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Posts posted by Back2Buff

  1. 1 minute ago, MAJBobby said:

    Cannot COVER to save his life.  No he wont be an upgrade


    Have you seen Johnson play??  Abram is 10x better than him in every way possible.  Abram has also been in a toxic, crap defense.  Look at how many of the guys that he came in with have been cut from Raiders.  Something aint right there.

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  2. I posted this in the other thread, but Abram, Edmunds, Wingard are probably the ones maybe available on one year expiring deals on crap teams.


    I think the most logical move for the Bills is, move Neal back to safety full time.  He came into the league as a safety and still have no idea why he wasn't kept there.


    During training camp, they were evaluating Mccould vs Lewis as the last roster spot.  Both guys were getting time at safety.  My guess, Cam Lewis could probably step in too.

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  3. 1 minute ago, delirious said:

    Okay, so you let them run. But if you know they're going to run, why not run a 4-3? I'd rather my offense bleed and run out the clock then let them run against nickel and burn clock.  It just seems backwards.


    Finally someone with common sense.


    Some of these responses in here are very delusional.  Letting an RB get 7 yards a carry and then Rodgers going over the top to finish off the drive, is not bleeding out the clock.

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  4. This was our issue for years now, but the Bills just roll out the same formations no matter the opponent and it continues to make no sense.


    I have no idea why the Bills went nickel pretty much the entire game yesterday.  If you can't stop those WR without a third CB on field, you have bigger issues with your secondary that will get you no where fast.


    When the other team is missing two LBs and you are up 17 points, you go big and you run the ball down their throats.  You don't try to run it out of shotgun with 3 WRs on field.


    It's so frustrating to feel like we are a dumb football team because we don't adapt to the situation at hand.  It's like we are too stubborn or something.


    This is why many national reporter say the Bills rely on Allen too much, because they do.  They are 100% right.  Singletary and Cook were running fine with the right personnel in the game, yet Dorsey got so cocky.

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  5. I wish they would just come out and admit that after he trains on it, it isn't responding well.


    Remember in training camp he was working hard off to the side and then he was just gone?


    You can't get better than 100%, sitting out after your 100% and thinking its going to "heal" better is a myth.  He isn't 100% yet, which at 11 months post surgery, is extremely concerning.  Look at Odell.  He said his ACL didn't feel correct after his first tear, and he tore it again.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    I’ve yet to see him run routes. Has anyone seen him running routes? Anyone seen him running?


    At first when Von talked him up to Buffalo I loved the idea, now its starting to sound like a buddy trying to help his friend out.


    NFL GMs know a lot more than what is being portrayed.


    If he was healthy, he would have got a deal already.  I remember back before the season the NFL agenda pushers were talking about him signing right after Week 1 because of the non-guaranteed stuff.  It's now week 7 and all you hear is about certain individuals pushing OBJ, nothing from real GMs.  Last I heard, LA Rams pretty much told OBJ you aint healthy enough to deserve any contract.

  7. 13 hours ago, All I Need is Hope said:

    They might get an OBJ at 90% in January... while we get a hopefully all pro CB back at 100% in November.


    I'll take it.


    I'd still like them to see if a high end interior OL becomes available before the deadline.


    OBJ will not be 90% in Jan


    The first ACL tear on same knee was 10/25/2020.  The next season, he did not play until 9/26/2021.  A full 11 months.


    OBJ tore his ACL AGAIN 2/13/2022.  It could take a full year before he plays in a game this time around.



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  8. I hope more people jump on the "who care about OBJ" bandwagon.  The is on his 2nd ACL injury.  I personally think Godwin came back way too early and ended up with other injuries.  OBJ won't be near 100% this year at all.  I would say it is a long shot for him to be ready in Jan at 50%.  It makes ZERO sense to add someone who hasn't played all year into a playoff line up.


    I personally think if OBJ was really in demand, he would have been signed by now.  I think everyone around the league can see the reality and its OBJ himself that is drumming up fake interest.

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