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Everything posted by jahnyc

  1. I would expect that a trustee/executor of RW's estate would have a fiduciary obligation to get maximum value for the sale of the Bills. I read an article some time ago where RW stated that it would violate law to include a provision in his will that the Bills be sold to an owner who would agree to keep the team in Buffalo. Does anyone recall this or know if this is true? I agree that even if a local person does not purchase the Bills, it still would be possible that an owner living in another city would purchase the Bills and keep them in Buffalo. In any event, we will need strong support from the NFL, NY state (senators and governor) and local officials to make sure that the Bills stay in New York after RW is no longer the owner of the Bills.
  2. But where are all the candidates? All we are hearing is Jauron and Sherman. If this is the case, then the Bills have their mind made up. Maybe RW wanted Jauron the last time and TD talked him out of it. I have a feeling that no one else is being considered.
  3. Yes, I agree. Very strange. Particularly since the first candidate interviewed is not drawing interest from any other team. Why no interest in some of the other candidates for other head coaching positions (i.e., Linnehan, Grimm, Al Saunders)? I am surprised that we did not interview Payton or try to interview Mangini. The only two names that seem to be on the Bills' list are Jauron and Sherman. I really would like to hear some new names.
  4. I would have been okay with Payton. He seems to be very well thought of and is a "fresh" face.
  5. It was reported that the Bills requested and received permission to speak to Payton. Now it seems that he will become HC of the Saints without meeting with the Bills. Is the New Orleans situation more attractive than the one with the Bills? I find this hard to believe, but I am concerned if that is the perception. Where are all of the hot shot assistant coaches/coordinators? Seems like a tough year to be searching for a new head coach.
  6. Whether or not Mangini becomes a good coach, the AFC East is shaping up as a tough division. NE and Miami wil be well coached and attractive destinations for free agents.
  7. I agree that he could be a flop, but I also like taking a chance on a coach that is smart and likely well trained. Maybe the problem is that I am not excited about the group of possible head coaches that the media is reporting we are going to interview. I do recall feeling that Weis was the guy when we last were looking for a coach. I was disappointed when we hired MM. This time I feel like the Bills are looking at a bunch of guys with very mixed track records (Sherman, Jauron and Haslett). Then again, Marv's record before joining the Bills was similarly mixed.
  8. Mangini seems to have real potential. Smart and trained under Belichick. I had hoped the Bills would have at least talked to him. Saban, Belichick and Mangini. If Mangini is the real deal, this will be a tough group of coaches to face twice a year.
  9. Sorry can't link, but Peter King notes in Monday Morning QB that Ralph made a lot of calls (daily) to Donahoe and the coaches. He suggests that it took time away from more important activities. This should make the HC position for the Bills that much more attractive to potential candidates.
  10. Yes, living in NYC, the Jets do seem to have interest in Mangini. I also have read reports that the Jets like Tice (believe it or not).
  11. Have not seem his name mentioned since the initial speculation the day MM re-signed. Has his name come up any where since then a possible replacement for MM?
  12. I really like Marv, but he needs to think of the best interests of the team, not himself, as the Bills consider the next HC of the team. I was disappointed in the way he responded to questions about his interest in becoming HC. He should have stated that he has no interest in becoming HC. He was hired for a particular position within the organization and the team needs him in that capacity now. I don't think it is good for the team's efforts in recruiting a new HC if there is a suggestion/perception that Marv wants back in as coach of the team. I know he wants to coach again, but his new position is the right job for the team and him at this time. We need to move on and find a new HC and bring some stability back to the organization.
  13. The Gray situation makes no sense, particularly when the news media is reporting that he is one of the leading contenders for HC. Is Marv going to live in Buffalo? This new structure does not make a lot of sense to me; I can understand MM's concerns about it and the ability to attract coordinators and staff into this kind of a situation. MM ends up looking okay because the Bills wanted to retain him and he was not fired.
  14. I think you have really hit on one of the most important (if not the most important) situation facing the Bills during this offseason: how do we know if JP can be the guy next year (and after)? Clearly, there will be little patience with JP; if he starts he will need to perform. I think the Bills should bring in a veteran QB other that KH and let JP and the veteran compete for the starting job. The team needs to win now.
  15. I really think a fresh start was needed with the head coach as well. If you know that you have a great head coach, changing the assistants makes sense. If you have no idea how good a head coach you have, making these types of changes make little sense. While I like Marv, I hope this does not result in Marv becoming HC if the team stumbles at the start of next season.
