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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I know you know that I know. It's what you think you know that's the problem here though.
  2. Oh I know. And Trump is a good Christian man. He actually fought in Vietnam, he just doesnt take credit for it. He pushed the Mongols out of Europe. He cured Covid, aids (thank god for you right?), and cancer. His election victory celebration was the largest ever. He never lies. His healthcare and infrastructure plans were the best. The moon landing was faked and the world is flat. You and I agree on a lot actually. Proof and science are for freaking suckers. You 'n me? We got twitter and youtube.
  3. I know. And those Jewish Space Lasers did start those forest fires. Obama is really running the Biden presidency in secret. Thousands of dead people vote every election, all for democrats. Vaccines are actual injecting tracking devices into people. The same vaccines also cause the blood to be magnetized. Trump will actually be re-installed as president before Biden's term has finished. Ray Epps is the mastermind of J6 through the FBI - he's also antifa. Communists. Marxists. Oh I know. You are 100%.
  4. No uproar, it's expected at this point. It's lazy and inaccurate to say this is politics as usual- and correct me if that is not your point- because it's acting as if what is going on right now is normal and/or comparable to any other time in our nations history (and i fully realize this gets said every election year). But you like to do that, you act like 2 events with similar subjects are exactly the same. You do it with the top secret documents comparison, even though only one person blatantly lied and has been caught purposely sharing documents with people not authorized to see them. You do it when you compare 2016 and 2020 post election results as if dems hyperbolizing about an election being stolen is the same as flat out denying election results, not conceding, and riling up the base causing j6 are the same. Those are just two examples but you, and most of the right, do this all the time.
  5. Glad you ask. I am not. I recognize the crook for what he is and always has been. Using the politics as always excuse is lazy and inaccurate. He's the most crooked politician our country has ever had the misfortune to elect. While the entire Republican party, so far laughably, attacks Joe only a small portion have integrity attack the man child constantly breaking the rules and sometimes the law. He'll get his though. It's coming. I think.
  6. There any uproar from the right here? This one example will probably have more evidence than anything on Joe.
  7. He's baiting them. And good for him. People like Dave, and other comedians like him, will eventually end the woke silliness that most of the left actually dislikes.
  8. I always find that funny that people are embarrassed to support him. I mean, they should be, we all should be that he's even allowed near the white house. I guess the death of the republican party was never going to be easy (or make sense).
  9. Yeah they'd rather have the guy who cheated people through Trump University and a dozen other scams, who has shown random fooks top secret documents, who wanted to nuke a hurricane, the guy who rammed a pornstar while his wife was pregnant vs someone mildly stupid and annoying. Makes sense if you have no sense.
  10. And this year will be much better prepping Joe for the win. I'd much rather someone else run for the dems but I'd rather have a dancing monkey than the other guy so I guess you can't win them all.
  11. I think this makes sense but their offense is really explosive. Even down 2 touchdowns they are dangerous and could come back.
  12. If you finally find any actual proof on Joe let me know. None of the left leaning posters argue that dems are perfect. But I'll go toe-to-toe with you any day that they're better than what you have going on. There are so many proven offences on orange jeezus that it makes a stance that Joe is worse absurd.
  13. There have been like 400 fake lists released at this point. As usual misinformation is a part of the problem.
  14. Yes? What did she say about the f'n bridge? Does it end with you bobbing an orange haired rtard and allowing him to redefine your morals?
  15. Read? Read? What need have they for books when they have pitchforks! For everything except Trump of course, no pitchforks for him. He gets a pass (also another known reader Trump is).
  16. Hmm, you are holding her to a higher standard than the diaper wearing POS you will vote for president, do you find that interesting? And that is because you are a colossal hypocrite. This impacts you 0%. But please, continue to let these things raise your blood pressure.
  17. Lol! There needs to be a reward for this level of stupid. Unless...maybe doc is just an embedded troll, mocking all the right wingers in secret. Like antifa and Ray on J6!!!! Nobody on the left gives 2 f's about this guy.
  18. Nah, I just don't pretend to care about some ivy league twaat like you're pretending to. Keep waving them pitchforks though, this is the highlight of your year!!!
  19. Everyone got their pitchforks and tiki torches ready? You people sift through Twitter looking for stupid shiite to be enraged about. Wtf cares? I'm sure all you flat earth, election fraud touting Mongols are Harvard alumni and this touches you on a personal level and all.
  20. No, the point of the thread is that he is making up BS so that should he lose the election he'll have a built in excuse as to why and a reason to rile up your flat earth jewish space laser Republican friends. He did the exact same thing in 2020. You see that, or do you deny that happened? Genuinely curious.
  21. This should be an easy position to grab in the offseason. The Beasley, McKenzie type are a bit underrated league wide. A cheap FA or draft pick should not be difficult. Probably can't afford Renfrow. Definitely not Godwin. I dream of Josh with multiple offensive weapons.
  22. Didn't Don do this exact thing prior to the 2020 election? Are you able to admit that?
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