgeon as well as Superman?


    Anyway, thanks for pointing this out to me.   



    This. I agree with this part so much! His decision making in crunch time is what’s holding him back. His physical attributes are all there to be great. He needs to improve the mental aspect of his game. Seeing the field better to make the right decisions. I think with more experience he’ll get there.

  2. 3 minutes ago, julian said:

    If you honestly believe he’s “far” from being the leagues best player after being one of only 2 QBs to garner MVP votes 3 years running along with Mahomes being the only 2 QBs to win their divisions 3 straight years… then we have a difference of opinion.


     I’m not even arguing he is the best player, it was the idea only his teammates and division rivals could possibly think that… that’s absurd, but I respect your point of view I just don’t agree.

    Well let me clarify. I believe Allen is the 2nd best qb after Mahomes. Mahomes is the best player in the league right now. So mix in a few position players between were Mahomes and Allen on the list and that’s what I meant from my comment. Appreciate a civil back and forth with differing opinions that doesn’t include any derogatory comments. Likewise respect your pov as well. Hey maybe he’ll be the unanimous #1 after next season! 👍

    • Agree 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, julian said:

    Lol what… he’s costing them games ? They went 13-3 and won the division 3 years running, put some respect on that man’s name.


    it’s obvious no player is perfect, but to act like only his teammates or division rivals would consider him the best player in the league is just silly IMHO.

    Yup. 3 losses where one win could’ve locked up the #1 seed. I didn’t comment on the bolded part so no opinion there. However he’s far from the #1 player in the league imho. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, julian said:

    Yeah every game he’s making incredible throws and runs… I didn’t think that was debatable… it’s the reason he’s one of only 2 QBs to receive MVP votes 3 straight years along with Mahomes 

    Yeah he does some great stuffs. Unfortunately he also mixed in some not so great stuffs that costs games. So not really amazing every weekend. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Augie said:


    That is an excellent point. I don’t get that at all. 


    A bit off topic, but I doubt he has the career success his trajectory might seem to indicate. Once they have to pay him and put all the guaranteed money into escrow, how many big time guys can will they pony up guaranteed money for?  They may be capable of paying, but they do not seem willing


    I remember T.J. Houshmandzadeh  laughing at how cheap they were. BYOG, for Gatorade! I lived in Cincinnati during college, and I don’t think the reputation has changed much. Time will tell. 

    I’m with you on this point. Very interested to see how he performs after one of those studs WRs leaves. 

  6. 2 hours ago, julian said:

    I totally agree a week one beat down of KC will mean very little for all the reasons you stated, but it doesn’t explain the thumbs down.


     A week one matchup against KC would be an exciting football game.

    That’s too early for a game between two of the top teams. It’d be a much better game after week 4 when both teams are up to speed. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 1 hour ago, SUNY_amherst said:


    I mean you saw it. He was a different guy in that Cincy game and both Jets games. Its one thing to go out swinging and another to play it safe or scared. Diggs was pissed, probably wondering where his QB went

    I did see him as more tentative and indecisive in the Cincy game. The whole team was drained at that point so he probably felt the same.


    His inconsistency started in the 2nd half of the Packers game and he was never able to recapture that early season form. Hopefully he’ll clean things up next season otherwise it’ll be another early exit. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, Tipster19 said:

    Let me clarify myself a little more. As my “friend” Jauronimo kindly pointed out the title of this thread was misrepresented, kudos to him. I’m all for Josh having a great exciting life, charity softball, Kentucky Derby’s, prestigious golf tournaments, etc etc. I’m all FOR it! Josh has earned every bit of it and I’m EXTREMELY happy for him, he deserves and earned every bit of it. What I’m referring to is the stark change to his perceived image, right, wrong or indifferent. All of a sudden he’s in a break up with his childhood beau, rumored that he plowed a Buffalo barmaid and got her pregnant and the sudden modeling in popsicle suits. Sorry, I don’t like the direction that he appears to be heading, it just seems out of character for him. Furthermore I don’t doubt that when the football flies he’ll still be physical but I want his image to stay intact. Call me whatever you want because I think that I more than proven that I don’t care what any of you think and your opinion of me. I’ve been on this message board a long time and what I have witnessed is that they’re far too many of you that think that they can say and do anything they want towards others. I guarantee that you won’t find too many times where I have totally came out and insulted others. In the few times that I have acted negative towards others was in response, I NEVER initiated it. Do you know why? It’s because I’m a staunch believer in that if I’m not man enough to say it to your face then I’m not going to be a weasel enough to hide behind a keyboard. My only wish is that I would like to see more people follow this philosophy but then again I’ve always been accused of being a dreamer…

    It appears to me that you just don’t like his style. Maybe it’s too flamboyant for your personal taste. You’d prefer he’d be a low key nose to the grindstone type that would represent the blue collar mentality of this area. That’s just a personal preference man. It has nothing to do with his ability on the field. As much as we like to think we know our star players personally we really don’t and sometimes their personality rubs us the wrong way. It doesn’t make those actions, whatever they may be, a detriment to their playing ability. Let’s chalk this thread up as one of those that should’ve been private thoughts. Cheers!



  9. On 5/8/2023 at 6:13 AM, B-Large said:

    This is like me looking to shoot in the low eighties/ seventies... sure I know I have to work on the short game to get there.... will I do it consistently, not yet!



