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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Because that might force her grandfather, a decent man we’ve been told, to acknowledge that she exists.
  2. https://coloradosun.com/2020/06/30/police-protests-coronavirus-spread/ Here’s a classic! “Black Lives Matter protests may have slowed overall spread of coronavirus in Denver and other cities, new study finds” By keeping others away.
  3. Seems very unlikely anyone will answer this one. It’s going to go right on the “too hard” pile.
  4. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/05/kamala-harris-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-409320 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/us/politics/biden-trump-coronavirus-vaccine.html https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/09/03/trumps-vaccine-cant-be-trusted/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-trump-coronavirus-vaccine/2020/09/16/2ffbea6a-f831-11ea-a275-1a2c2d36e1f1_story.html https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/563771-guess-who-undermined-public-confidence-in-vaccines/ You will dance around this because it doesn’t fit but we would all do well to steer clear of these people that undermined the miracle vax.
  5. I think I see Rick Wilson in there with his confederate flag cooler.
  6. Someone here is going to eat the staffer story right up and come back for more.
  7. June 14, 2020. NYC checks off on huge Black Trans Lives Matter Rally. NYC area beaches remain closed. Jews not allowed to worship as they see fit. Those that can think outside the realm of what the experts tell us (think Wolensky - a prominent individual) know that this was wrong in every way. Trust: eliminated.
  8. I would disagree vehemently as it has been proven for quite some time that the vaccine does not prevent infection, hospitalization, or death. Reduce the likelihood, yes. Prevent, no. It’s not debatable. It’s science!!
  9. I do see the potential for further waves - despite the bazillion administered shots. They don’t work very well. People still die from covid after getting them albeit at a reduced rate. Most of the world has moved on but nobody is telling you not to keep up the good fight. And please remember to do your part and stay six feet apart.
  10. So no thoughts on the winter case numbers vs low boosting numbers? I don’t dispute the numbers at all. Just curious as to how they mesh. Again, everyone is free to protect themselves in the way they see fit. To pretend that some are doing it mostly for the greater good is virtue signaling at its peak.
  11. I don’t dispute it. I question whether or not there may be long-term ramifications from repeated mRNA vaccination. Motorin’, above, covered it quite nicely. Unless I get diagnosed with something unforeseen I won’t get ever boosted. I have original vax and a year later, subsequent infection. I don’t pretend I have any real immunity left, but for some time I have been living my life as I did pre-covid which includes weekly unmasked flights and am not fearful in the least. I don’t care one iota if the person in the seat next to me is multiboosted or an awful red state hillbilly. I also know that the booster will not prevent me from getting covid or spreading it. The covid handwringing in Feb 2023 is for the redhawks and chigeese of the world. Almost everyone else has moved on. Why do you think cases are low in the absence of mass boosting/vax fatigue?
  12. Cases steady and fairly low during winter. Certainly lower than last winter which we were told would be one of darkness and death. That doesn’t seem to fit the narrative. It’s especially interesting in light of: Now, many have shrugged off the need to get updated boosters. Only 15% of people eligiblefor the COVID booster shot that targets the omicron variant have gotten it — a rate that is even lower than the perennially disappointing rates for flu vaccine uptake. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/12/28/1145339626/its-not-too-late-to-get-a-covid-booster-especially-for-older-adults I know you like NPR.
  13. Vaxed people get hospitalized and die too. You still seem to want to believe it’s going to save the world despite the numbers in front of you. The vaccine is of marginal value. Get as many as you want. Nobody is stopping you and I am sure it will protect you from the hillbillies you fear. Not everyone is as fearful as you. The vax doesn’t do what it was advertised as doing. That’s not even debatable.
  14. True. We will see how it plays out. I personally have concerns when the experts, opinion makers, and President turn out to be 100% wrong in their claims. Makes me less willing to follow along. Others have more faith in these fine public servants and media mavens and are willing to overlook their wrongness. Have at it.
  15. Indeed and that was also around the time when the phrase “breakthrough infection” started making news and it started becoming clear that the vaccine did not work in the way Wolensky, Biden, and Maddow assured us it would.
  16. Any chance some of them have had second thoughts since the article that was published in Jun 2021? Is it even possible?
  17. “With vaccines, you’ll get one or two shots (maybe even three if you get a booster),” says Dr. Cunningham. “If you are going to get a reaction from a vaccine, it’s going to occur soon after you receive the vaccine. At most, it will occur within two months—not 10 years later.” From the article. What about boosters 4,5,6 and beyond? Is there any mRNA science that speaks to it? Your personal risk aversion ceases when it comes to repeated mRNA injections. Good for you. Having had covid a year after my initial two round vax and lived to tell the tale I’m going to wait a little while and see how it all plays out. It turns out the vaccines neither prevent one from getting covid nor spreading it.
  18. What are the long-term ramifications of repeated mRNA boosters? Does your doctor know? If so, how does he know?
  19. You have also told us you wear a mask in crowded indoor settings. The world has moved on. Not everyone is as risk-averse as you seem to be. You and like-minded people are free to do what you do. Nobody cares. If that makes you a more thoughtful person than the vast majority, well, you’ve got that going for you.
  20. What makes you believe everyone gets a flu shot? Because you do? You are clearly in the camp that there is no way that mRNA shots will have zero consequences a little while down the road. I am not. There’s not enough….science…to know. If I am wrong about that, please let me know what the future looks like. https://www.statista.com/statistics/861176/flu-vaccine-coverage-by-age-us/ Do we get it? Many do, many don’t.
  21. The sub-headline from that article: But the benefit of vaccines in reducing Omicron transmission doesn’t last for long. The vaccines do not prevent covid infection nor the spread of covid. Who is debating that at this stage? Anyone that wants some temporary measure of semi-protection can get it whenever they want.
  22. The bottom line is that they neither prevent infection nor spread of infection. Nobody is saving the herd through repeated boosting no matter how brave that is. Those that fear hospitalization or worse should do what’s best for themselves.
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