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    A NY OG in FL

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  1. I was shocked he fell all the way to us at #59 in the 2nd round. Many mocks had him going to us the 1st. One of the biggest strokes of luck and one of the biggest steals the Bills have had.
  2. Beane said they have like $3M right now with $10M coming June 1st, correct? So effectively $13M to sign draft picks and look for a vet. And Josh already restructured this offseason, did he not?
  3. I remember some people on this board were losing their minds that the Bills didn't draft Hall. 😂
  4. I would take DeJean as I see him as best value and also a need. Then I would trade up to get either Franklin or McConkey.
  5. Would only agree with a trade up for a guy they have a 1st round grade on that might have fallen a bit that Beane thinks he can go up just a bit and snag. Kind of like Kincaid. No reaches and no gambling away the future on hoping one guy works out.
  6. Diggs went the last 11 games without 100 yards after getting at least 100 yards 5 times in the first 6 games. He also went the last 8 games with just one TD. He was largely invisible the second half of the season and was not good in the playoffs. He was our WR1, but was he really playing like one? IMO, It would've been a mistake for Beane to not try to move him given his production vs the distraction he is to the team and at least get something for him while he still has value. People need to calm down.
  7. Everyone saw Diggs disappear the second half of the season last year. It doesn't seem like he was an important cog in the Brady offense. So if that is true, it would actually be a bad on Beane to not try to move a guy whose basically been a giant distraction and who still has some trade value left to salvage.
  8. This should be a telltale sign they are drafting a WR early. Maybe even 2. We are talking about the Bills though, so that could also mean DE.
  9. Welp, unless this is some serious trolling on his part, it looks like he's been traded. Last season was a step forward for the O-Line. Let's hope next season isn't 2 steps back. Edit: Troll master
  10. I hate losing to the Chiefs, but I don't think we would've won in Baltimore anyway with the injuries we have on the Defense. Just hoping for Baltimore to beat down KC now. If Mahomes wins another ring this year, I'm gonna puke.
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