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Posts posted by Boxcar

  1. 1 minute ago, blacklabel said:


    Exactly. They needed help on offense, Rodgers needed an additional target aside from Adams. They're also in a window where they can compete for a championship right now so you'd think they'd wanna draft players that can contribute very early. But instead, they spend a first round pick on a quarterback who might sit for four or five years before he sees the field. I know Big Rodg can be seen as "mercurial" but I side with him on this. GB has consistently short-changed him at the skill positions. They're basically like, "You got Davante, shut up!" Adams is a beast but he can't be the whole offense. 

    Rodgers thrives on being pissed off. Absolutely no way he wins the MVP if the Packers didn't draft Love

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Virgil said:

    This is now the cover story on ESPN’s website.  

    Can this really be a thing?

    I love that he's doing this right before the draft, too. Like he's offended that he isn't the center of everyone's attention.


    What a douche. Great player but I honestly can't wait until he retires.

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. Just now, nucci said:

    You have no idea what's going on with him and the packers. Diva? who says that?

    What I know:


    1. Aaron Rodgers has been a whiny a-hole his entire career.

    2. Everyone says diva. It's a very common word to describe someone who is constantly overdramatic. I am not sure how you have never seen that word used before.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Haha (+1) 2
  4. 2 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    Sometimes in life you just have a moment that turns everything around for you. Sport is the same. The moment Terry and Kim Pegula decided to hire Sean McDermott the future of this franchise changed. I like Kris Richard (who we interviewed in that cycle) I believe he could be a good head coach someday. I like Anthony Lynn as a guy.... but we would still be spinning our wheels had we hired either of them. Everything changed the moment McDermott walked into the building. Give the Pegulas credit for hiring him, give Beane credit for working alongside him so carefully, give credit to Josh Allen for working his tail off to get better and better. But it starts with Sean McDermott. The number of coaches in football I'd swap him for is extremely small. 

    I'm not sure I'd swap him for anyone. He seems to be getting better and better as time goes on. He could be here for a very long time. I remember tearing my hair out at all the times he used to punt with 4th and short, at around midfield. Now you can see the creativity and analytical savvy percolating in his brain as time goes on.


    I might have said Kyle Shanahan at one point before I discovered that he hatches assassination plots on his own players. Andy Reid is obviously still an amazing coach, and I think the NFL should mandate that he wear a face shield every game even when Covid spread is a minor consideration, but I want a guy who's gonna take this team places for a long, long time.

  5. 3 hours ago, TheyCallMeAndy said:

    Per Bills text, old man Sanders will rock a single digit this year.


    I am slowly warming up to the idea of WRs rocking 1-9, although seeing LBers would still be strange.


    Diggs considered changing to #1 but didn’t out of respect to all of those to bought his jersey.


    Any other WRs that may rock a single digit this year?


    I assume Fromm goes back to 10, Gentry wore 4 in college.

    I'm good with single digits...but I HATE it when players wear 1 or, even worse, 00.

  6. 5 hours ago, Ya Digg? said:

    But again, you are suggesting taking a football player who is not as good as the player they are taking.  It gets talked about all the time - in the first round take the best player available.  Speed isn't the only thing - if it was Brieda wouldn't be on his third team in 3 years and that prospect you mentioned wouldn't be a 7th round talent.  There are several edge rushers taken before the Bills pick in this mock, so you are taking the 5th or 6th best edge rusher in the first round.  That is a terrible use of assets.  I agree that the Bills need an edge rusher, but not an edge rusher at all costs in the first round just to take an edge rusher

    The Bills don't have any critical needs, either. If any team should be taking BPA over immediate needs, it's this one.


    I think CB and DE are important too, but if Beane is targeting Etienne, Harris or Williams, I have to think it means he's confident in finding first round talent for those positions later in the draft. The opt outs have caused a lot of chaos, and there are guys who were mocked in the first round like 10 months ago being mocked in the 3rd, 4th and 5th now.

  7. 1 hour ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    I will say, Beane's smokescreen has completely worked on me. 48 hours ago I wasnt much of an Etienne fan and hated the idea. But the more that comes out about it, the more I have bought into it. And thinking about him catching those wide-open underneath passes in space... ooo wee


    Beane blowing that smokescreen into my brain...


