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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 6 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


    Thank you for proving his point and what a gigantic hack you are.  



    He didn't say a thing about Trump 



    He said that if you or the media had any integrity, you'd tell us about Biden's fundraiser tonight while Florida is getting ravaged:





    But Brandon and the Ds have a fundraiser!




    Word is Brandon is looking forward to seeing his good friend and former leader of the filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Democrat Robert Byrd.  He said he hasn't seen him in a while and would like to catch up with him see how he's doing.  


    Trump lowered the bar so far it will haunt you and the cult for the rest of your life.


    Move to Russia where you belong.



  2. 4 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    Well I don't have to imagine what @BillStime would do, he would do what he and the rest of the insane left continue to do every single day when Trump isnt POTUS....lose their friggin minds.



    Hey look - it’s another look at me post from Deranged Rhino!


    Trump went golfing 25 times as a virus swept across the US and killed over 200,000 Americans


    Trump skips G20 pandemic event to visit golf club as virus ravages US










    Wait - what is this?


    Video appears to show Trump golfing in Virginia in the run-up to catastrophic Hurricane Dorian





    What’s this?


    How Trump’s time at his golf club hurt the response to Maria


    And this?


    Trump once again spends the day at his Virginia golf course as Florida braces for ‘catastrophic’ hurricane



    You literally cannot make this up



  3. 4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    And there it is....TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.  


    Our conversation had NOTHING to do with Trump.  Why did you bring him up?  It's almost like an addiction for you.  You can't help yourself can you?  


    Because you're easy, Jim.  It's a fact that you can't win.


  4. Just now, Chef Jim said:


    Vacuum schmacuum.  I'm just using your words and throwing them back at you. Soooo here we go again.


    If the economy was Obama's under him is this economy Joe's?  It's a simple question.   Even a "I misspoke when I called it HIS economy when I talked about Obama" would suffice.  


    Sure, we can play this game.  We will just have to revisit "Joe's economy" in 845 days.


    Meanwhile - in Trump's four years:





  5. 2 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    Did any MAGA Trump voters complain about Obama hypocrisy or something before Sandy even made landfall?


    Hey low infos.....how about this......let's wait to see what the proposed relief bill is until well after the storm has come and gone and if it contains all kinds of goodies for Congress and Biden's best friends of choice before you start bashing the man you fear more than anyone because he's going to be elected POTUS in 25 months...


    The only FREAKS playing games when it comes to natural disasters are REPUBLICANS. 


    Sit the @#$ down.


    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, 716er said:

    Anyone with a functioning brain can see how hypocritical they are.  Who the ***** cares though? I think the politics can wait until after the storm.

    Also is Desantis really begging for aid? Or is he asking for it as he should? There’s a bit of nuance there.


    Biden proactively declared an emergency got what Florida needed this past weekend.


    President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Emergency Declaration for Florida - September 24, 2022


    It was DeSantis and his SIMPS who politized the issue even before the damn thing hit landfall.



  7. 6 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    I’ll ask again seeing you gave it an olé


    If it was Obama’s economy then is this Biden’s economy now. And Billy try to answer without interjecting Trump ok?




    JFC - Economics doesn't happen in a vacuum. 

    1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said:

    At the time, Obama explained to the American people, that he needed those increased tax rates to help out during the Great Recession.  With the Great Recession officially over, Trump simply put the rate back where it was. Nothing to see here. Carry on.



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