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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Everything about the blue helmet, or just the design? So basically we are limiting ourselves to either a white helmet or a red helmet. So this team is never allowed to have a blue helmet ever?
  2. I think people are mostly just attached to the SB years and associate it with the red helmets, not necessarily because they enjoy the red helmets. Could be wrong though. I honestly don’t want to see the red helmets, not because I dislike it, but because I don’t want this team to identify with a past regime. I want something new for this team to have its own unique identity going into their own SB streak.
  3. What is the limit to alternate helmet choices? Can the team only allow 2 per season? If that is the case, then the red helmet will probably win seeming how the past teams already wore it. I doubt they will pick a totally new helmet design.
  4. So since the NFL changed the rules, what alternate helmet would you like to see? I know there are other threads dedicated to individual helmets, but I want this to be a thread where everyone’s ideas can come together to see which one is the more popular option. I posted this earlier, but I really like this blue helmet option. Post your helmets here if you got ones you like. When will we know what alternate helmets the team will be using? A few days before the 1st game?
  5. I do to, I don’t want to completely change it, just an alternate helmet. I honestly like the blue helmet with a white buffalo as an alternate helmet to go with the white uniforms.
  6. Do you think the blue helmet white buffalo is any better? Or do you think the blue helmet just sucks?
  7. I personally have no issue with the current white helmet with red standing buffalo. Just looking for alternatives to wear once in a while.
  8. This would be the only combination I’d be ok with. Blue helmet for the all white jerseys games, but maybe as an alternate so it’s not a permanent thing. BYUs jerseys always popped. All blue will just look like mega man lol It looks no worse than the Giants color scheme.
  9. Yes, blue helmet with white jerseys. Really? I guess everyone has different tastes. I thought this actually looked really good.
  10. What about the helmet I linked to? A white buffalo looks much much better on a blue helmet. Actually looks fresh.
  11. I’d be ok with this, but not a blue buffalo on a blue helmet 🤮 . https://images.app.goo.gl/VJ29FttVbpQLWRzC7
  12. Noticed your blue helmet design. That is sharp! Much better than the blue helmet grossness that was posted on here before. The white buffalo with the blue helmet is fire.
  13. Which is fine. I have no issues with that at all. If Taiwan is that VALUABLE, then maybe we all just need to recognize his greatness. I never realized Taiwan was so elite that he was irreplaceable. So in my opinion, if that is the case, then he deserves to have his name around with other greats like Tasker.
  14. The whole point was are we able to substitute slightly less performance to help our team maintain a plethora amount of WRs in a system that uses 5 wide very often. Apparently its forbidden to question the sanctity of all that is gunner holy. Forgive me Taiwan for doubting your supernatural special teamsness. All hail the gunner god. May we sacrifice a buffalo to bring you great fortune this season.
  15. If he makes the team, Taiwan Jones jerseys are going to fly off the shelves. Such a god tier gunner that he’s irreplaceable.
  16. He will be 40 and still on this team because he is a god gunner. I’m convinced now lol
  17. Apparently he means more than just something to ST. If he was just something, given everything we know about this team, we could take a few notches below Taiwans performance and still be ok. Apparently he is a god gunner and must stay on the team at all costs.
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