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Everything posted by Hardhatharry

  1. Yes but it probably made Foxx and 3rdnlng angry to see him actually talk about the problem.
  2. Everything can be done by phones so we will be good.
  3. How long will this level headed Trump last? This is how he should always be instead of attacking everyone actually talk about the problem. That is all I wanted was for him to take this seriously and he did. I hope he realizes he can do this for more than just 1 press conference.
  4. You never responded when talking about the virus and just called people an idiot so red handed in what? You are the one who just ends up calling people idiot like the guy who calls people dumb when you have nothing left to say... you agenda driven people are just out of hand.
  5. This guy is getting just as bad but his go to word when he gets flustered is "idiot" Lol that is funny. Welcome to what should have been done a few weeks ago lol
  6. See you cannot even talk about this with reason, you get flustered and then call people dumb. That is why everyone keeps saying put you on ignore i guess.
  7. TBH it is about the amount of money that is going to be needed to treat all these people. We already screwed things up by not taking precautions. I am just worried about how much money it will cost b/c of being so slow to actually do anything. Could have taken this more seriously and saved a bunch of money that in the end will come out of the tax payers pockets b/c of this.
  8. says the dumb ***** calling me baskin, keep up your ######ed agenda in the Bills forums where it will go nowhere thankfully. And that would be starting from a single patient, unlike Flu which has a global dominance already and does not need for hosts to travel from one country to another.
  9. I dont think either are any good anymore Jimmy Graham was a product of Drew B
  10. Wrong Republicans and dems will never work together b/c trump has basically turned them into a childish fight. The gov't in America is horrible right now, nothing but people blaming each other for things instead of doing something about it. Sickening but people like 3rdnlng and many others fell prey to it and are hooked by it now. Even when someone shares something close they find a way to spin it into one party vs the other....
  11. People too busy crying that people are attacking Trump over not doing anything. So they are trying to turn it into a political campaign. It's sad b/c the virus doesnt care if you are republican or democrat but these ***** idiots wont stop.
  12. Stop bringing your stupid attacking politic BS into this... the guy tells us something close to him and this is your ***** response.
  13. LOOKING GOOD IN XFL.... yea You know why guys look good in XFL, same reason they look good in college but dont pan out in NFL. Lack of talent defending them.
  14. Even someone running the country can be a total idiot doesnt matter the political side. He got one wrong but we cannot keep letting him bring this political war to something we need to deal with. Let him talk while the rest of the country is following or starting to follow protocol. This could have been handled better but as a world as a whole you cannot let that stop from trying to slow it down now.
  15. No one cares about what you do daily right now. Who is saying its all a hoax? Does anyone even care that that one person said it, other than you of course...
  16. I dont know and it seems they just always want to try and make it political which makes it even worse. Virus doesnt care what side of the idiotic political tape you are on. Without a fire that would be basically what people in here are trying to do bringing in politics when it has nothing to do with democrats and republicans. So you are saying there is no virus and we are being put through fire drills for no reason?
  17. You just killed any argument by trying to use the flu excuse... Go look back at past posts to see why your argument is moot.
  18. Not one person is doing this but you.... people are just following protocols for an outbreak of a virus we want to stop spreading. all i keep seeing in your posts is these words that no one else uses. Look up doomsday and "everyone will be dead by june" and you are the only one using that in these threads.
  19. So funny when people talk about "fear mongering" when that isnt what is happening. So when the fire drill goes off in a school that is fear mongering to get the kids to walk out to a respected spot or is it just the way things need to be to avoid bigger problems.
  20. You see, he becomes childish and cannot even talk about the subject at hand. You tried to use the flu thing and I shut it down, you are running out of excuses.
  21. Mr Foxx got stomped in this thread the second he tried to talk about the flu.
  22. Anyone know what Rows agenda is? Look at you making ***** up, please show us the people that said "we will all be dead by June" So funny watching him attack everything people say. Using extremes that no sane person has said during this outbreak to back up his little battle.
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