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Posts posted by Boxcar

  1. 2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    So its ok if cops just execute anyone that runs? 

    Where was this implied? It's common sense. Should he have been shot? No. Could he have helped the situation by complying? Yes.


    Scum like Rashida Tlaib declaring this was an intentional shooting just to raise the tension in the country (and other countries, too) when it clearly was an accident/case of police incompetence is absolutely despicable.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:

    Okay! Great so we start with you not knowing stats based on this comment since you don’t know what per capita means. Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance. That’s a brave choice. Bravo!


    So per capita means per person. So in the prior discussion we looked at welfare dollars per person.


    This looks at shootings per race.


    To make this easier to understand, you have a deck of 52 cards. 26 red and 26 black. If you pick a card you have a 50 percent chance of of getting black or red. Over a large enough sample (like say if every cop in the US picked a card, you’d expect 50 percent red and 50 percent black).

    However, when these cops actually pull a card over a large sample, we find they pull a black card 2.6 times more than than they do a red card. Now if you were a critical thinker, you’d say hey wait that doesn’t make sense, we have an even population yet we’re pulling the black card at a higher frequency than the red card. Why is that?


    Now to apply that to race in the US. White to black isn’t a 50/50 distribution. So we wouldn’t expect to sample US police shootings and see a 50/50 break down. We should expect to see a breakdown similar to population. But we don’t. We see a breakdown that skews more non-white than white based on population than we should see.


    So I applaud you for acknowledging you don’t know statistics. I acknowledge this is a really quick example of how they would, so if my fellow posters see flaws in the analysis feel free to point them out so we can help educate Blitz!. So, maybe check out an online class and you can learn a little more than I can post in a quick post!


    Mr. Statsman, can you give me the figures of violent crime and robbery broken down by race?

  3. 6 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Oh sure, drag me down to this ***** hole, where all your bad ideas look halfway decent compared to the other garbage being kicked around :thumbsup:


    Thanks for the stats. Yeah, COVID affects older people more. No duh. We all know that.


    What I was challenging was @Boxcar's assertion that, and I quote, "the average age of someone who dies from Covid is over 80 years. The average life expectancy is a little over 78 years."


    Now it will seem I'm splitting hairs, but he uses that stat to prop up his other assertion that the average life expectancy is less than the average COVID victim, and uses those assertions to conclude that we shouldnt worry about COVID. So the details are important.


    What he is saying in the bold is that if you added up all the ages of all the people who died from COVID, and divided by total deaths, the age would be over 80 years old.


    Using your statista.com link, and using ages at the high end of every age bracket (giving you and Boxcar an advantage), it averages out to 74. And again, that is giving YOU the benefit of the doubt and using only higher ages. So the true average is likely more around 70.


    Still old? Sure. But far from "over 80", and well under the normal life expectancy. So refuting his assertions.


    Details, accuracy, facts... All these things matter far more than how you guys want to feel about it.


    In all seriousness tho, even though we greatly disagree, good chat in the main page thread. We almost kept it on the rails there in the beginning, but then it took the usual life of its own. Oh well.


    edit: @Boxcar, one other note, the ft.com link you posted in the original thread has a hard paywall. No idea what it says or what you were trying to link. But I imagine I covered most of it above anyways.



    Don't strawman me. I didn't say we shouldn't worry about it, I said the response was a massive overreaction. The numbers I got were from Britain because I had trouble finding them for the US, but I forgot that Covid has a more drastic effect on obese people. The point is that the vast majority of people who die within what is it, 28 days? of a positive test are near the end of their life expectancy. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Blokestradamus said:


    Schwartz is one of those guys that I like if he lasts until Day 3. Hard to ignore the fact that he ran the 100m in 10.07 in high school. The initial qualification time set by UK Athletics for Tokyo was 10.06.


    He is still raw because he's never really needed technique being that unreasonably fast. A little more polish on his routes and getting down a consistent technique with his releases and he could be really good.

