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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Someone's unhinged lol. Eat a bag of d's Nancy. Holy hell I can't believe people like u actually exist.
  2. What????? Lol you should log off today and take the L.
  3. Apparently not at the court you were at......do better.
  4. They were in court right? Smells like accountability to me.
  5. So no accountability for women? Got it.......tell ya what my mom should've picked better.
  6. The government wants and encourages single family homes......... Maybe women should make better choices on who they let impregnate them?????
  7. As someone who grew up without a father, and had to cobble together different aspects of being a man from complete strangers. Toxic masculinity is the least of our problems. The lack of fathers is a real problem. I just happen to be the few that made it. I'm not where I want to be but I have a college degree and I believe I'm on the right track.
  8. Because every other poster seems to actually have a life. You are the only poster in a bunch of Trump threads. Get a life bro seriously this isn't healthy.
  9. Can somebody cut your access to internet........please????
  10. He's got a two track mind, memes and Trump. He's probably on tik tok.
  11. Congratulations! Don't think you posted that one before. U must not get paid for this one. Back under your bridge sir.
  12. You calling anyone an idiot is beyond rich. Holy hell can u get anymore broken?
  13. They will blame anyone but the criminals, it's the democratic way.
  14. Is Trump is a sociopath? Maybe Is Biden operating with a full deck? Absolutely not Don't you think you should be sharp mentally to run the United States of America?
  15. He's a joke, just like the rest of the lefties on here trying to preserve democracy. Lol lawd help us. Oh wait that's not allowed.
  16. Do some research Find where I ever quoted him....man you are a sad individual.
  17. Bro what? Seriously? And we wish you wouldn't have such easy access to wifi, yet here we are.
  18. I was going to walk my dog this morning, but as I went to tie my shoes on the front porch, I noticed a plethora of ar-15's just lying in the open, so I started blasting. Said nobody ever. 1 in 4 people are on antidepressants. Start there.
  19. You think opioid abuse is limited to rural areas? You obviously don't hang around downtown Buffalo. Congrats, you can type your thoughts. Maybe u shouldn't.
  20. He is as mentally sharp as a doughnut. Even Stevie Wonder can see it. Comon man!
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