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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. My point, which has flown right over your head (being an ideologue has its drawbacks), is that you have declared anyone that is vax/booster hesitant to be stupid and selfish. When nations and institutions diverge from your vaccine wishes you play dumb about it. Tiberius-level dumb. In this instance you are trying to turn the conversation into a public vs private school matter. Why be so nakedly disingenuous? If you were consistent at all you would be calling these nations out as you do the awful people that live in red states.
  2. It’s early and you are old-ish. Let me copy and paste so you can attempt to stay with the conversation. If you read slowly enough you will see that the question is not about JHU even though you’ve twice tried to make it so. Is that how they do it at UVA? My question - are universities in Britain, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark run by stupid and selfish people? Anti-science types perhaps? Red state hillbillies??
  3. You did everything but answer the question that was asked. Conveniently avoided so as to not get off track. Why?
  4. It’s Rand Paul so it’s automatically awful for the people that imagine themselves on the side of facts and data. My question - are universities in Britain, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark run by stupid and selfish people? Anti-science types perhaps? Red state hillbillies??
  5. “let me do a quick google search and cut and paste the definition of pandemic so that I can prove the doddering old fool was technically correct on 60 minutes and then break out “so sue him” as a rejoinder. That will show that dullard!” - redhawk
  6. In the meantime keep getting as many mRNA boosters as you are told. They aren’t as good as natural immunity based on the most recent science but that’s unimportant. If there are any long term consequences that is not relevant either. It’s the only way we will ever get out of the pandemic. Also: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/politics/biden-pandemic-60-minutes/index.html You should have more faith in your guy!
  7. Which for you and other risk-averse people equates to stupid and selfish. You are free to get unlimited boosters. Others, the stupid and selfish, will be ok with cold symptoms and a day or two with a fever and get their immunity that way. Also from the article: The immunity generated from an infection was found to be “at least as high, if not higher” than that provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine, according to a new study. But you be you. With the low rate of people getting boosted you being you will result in membership in an exclusive club of the ultra-protected. I’m not entirely sure how that works since the science shows the boosters neither prevent infection nor the spread of it but whatever. Improved outcomes seems to be the extent of it.
  8. Redhawk says F all those people. They are stupid and selfish. It’s science!
  9. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626 How many days a week? 8 for this guy. Greenberg, longtime director of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, took Biden to task for sponsoring a bill that would limit the power of courts to order school desegregation with busing. It was a move that followed the wishes of many of Biden’s white constituents in Delaware.
  10. Meaningless. The only way out of this is through contact tracing, hand washing for 20 seconds minimum, masking, doing your part by staying six feet apart, and most importantly taking as many mRNA boosters as necessary even though there’s no science to say there are no ramifications in doing so. You just have to believe. Otherwise you are stupid and selfish.
  11. Dude/dudette - with Ghengis Ron right there on a silver platter for you, you go with Xi DeSatan?? Wtf? Do you know anyone that’s even mildly witty that can help out on occasion?
  12. Joe, a decent man, telling stories? I never saw that coming!
  13. Yolo is always of good cheer. It’s noticed and appreciated.
  14. Who will be most negatively affected? The Ukrainian people or Tiberius?
  15. You know she’s bad when there isn’t a single word in defense of her from the crew of PPP cheerleaders. Have to know when to fold ‘em!
  16. Hard to say. He did just let China fly a spy balloon over our country from coast to coast before taking action. Tell me again why that was ok?
  17. “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on man. They’re not bad folks.” J. Biden 2019 It’s what’s known as foresight. No doubt a concept as unfamiliar to you as it was to Saint Barack when he said to Romney “the 80s called and want their foreign policy back”. Like you several times a day on this board, he proved to be a lightweight.
  18. So when you said “nobody” you meant only yourself. Thanks for clearing that up. Really nice work!
  19. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/02/13/china-spying-us-biden-be-honest-balloons-flying-objects/11247473002/ Nobody cares!!
  20. It’s all a big nothing burger. It’s not even a story anymore! https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/14/politics/conspiracy-theories-objects-white-house/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/13/politics/pentagon-memo-canada-small-balloon/index.html It was small and in Canada! Nobody cares! Also - it’s good they shot it down
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