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Everything posted by amprov56

  1. More front office scout staffs need to consult more with the NFL brain trust found on TBD, they would go much further!
  2. Why listen to the media when you can get all the negative hype here on TBD from a select group of Bills fans? I rest my case!!! Mr. Sunshine himself, the Beer Guy from Utica! Great post Beastmaster, I'm with you!
  3. How about just being citizens respecting life and the law?
  4. I read these posts and not sure if I should laugh, get mad, or cry; man we got problems! But hey this America 2024!
  5. I know you don't realize it but my point is made and says plenty! Have a great night!
  6. Yes and alert, active, and involved in the adult world!
  7. Correct, as opposite as they were Frank proved indispensable to Kellys success!
  8. Another great post, he was a great person and good citizen that you loved rooting for!
  9. Great post and it illustrates the gap between "old school" Bills fans who love and understand the game living through 50 years with first hand Bills experence and those who view the game as mere entertainment, angry on a daily basis!
  10. Whatever, you have not trashed Mcdermott today, get back on track!
  11. Again, you dont know! The 1989 comeback against the Rams on MNF then winning several more while Kelly was hurt. 1990 beating Miami in a crucial game allowing the Bills to clinch the AFC East and home field advantage, He did it with class, character, and humility, not traits admired by the fast food/win at any cost and we will take anybody generation in 2024. Seriously, focus in the twenty first century, you don't know, and yes you guys love the negative. It's a lifetime Bills Fan thing, you'll never understand.
  12. You had to be there in 1993 or you 'll never understand, its a thing that only fans as old as the franchise can grasp!
  13. Some will keep a weird "Sammy Watkins" emotional attachment to Diggs that we will keep hearing about but by January 2025, NO!
  14. I thought he was getting fired after the draft! Try 1968, 1970, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1984, 1985, seriously most who post here have no idea! I would return to and work on your Beane is getting fired after the draft post; bring water your getting torched!
  15. Ya, Im pissed off about being a perrenial playoff team; can we have Rex Ryan back, seriously!!!! Fire everybody, the TBD mantra! Stop using facts and logic, you need emotion!
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