    That's what I find appealing. Imagine a guy like that surrounded by 3 of the best route runners in the NFL? I don't know how true it is that players learn from one another, but I know John Brown's route running got a lot better when he started playing with Beasley. Or maybe Chad Hall is a wizard, I dunno. But Schwartz is exactly the kind of WR i want the Bills to target: later rounds, crazy athletic, pretty raw. I'd take my chances while we have this receiving corps in place. I'd be disappointed if they went for a guy like Dazz Newsome instead.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Blokestradamus said:


    Trust me that Ossai will not reach the Bills in round two. He's still there, the Rams might do cartwheels to the podium.


    I'm not a big fan of this WR class, if I'm honest. Once you get past Chase, Smith, Waddle and Marshall, I don't have anyone else graded in the top 2 rounds. I haven't graded DB's this year (because I hate them) but Campbell put on a show against a bunch of receivers that I've watched. I think he's a no-brainer here.

    I very much like Anthony Schwartz as a later round pick.

  6. 1 minute ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Link or source for your made up stat?



    I know it doesn't fit your preferred narrative, but maybe sometimes entertain the idea that you might not know everything.

    2 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    We have three categories to choose from- age, income, race. YOU chose race.

    No, I chose age. Are you dyslexic?

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    So dont even bother to try. Just give up and let it infect everyone. Got it. How Boot-strappy American of you.


    Man, I dont mean to make it personal, but your lack of management/leadership skills is on full display in this thread. Maybe take a break.




    Skeptical is one thing.


    Ultra-cynical to the point of detaching from reality is what we have been dealing with.

    Speaking of detaching from reality, the average age of someone who dies from Covid is over 80 years. The average life expectancy is a little over 78 years. This whole thing has been a massive overreaction.

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  8. 1 minute ago, PolishDave said:


    I get your point, but the county owns the stadium.   So it is the county's call to make regarding whether or not you are allowed to enter and under what conditions.   

    Do the ticket sales not go to the Bills/NFL? I believe this policy decision would fall to the Bills, but could be wrong. Anyway, it being government owned makes it worse, not better.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Reed83HOF said:

    If you travel abroad they ask for vaccination proof as well, sane is required for entry into this country.  It really isn't that unreasonable at all 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Countries can reject entry to anyone they want for any reason, and they always could. That's the essence of sovereignty.

  10. 2 minutes ago, teef said:

    it's the state we live in.  ny hasn't been easy, but we don't have a choice here.  people have chosen to move away because of it, (and taxes) and that's their choice. 


    we have another choice here.  to get or not get the vaccination.  i decided to get it because of my elderly parents and my job where i'm in people's faces every day.  it wasn't the state's decision for me to get it, rather an educated choice after doing research and realizing its importance.  again, if people don't want to get it, i have zero issues with that.  i gave everyone in my office the choice to get it if they wanted to.  all that said, i want to hear zero complaints from peoplethat feel the vaccine isn't for them.  we all have choices to make.

    I appreciate the reasoned take.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 minute ago, teef said:

    i don't think people who refuse to get this vaccine are considered anti-vaxxers at all.  the issue is these same people are complaining about freedom.   you have the freedom to get or not get the vaccine.  the same way private business have the freedom to decide whether or not people are allowed in, (i get in this case it's state driven, etc).

    If it was just a decision left to private businesses, that's fine. I agree that they should be free to serve or not serve whoever they want for any reason. If the Bills on their own accord want to implement this rule, fine. If it's a condition set by the government, that's where it stops being up to the individual private businesses. I don't think this is unreasonable.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Logic said:

    I'm not sure how to respond without "politics" become involved. I find it sad that vaccination is a "political issue" to begin with. Anyway...

    I fully support this decision.

    I echo the sentiment that I hope more businesses do this (once vaccines have been available to everyone who wants them for a requisite amount of time). I'd feel much better about going into a crowded restaurant or movie theater if I knew that everyone inside was vaccinated.

    If you don't want to get vaccinated against the highly contagious and potentially deadly disease, and thus, want to continue to be a potential carrier and spreader of the disease, then fine, don't get the vaccine. That's your right as an American. But understand that there's no reason private businesses should have to let you through the door and into close proximity with the rest of their vaccinated, non COVID-spreading customers.

    I do have one question: If everyone in attendance is vaccinated, will masks still be mandated in the stadium? 


    I'm simply amazed at the obedience level of some people, to the point where they can be vaccinated and think continuing to wear a mask indefinitely is perfectly reasonable.