  16. I understand, but if you fire MM next year, the team will be eating the costs of the new assistants that are not retained next year when the new coach want to hire his own assistants. MM is one of the lowest paid coaches in the NFL. Eating the last three years of his contract would not be significant compared to what other teams have been willing to do with much more highly compensated head coaches. Plus MM would likely find other employment, which would offset these amounts.
  17. I don't understand firing all of these assistant coaches and the coordinators and keeping MM. 1. MM has not show much as HC. This is not Parcells. Can it really be suggested that the poor play of the offense and the defense was somehow not related to MM's performance as HC (i.e., it was the fault of the assistant coaches)? Makes no sense to me. 2. What coordinator or assistant coach would come to Buffalo knowing that MM was almost fired and could be replaced next year (possibly by Levy)? 3. Were all of the defensive assistants not up to par? I know the defense had a poor year, but do you wipe away the two years prior when the defense performed well?
  18. Too much stuff has happened. If Clements is gone and possibly Jerry Gray and other assistant coaches as well, who will want to be on MM's staff with so many other openings available and so much uncertainty in Buffalo? What free agent will be interested in Buffalo under these circumstances, particularly after considering MM's problems with some veterans this year (Adams, Moulds and McGahee)? What about the players? They seemed to question play calling and other decisions (i.e., the qb situation). With the MM decision playing out so publicly and it being clear that he was almost fired, I am not sure how he can be brought back with any confidence. This situation is bizarre.
  19. Depressed as well. We really needed TD to work out in Buffalo for the fans and for stability of the franchise. I don't like what I am hearing. While the departures of TD and MM may be justified, I am concerned about the aftermath. If RW is willing to give huge signing bonuses to free agents, what is the problem with spending what it takes on good management and coaching? Will anyone of quality want to be GM knowing that RW wants to reassert his control?
  20. I am not sure what is true and what is not, but some of the tidbits of information are very interesting. If RW really did push MM on the hiring of Roll to eventually replace Rusty Jones, then RW is much more aware of the current state of things than I suspected. Maybe Marv, who I think lives in Chicago (where Rusty ended up), helped with this. I also like that RW seems to be asking a lot questions. That is a good sign. The only thing that does not make sense is retaining/elevating Modrak (or even that Modrak is interested in being GM under these circumstances). How does this guy escape any responsibility for the TD era?
  21. You don't promote within (at least with regard to those that are responsible for the football side of things) after five years of terrible play. These are the people that you purge.
  22. If you want a HC with experience, I think Jauron will be a much better HC the second go around. He is only interim HC in Detroit (I think). He is smart and I think RW knows him and likes him.
  23. 1. Many coaches are being fired, but fewer GMs seem to be leaving. Assuming that Modrak is not taking over for TD, maybe we can attract a strong GM candidate to Buffalo without much competition. Obviously there are many factors that affect the attractiveness of the overall situation (i.e., whether the new GM can replace MM), but I hope we start fresh with a new GM from outside the organization. 2. Most important, the new GM must determine if JP is the qb of the present and future. If it is unclear, then there needs to be competition at qb, and I mean more than just KH. If there are doubts, we cannot let next year be another wasted year. 3. Franchise NC. Even if the Bills decide they don't want him next year. Try to trade him, and get at least a second or a third. 4. Keep Adams. It will be nearly impossible to find two DTs this offseason that are competent starters. Draft a NT in round one or two and team them up with Adams next year. 5. Whatever the status of MM, the new GM needs to make sure that certain assistant coaches know that they are wanted in Buffalo (i.e., April). 6. Get a back-up RB. Few starting RBs play every game in a season. 7. And finally the most obvious point: fix the o-line. Hoping for the best.
  24. TD, maybe MM, but who else? Is John Guy good in his position (idrector of player personnel)? What about the scouting department? Our best draft under TD was the first. Was this with the old group of scouts? Did TD replace many or all of Butler's scouts? Do we need to overhaul this group as well? In terms of assistant coaches, if MM stays, how can Clements continue as OC with MM calling the plays? I assume he will be fired, particularly since I believe he was a favorite of TD. Jerry Gray? I think he will end up as a def. coordinator elsewhere. If replacements are needed, what assistant coach will come to work with MM if there are other opportunities? Assuming MM stays, if he has a losing record next year he will be gone.
  25. I know that John Clayton has said that MM is probably safe. Has he said the same thing about TD?
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