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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    OK…Alphabet Soup and Abortion “Rights” are being left up to the states to decide which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of fascism….but that doesn’t fit Joe’s narrative so it’s better to just paint everyone with the broad brush of leftist hate speech. 


    Oh, ok - I guess you don't know what strong regimentation of society means... 

  2. 5 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    That wasn't in the description that he copied/pasted from the wiki.  He also left out "... and strong regimentation of society and the economy.", possibly because that would lead to questions on his support of a strong regimentation of society and the economy based on his personal ideology. 




    Now apply that to what red states are doing today with abortion and LGTBQ rights?

  3. 28 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Here?  You base it on the 4 or 5 that interact with you?  That’s what you base it on. Good lord.  I suggest you get out for a change and talk to real people ok. 

    You think pro life means they are against woman’s rights?  Not even close. It has everything to do with their deep religious beliefs that life begins at conception. It’s about saving the life of the unborn child. It’s rights. If you don’t understand that I can’t help you.  And just so you know I’m 100% for keeping abortion legal and safe.  But, unlike you, I think critically and understand both sides of this argument. So think why they are pro life. If you think hard enough you may discover an empathetic cell in your body and agree to disagree as opposed to the hate YOU are spewing here. 

    And yes I defended the GA voting law. But I was passionate about the fact it was not based on racism.  You have not and cannot prove it’s racist.  It changed the laws for all citizens of GA not just POC.  It’s sad you point an accusatory finger with zero to back it up with. 

    Regarding LGBTQ issue?  There are lots and lots of LBGQT MAGA supporters. Again get out and meet these people you so despise. You’ll be surprised how diverse they actually are. 

    History?  We love history. What are you referring to?

    Human life?  See above regarding abortion. 

    Democracy?  Huh?  

    Again step away from the keyboard and meet some MAGA people. You accuse some of the most beautiful people I’ve known, been related to of some horrible things and it’s all from what you’ve read and very little of what you’ve experienced. 

    This is likely the longest response I’ve ever had to you. And now I’m done. You are the most closed minded, immature, borderline psychotic (if not full blow psychotic) person I’ve ever had the please to interact with. I wish you well. 



    Religion - good for you… keep it out of our government and politics.


    lmao - you’re open minded lolololol


    Georgia is one of the most racist states in the union - enough said 


    Yes, your gay buddies think you’re nuts.





  4. 52 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    I'm sugarcoating nothing.  Again if you feel MAGA =  hate you're pointing out the hate in the wrong direction.  


    May I ask you how often have you interacted with MAGA supporters?  I need you to be 100% honest with your response to this.  

    Every day, here.  I see the hate you and the cult choose to ignore, spin or cheer  on - every day.


    I saw how much you enjoyed the hate Trump spewed on a daily basis.  You loved it because in your mind - he was owning the libs.


    Thats MAGA.


    Meanwhile, you are telling me MAGA respects women? LGTBQ? History? Voting rights? Human life? Democracy?


    I recall you had a tough time dealing with and turning yourself inside out to defend the racist laws that target and suppress voting just like you are 100% sugarcoating what MAGA really is… you desperately want to believe you are associated with something mainstream -  but you’re not.



  5. 2 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Of course Dems hate "Make America Great Again."  They hate what America stands for and want to fundamentally transform it to their socialist utopia. 

    Make America Great Again… for who? Fundamentally change America like the cult has by turning the clock back 50 years? You think that’s a winning strategy for a dying party?


    Make America Great again for who? 







    Why are you afraid to answer?


    MAGA hates America and everything it stands for… we see it every day



  6. 13 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:



    Roll your eyes all you want but I gave you a list of what MAGA means to ME.  See, making your country, your life, the life of your family and the ones you love great means different things to different people.  You said my list was NOT MAGA but in fact it was absolutely what MAGA means to ME and to many other MAGA supporters like me.  The fact that you, and Biden apparently, don't understand but even more importantly don't care to understand says a lot.


    I bet if we compared your list to mine it would likely be very similar. But carry one and argue for the sake of arguing.  It shows an incredible lack of critical thinking and maturity.  Your response to this will be very telling. 



    That’s fine Jim - you’re entitled to your POV… keep sugarcoating the absolute hate that is a hallmark of MAGA.

  7. 3 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    The defining characteristic of a fascist government is that it seeks to silence (or cancel) political dissent. 

    Can we PLEASE get the terms correct? 

    Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race ...

  8. 2 hours ago, DRsGhost said:


    A local "corrupt politician" murders a journalist is always going to be a national story. Again, not the point. The difference that you refuse to acknowledge is the murdering "local official" here happens to be a democrat, so that fact is buried at best or never reported at worst in the old, current or future coverage. You also refuse to acknowledge and know damn well that if this "local official" was a Reublican then this story would be covered wider and more dishonestly with every single headline noting that he's a republican.


    This is precisely why alternative news sources like Julie Kelly are essential, because nobody trusts the sources that you rely on. Activist hack "journalists" exist in local rags all the way up to the NYT. 

    Rock frickn bottom - this is what it’s come to…

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