    If you're vaccinated against Covid, why do you care what other people do? Texas and Florida are doing fine without implementing this nonsense. I don't know if I'll get the vaccine or not but I still believe in the principle of freedom and you should be able to choose what is injected into your body. Fastest vaccine to market ever, limited testing, unknown long term side effects...there are plenty of reasons to decline. Now we are being conditioned to call those people "anti-vaxxers" even if they support every other vaccine.


    It's crazy.

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  13. 28 minutes ago, Process said:


    Not sure how to keep this from getting political/controversial. But its pretty big Bills related news. Hopefully we can all behave.


    Seems unnecessary to be making this decision in April? Why not wait and see how things are looking in two months when a majority of the country is vaccinated? We have no idea. 


    But I do think this is a good move and personally, like the decision.


    Also, does this mean Allen is going to get denied entry into the Stadium?😛

    "Papers please"

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  14. "Were there any consensual sexual encounters after a massage? Yes"

    I know there is porn dedicated to stuff happening during/after a massage, but a massage treatment is not sexual. It isn't supposed to be. That's a massive red flag when he's flying these women in for what seems to be a booty call, unbeknownst to them. "He didn't coerce or use his position of power." Even if he didn't do this consciously, come on. You simply can't be a guy like DeShaun Watson and not have that power inherently. It's like the Louis CK thing (and what Louie did wasn't right but I think amounted to making some women feel deeply uncomfortable). When you're in a position like that, people who view you as an idol of some kind can perceive that you have the power to advance their careers in some way, or ruin them if you say no, even if it isn't directly implied a la Harvey Weinstein.


    I get sometimes it can be tricky to discern true consent, but there are situations where maybe you should use Tinder instead, or have the woman agree to perform these acts before flying them in.


    I'm not going to assert Watson is guilty, but these admissions are from his own lawyer.

    • Agree 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    He was mocked in the 1st round because he was felt to be a 1st round pick.  The Bills were one of at least 4 teams clearly looking for a QB in the 1st.  Allen was clearly considered one of the top 4 QBs. 


    "Polarizing" would mean that lots of people felt he was not a top 4 QB or should not go in the 1st round.  Mayfield and Darnold were gone.  




    B/R at the time:  (Matt Miller, sending him to Miami)


    "The Pick: QB Josh Allen, Wyoming

    Disclaimer: I do not expect Josh Allen to last this long on Thursday night. In fact, he could be the first pick in the entire draft. But right now, with no trades, this is what could happen. I would expect Buffalo to move heaven and Earth to try and get him should a slide like this happen."


    With Darnold and Mayfield gone, it was down to the 2 Joshes. Rosen was considered a great passer, but not a great athlete and his behavioral issues (including not being liked by coaches) were a red flag.


    Compared to Rosen, Allen was an easy choice for the BIlls, despite the "boom or bust" narrative.  





    Daniel Jones is a way better example of a polarizing pick. Or maybe not, since there weren't too many on the "this makes sense" side.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 10 hours ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:



    1. The Athletic calls Buffalo the NFL's best front office


    The major stages of the free agency period have come and gone, and the focus now shifts to the NFL Draft which is less than three weeks away. 


    The Athletic NFL writer Sheil Kapadia went back and looked at all the signings that took place by all 32 teams and put together a list of what he learned about each team so far this offseason.


    For the Bills, he noted that the front office, led by Brandon Beane, might be the best in the entire league.

    Of course the first reply had to be some salty Chiefs fan. It's like banking on the sun rising.


    God they are so insufferable.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Rocky Landing said:

    They all do best running to the side, and finding a hole. None of them are a true power back (Moss would be the closest thing). They had very similar production last season-- 4.3-4.4 ypc. They're all within 10 lbs, and 3" of each other. Certainly, Breida is the fastest. What sets them apart, IMO, is Breida's acceleration, and Moss's low center, and blocking ability. Would love to have a true power back.

    One of Singletary's best skills is reading holes and waiting for openings. He doesn't excel running outside at all. Both backs are much better blockers than Breida, and Breida is a better receiving target. He also has the speed to beat the defense to the outside that Moss and Singletary don't possess.


    They fill completely different roles.

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