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Everything posted by Lori

  1. That wasn't NGU. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=112052
  2. One more bump, in light of what Nix told Brown about trying to trade up.
  3. If it's the same name Simon mentioned yesterday, he was gone before Tebow ... but to the same team.
  4. "You all?" I would... if only I paid enough attention to mock drafts to comment on them. Oh, wait, now it's coming back to me. There WAS a guy who was bashing Davis, saying he didn't know who the hell he thought he was, and I pointed out that he's been doing college football broadcasts for the last 20 years. Does that qualify as name-calling? Add: Upon dragging that post to the top of the board, I find several TSW members agreeing with Davis and only two guys bashing him. "You all?" Only 10,000 more to go...
  5. With so many guys in the studio and things moving so quickly, Brad may have decided not to break it up to make the call. That's just my guess, though.
  6. One question, with no malice intended: how many articles of Florida Gators apparel do you own?
  7. As Adam Schefter is all over Twitter and ESPN talking about how the Bills were hell-bent to trade up for Tebow, perhaps it's time to reconsider something: Maybe they were trying to trade back up... but how does Schefter know who they were targeting?
  8. Good point. With all the jumping around the Pats have done, it might have been tough for Tim to break away, but maybe they could still get Allen. Just dropped Brad a note about it.
  9. By the time they figure out Quinn sucks, maybe Tebow will be ready to play?
  10. Cool. Glad I never got rid of that McGahee knockoff.
  11. I wasn't gonna say it ...
  12. Yep. Nailed it. I've got him batting 3-for-3 in my scorebook.
  13. Nothing against Spiller, who I think is a VERY good running back, but I hope he can create his own holes. Also: so long, Marshawn.
  14. Tuco. Haven't heard them, so no reviews in this space. Just a reminder -- believe WECK goes live at 7 tonight. Also, Nick_BCFC is live-blogging at http://nickmendola.blogspot.com/2010/04/20...-live-blog.html if anyone's interested.
  15. startribune.com: Haynesworth not headed to Vikings Followed up on by WaPo's Jason Reid, who took over the Redskins Insider blog from LaCanfora: "Just got a text from a source who spoke with a high-ranking Vikings official: Nothing going on right now with Redskins for Haynesworth."
  16. Zulgad (the Strib's Vikes beat writer) says this deal isn't happening.
  17. That was after his original tweet said 2009, and I replied: Cool. What about 2010?
  18. Yep. He'll be there tomorrow, too, which means he won't be able to string the Sabres game. (I assume Saturday as well, but I don't remember asking him about that one.) JW's also at the Ralph for the duration, which will put John Kekis at HSBC for the pucks.
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