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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. This part is what i'm curious about. Is it not not possible for the rain/snow to be driven by wind shear and escape the donut? At an angle. Like this I mean: Meaning, it would hit upper deck, lower deck, etc. Due to wind driving it at an angle?
  2. I'm not sure why you're being hostile. I was trying to learn from you. But ok then...
  3. So if the roof covers 100% of the seats, shouldn’t there be no snow? On the seats I mean.
  4. I know the Tottenham stadium claims to be 100% covered (for seats - not the field) and they still get snow and rain on their seats. If we only have 60-70% covered, how much of our stadium is going to be hit with rain/snow when we account for swirling wind? The snow seems to go up the first section of their seats.
  5. Maybe it will. And then the wind will blow the snow right into those seats. I saw a video of the workers clearing out snow from the stadium and the wind was blowing the snow from the lower and upper deck, right into the covered concourse walkways.
  6. For whatever it is worth, a physical therapist on Twitter mentioned that from the video replay there did not appear to be any mechanism that would lead to a high ankle sprain. In that persons opinion, more likely a lower ankle sprain.
  7. Oh I'm sure some are on Josh. No doubt about it. But that goes with all the receivers he throws to. Some are on the QB and some are on the WR. But a significantly higher percentage occur when throwing to Gabe. And much of that reason is because Gabe and Josh don't seem to "click". They are often not on the same page. For example, remember, the Vikings OT game last year? Gabe takes his route deep into the endzone (leaving the DB shallow). Allen expected him to widen his route and body shield the defender. Instead, he cut it deep, which would have necessitated Allen throwing OVER defenders. Result? INT. And i'm not even necessarily blaming Gabe for deciding how to take his route. Like relationships, sometimes you just say "its nobodies fault - we just dont click". And thats where i'm at with Gave.
  8. 12 of Allen's 32 INT's over the last two seasons have been targeting Gabe. 12/32 = 38%. Thus "nearly 40%", which is what I said... I took out the Hail Mary INT, because that's not fair. Know what it is when targeting Diggs? 16%. So 38% of Allen's INT's happen when targeting a player that only receives 15.1% of the targets (174 targets / 1146 pass attempts). And 16% of Allen's INT's happen when targeting a player that is thrown to 27.4% of the time (314 targets/1146 pass attempts). 38% of the INT's on 15% of the targets is .... a lot. .
  9. If Bass can't be trusted to hit a 48 yard field goal with clear skies and little-to-no wind, then we are in big trouble.
  10. I honestly would agree with you if it was the 40+ yard line. But the risk of it only being a net 11 field difference is too high. Why not just go for 4th?
  11. There is not a coach in the NFL who punts there. (checks notes: Jauron isn’t in the NFL anymore right?)
  12. Just learned today that THESE exist. Custom built snowblowers that fit inbetween stadium seating. Why in the world do the Bills not own 20 of them?
  13. Nope. Gabe being out yesterday changed things up (and I loved it). They essentially used Kincaid as the #2 WR and Shakir as the slot. When Gabe is in, it’s Gabe as the #2 WR and Kincaid as the slot. This limits how often Shakir can play. Therefore, Gabe being out gives Shakir more opportunity.
  14. Agreed. Either kick or go for it. Punt shouldn’t even be an option IMO.
  15. Love Gunner but I have no idea where he is coming from with this punt stuff. Punting from the 31 yard line, with very little wind, would have been universally panned. The only reason it’s even second guessed is because it was blocked. Imagine if the punt went into the endzone and we gained a whole 11 yards on the punt! And a few drives later the Steelers drove from their own 8 yard line and scored a TD. Yet we are to believe that punting there would have stopped them? I’m skeptical.
  16. What is cherry-picked about catch-rate, INT’s when targeted, and not being on the same page as the QB? As a wide receiver, what could possibly be more important than running the right routes and catching the ball? Of course we can agree to disagree on the offense being better without Gabe but i’m not sure how anything i’ve written is cherry picked.
  17. Did he? I just assumed it was under his pants. Thanks for the info. Honestly didn’t know that.
  18. Well, we have a 40+ game history of Gabe dropping balls, or not being in tune with Allen, or being a complete non-factor. This game was just confirmation of what I long hypothesized. I don’t even blame HIM per-say. He may be very good on another team. But I think his presence in THIS offense is a net negative. Nearly 40% of Allen’s INT’s occur when targeting Gabe. Then Gabe is out for a game and Allen doesn’t throw an INT for only the second time in 12 weeks. And he is often not on the same page with Allen on choice routes. And when that’s not happening, he drops his fair share of balls (his career catch rate is in the 50% range). And more Gabe on the field means less Shakir. Lots of different factors here that represent a fairly LARGE sample size. So even though Gabe can be a good player, I just don’t think he is right for this particular offense.
  19. Agreed and I don’t think he can physically bend the knee that much with the brace.
  20. I’ll take it! After that, Gabe can catch 3 TD’s in the Super Bowl. Make it so!
  21. I think he saw the QB pump-fake and assumed he threw the ball.
  22. I’ve never understood them. He has been solid every time he’s played here. He has limitations, sure, but i’m surprised we ever cut him quite frankly.
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