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Everything posted by PBF81

  1. They couldn't even remember which end they were defending sometimes.
  2. Make sure it's a woman, and get back to us. They don't seem to have a lot of class, do they.
  3. Yeah, both are past their time, well past.
  4. It could be worth free food & drink on gamedays if you purchase the $25k PSLs. Just tell 'em that your good friends at TSW said so.
  5. DJ Moore last season was better than anyone we have on the roster. Four and five seasons ago so was Allen Robinson.
  6. Under Brady at Carolina, he had 97 targets, 18% of their attempts. FWIW That was his most efficient season ever. 851 yards, 3 TDs, but only three big games. The problem is with his other 6 seasons where his Catch-% is a miserable 63%, particularly given where his routes are run. It's pretty bad given that. He's also averaged just over 400 yards and 3 TDs per season in those other 6 seasons. Hopefully Brady can get him to max out. Allen didn't throw significantly more passes or log significantly more completions than Carolina did that season. There are a lot of curiosities going into this season.
  7. That seems to have been the plan throughout McBeane's tenure here except that they once had a momentary lapse of reason and got out their checkbook on a risk.
  8. I think that our overall plan maybe to stun other teams by starting double TEs and three slot WRs and a FB/heavy-TB. By the time the opponents compose themselves, we'll be up 9-7 in the 2nd-half. With our retro "complimentary football" approach, that may be all we need to glide into the postseason and onto our first Lombardi. Quaking LOL Meanwhile, Vegas odds on whether our last year's 5th-rounder Shorter even makes the team; What Claypool's 5th team in 6 years will be next season; Whether Coleman's telling jokes at the end of the season as well; Whether Samuel's still on Brady's Christmas card list by the end of the season.
  9. Shorter, a mid-5th rounder last year, is turning into a real bargain. LOL
  10. 5th team in 4 years. That's promising. LOL
  11. The NFL has gone down the tubes from any moral or ethical standard. That's what happens when the focus becomes purely money/wealth. It'll continue to thrive in that way however. Even here to at least some extent. This team is slowly distancing itself from fans by allowing it to be run by national interests in some regard. Pegula's also made it clear that it's all about the money for him. We love our Bills, but that doesn't mean we love the NFL. If the Bills ever left many of us wouldn't give a crap about the NFL. Hope not. With all the newness it would be nice to open against a non contender or Miami at home in week one. They're a non contender for us. LOL If we do go, hopefully some genius at OBD doesn't decide based on some metrics that we should fly over the night before. LOL
  12. Most people don't get $1B tax subsidies. Either way, just pointing that out. Hence as you put it, some disdain. The government is corrupt as all hell. Money flies in every direction, the people that get most of it are at the top somewhere.
  13. Then ignore the posts. For someone that's all about the entertainment you sure do get riled up over what you should dismiss as nothing. Either way, I'm only responding to your slams of me. If you keep addressing me, guess what, I may keep replying. I realize that it's befuddling for you. It'll hit us at some point though. 🤔😏🙂
  14. Or long-term plan is really starting to round out, at least we're getting some formal clarity. Draft the biggest arm in the game and someone that's destined for the HoF, then focus on becoming a power running team featuring a shorter passing game with a defense that washes out in the playoffs. It's a brilliant strategy some say. Good thing we have Allen's arm. When he's 48 he'll still be able to hit all those routes.
  15. Like most threads, there are lots of spinoff topics. All that I originally said was let's hope that his charisma translates to on-field performance. Sheesh!!! Get a grip on yourself and quit stalking me. I'm very happy for you that you'd be perfectly content with some underachieving clown out there if that we're to be the case. Waaay too much is being made of this. It's like a bunch of drunk girls trying to convince themselves that some hot looking guy with the personality of a turnip is right for them. Who knows, maybe Allen likes turnips too and that makes sense. Also, I absolutely love how you know with certainly that I'm wrong on this.
  16. Most people don't seem to have all that much disdain for "monetarily successful people" as you put it, the disdain starts to enter when some of that wealth is driven by money of others, like taxpayer money, that assists in creating that "monetary success." Can us as smaller business people put that plank of taxpayer subsidy in our eyes? It also doesn't win people over when they talk out of both sides of their mouths. eg. the "Pegula Family Values" vs. fan interest as an example. Feigned altruism in short, disingenuous. Not trying to argue, but those are issues.
  17. If you're interested and have a half hour ... If be curious your thoughts.
  18. You don't have to read them, you realize this, right?
  19. My offer stands. You can take me up on it or keep arguing. Your call. What I just wrote is not an argument. Here's an argument: You just don't like the takes so you manifest that in tantrums of sorts. Never willing to look at the actual data, just countering with your opinions.
  20. OK, but I'm the one that's willing to put in the time, again, together this time, to go through all of the video evidence. You don't appear to be willing to do that and there's still no indication that you even watched it. What, can't afford 15 minutes a day for a week to actually analye it. Seriously, I have absolutely zero idea how anyone watches all of Coleman's plays last season and comes away with the notion that he's anything but a gadget/slot guy. I'd guess off-hand that half the plays he ran were bubble screens or something akin to that. Yeah, those'll work well in the NFL. LOL
  21. Everyone except for Davis disappeared in the playoffs and even he wasn't entirely consistent. There's not a player on our team besides Allen that a claim for playoff consistency can be made. Not one. That my friend definitely has to do with coaching. 29th and 30th. Bridgewater isn't that bad. And this isn't a comparison between Allen and Bridgewater, if you are going to make one, it would be wise to acknowledge that Allen can cover quite a few coaching sins. Drops are a judgement. You do realize that there's no hard standard and different stat sites/companies tally them differently, right? Did you actually watch the video? Again, I'd be happy to go thru it PBP/GBG. Just let me know. We can discuss each catch. BTW, I've posted this about a half-dozen times, it's also a great analysis. https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect It contradicts a lot of the draft profiles.
  22. Well, OK, I'd be happy to go thru game-by-game, one game/day and annotate each target/catch if you like. Be fun, the schedule doesn't come out for at least another week. You put waaaay too much credence in the "draft experts." They whiff on so many picks every season. Either way, I wasn't referring to my take or your take, I was referring to the actual plays that he participated in actively. Again, I'd be happy to go thru that video GBG and PBP to discuss. IMO there's not a whole lot of controversy if you actually watch it. As to being out of my depth, LOL, OK. But FWIW I was about the only one I know that made similar claims about Watkins and sternly warned that Evans would be the far better WR and that Watkins had little chance of living up to his hype. I also pointed that the plays on which Zay Jones made a living at SC simply wouldn't occur in the NFL and that he'd be a bust. Back when we drafted Hardy in the early 2nd round I boldly claimed that he'd bust and that Stevie Johnson would be a far better WR. The heat I took for those publicly. LOL There are others, but I'm quite comfortable with my analyses and assessments on players. Not to argue on that, but the point is that more players than not do not live up to their top-40 grades. And honestly, using Belichick as an example of draft boards, ... that's a good one. Unless it's linemen or defenders ... Either way, not trying to be contentious, but if you'd like to go thru the video like that, let me know. I'm pretty sure you'd agree by the end of the exercise.
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