    If he becomes Kamara 2.0 he's absolutely worth it at 30. He won't have the wear and tear of a regular RB, as iirc, Kamara catches more balls than he runs per game.


    • Vomit 1
  8. 6 hours ago, appoo said:


    this move means the Bills wouldn’t need any offensive player in this draft other than a TE prospect and OL depth, and upgrade the Bills to the best offense in the league.


    Julio as your #2 weapon is absurd in this offense 

    When I hear dolts like Stephen A and Max Kellerman taking about football on TV, it really makes me wonder how people can possibly complain about Mel Kiper.


    Anyway, this is dumb. We can't afford him and we honestly don't need him. Plus the Falcons are asking for a ton. Nty

  9. 4 hours ago, OrtonHearsaWho said:

    We've covered the first round quite a bit so I wanted to see if anyone had any particular day two crushes that you're really hoping to see in a Bills uni for years to come.  For me, it's Tommy Tremble.


    This draft only has one elite tight end and honestly I hope some draft day gas mask bong pictures of Kyle the unicorn Pitts are released so we might have an outside chance at him, but barring that then we won't be getting a generational talent at that position so I've looked at other options and the one that I have REALLY grown to like is Tremble.  He lacked production at Notre Dame but but for a lack of talent.  More often than not he was asked to block and what I love about his game is that he really seemed to relish that role.


    I've watched a lot of footage of the second tier tight ends and I personally am not overly impressed with Freiermuth, particularly as a 2nd round option.  He does some things well but doesn't seem to do any of them REALLY well so I would rather pick a player that does something (in this case blocking) really well and has the upside to improve in other areas.


    We might need to move up in the 3rd round or maybe even take him in the 2nd (obviously depending on what we do in the 1st) but I really think he could be a great piece in this offense.  Knox can make a good block here and there but can also totally miss or even worse, get blown the F up in pass protection.  I really think that Tremble could replace the blocking ability of Lee Smith with far more of a threat as a pass catcher on some short crossing routes, or tight end screens and can also improve the overall screen game based on how many times I've seen him utterly humiliate someone in the secondary by blocking them totally out of the play.


    What do you guys & gals think?

    I don't think any TE aside from Pitts will be an upgrade over Knox, possibly ever, but at least for 3 ish years.


    Depending on how far he falls, my crush is Greg Rousseau. So much potential.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Inigo Montoya said:

    Another solid off season move by Beane that is without the bells and whistles the nation media will notice or comment upon, but is the kind of move that makes a franchise successful over time.  

    The Bills had an "ok" free agency, according to most pundits. They only brought back like 95% of a 15-3 team, most on team friendly contracts, no big deal.

    Just now, NewEra said:

    Awesome.  Our guard depth is great!  Too bad our starting guards stink 😂

    Thinking about the Zeitler contract right when we re-signed Mongo still stings.

    • Agree 3
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  11. 3 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    The Chiefs are a truly elite offense.......they have dominated the AFC for 3 years without a good pass catching RB.     


    The reason they are elite is that they can pass for a score on you from anywhere on the field.


    As far as a missing piece in the playmaking equation goes.......what the Bills need is some more diversity in their receiving corps.........they need a big deep threat option and/or a guy who can stretch the seam.  


    Adding a dump-down option at RB to an offense that throws tons of short passes already does not equate to what the Chiefs do to defenses.........which is stretch them vertically and expose them underneath.

    The Bills scored more points than the Chiefs last season.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Agree 2
  12. 9 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:

    Whatever happens Thursday night, In Beane I Trust.


    For those bashing the pick in this mock: Given the way the draft falls and the players selected vs available, who would you have us pick instead of Etienne at this spot?


    Looks like all the top CBs and "top" DEs are gone already.



    This might be the year to do something like this, with all the opt outs. There can be a lot of hidden gems later in the draft that an astute GM can grab.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Doc said:


    OK, let me explain it.  The owners, who make more than a player will ever see in his lifetime, don't care whether it's fair if there's a draft just as much as the players don't care if they make more money than some of us do in a lifetime.   And also you don't get to decided what is and isn't fair. But the draft is not going away.  Period.

    I never claimed to decide what's fair or not. The market decides. The NFL itself is not a free market.

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