    I know this feeling 

  10. 9 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    You don’t have a freaking clue what they’re doing on a regular basis.  Not a single damn clue.  You just like to pretend you’re more knowledgeable than the next guy.  It’s like that guy who started this nonsense thread talking about how he doesn’t like Diggs personally, as if he has some personal interactions with the man.


    Mahomes is at the same race and nobody says a freaking thing.  Josh is there and he gets criticized for modeling?  For not being all in?  That is pathetic.

    I think Burrow was also there. This is all really silly. Young rich athletes attending popular events. Omg the sky is falling!

  11. 5 hours ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    KC is putting a LOT on their QB, we’d be murdering our front office for doing what they’re doing - relying on a patchwork line and a bunch of reclamation projects at receiver.  

    This can’t be. People on here keep insisting it’s so much easier for their qb. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    Read your statement again.  


    On order for an argument, debate, thesis, or anything, to be objective, what is a minimal requirement?  




    We'll, since you've chosen that approach, id equally suggest that anyone not understanding the value of continuity and chemistry between QBs and OLs would equally "have to be the biggest moron on the planet." 


    That's without even touching on the coaching concept.  





    I’m not sure where you’re going with this but it’s not important. I’ve said Mahomes is the better qb (the best currently) and also Allen can win a sb with the Bills. The first part is not subjective and the second part is because I’m a fan after all.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 50 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    Thank you!!  


    To add to what you wrote, Burrow's third season playoff performances are not as good as Allen's third season playoff performances.  So at a developmental level he wasn't where Allen was, insofar as playoff performance goes at least, at that time.  




    You do realize that your analysis is all but entirely subjective, right?  


    Just pointing that out.  



    Which part? The part where I said Mahomes is better? I mean the metrics for qbs are championships, stats, win/loss records. One guy has more than the other but it’s somehow subjective to say that guy is better?


    If what you mean by subjective is whether Mahomes would be good with the Bills then you can make that same argument for anybody in the history of the NFL. Systems are great. Coaches are great. But players are above all because they execute on the field to win. A great player is going to be great no matter where he goes.

  14. 43 minutes ago, PBF81 said:



    Mahomes is good, but to suggest that all of the other elements that helped the Chiefs win SBs were irrelevant after him is ludicrous.  And frankly, if he would have been just as good here, then why haven't we even made a SB with Allen?  





    With a little objectivity the answer would be simple. Covered with fan biases the answer becomes convoluted with what if scenarios.


    Go back to the Divisional round, in KC’s first SB run, against Houston. Receivers dropped passes, defense and special teams blunders put them in a 24-0 hole in the 1st quarter. Yet by halftime KC was leading. With any objectivity you can see Mahomes is special. Rises to the occasion when things look bleak for his team time and time. He is better than our qb. It’s ok to admit that. It doesn’t mean Allen isn’t great in his own way. The Bills can win a championship with Allen. 

  15. On 5/6/2023 at 7:03 AM, BuffaloBillyG said:

    When it comes to Lamar...there are a lot of people that say he's not a top 10 QB in the NFL. Thing is, he is...but it has a lot more to do with the level of QB play than it does about his skill to play QB. 


    That list has Watson at 10. Personal opinion about the person aside, what did he show as a player last year (after being moth balled the previous year) that even suggests he's in the convo for top 20 QBs? He was awful.


    Danny Dimes threw a whopping 15 TDs was it last year? Yet he's on the list as above the middle of the pack. I don't think there has been a period of mediocre starting QBs in the NFL like this in a long time. 

    Not sure if Lamar is a top 10 qb but he is definitely a top 3 rb. 

    • Disagree 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:

    You can say the same about Allen and Bills fans. Only a very few questionable fans would want to trade Allen for Mahomes, IMO. 

    I’d feel incredibly dirty if the Bills did that and won a Super Bowl. 

    Same here. Mahomes may be the best to ever play but he isn’t Buffalo’s. Allen is the fit here and he just needs to win 1 so we can put all this to rest. Bills fans can finally get out of the rings-envied sports bar and lose that championship inferiority complex. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 10 hours ago, Einstein said:


    That may be true for his first however many years in the league, but last year all Mahomes had was Kelce. That’s the same as Allen having Diggs. And Mahomes won a Super Bowl with him.


    Allen is simply more prone to mistakes than Mahomes. That’s why he has more INT’s and more fumbles, yet has played in less games. The weapons around him didn’t make him fumble the ball at the goal line (twice) against Minnesota. Or throw the INT in overtime. Or throw INT’s straight to Jets players.


    I’m very happy to have Allen. He’s likely my favorite Bill of all time at this point. But Mahomes is better. 


    Mahomes has 49 INT’s and 31 fumbles in 80 games.


    Allen has 60 INT’s and 52 fumbles in 77 games.


    He is more prone to mistaken and there is no denying that.

    Allen is a great qb. He’s a perfect fit for the Bills. But too many here are not objective when comparing him to the best in the league right now. I agree with all your points. It doesn’t make for a bad Bills fan to acknowledge another qb is better. Of all the ridiculous stats that Mahomes has the most impressive to me is that he leads in comebacks of 10pts+ all time at something like 58%. The next closest is Brady at 37% or something. Having the clutch gene is not something that can be taught. He just has it.


    I hope Allen and the Bills can improve enough to get 1 ring. I don’t need him to be the best qb in the league. Being the best qb for the Bills is more than enough enjoyment as a Bills fan. 

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