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Everything posted by millbank

  1. we will introduce apps for your smart phones that will
  2. created the internet and you ridicule us , you naves, we just might cut our hair , put on suits and ties and become your
  3. those skinny weird looking people with long hair (men or women, can't tell who a boy eh) who persist on playing In A Gadda Da Vida full bast , when asked who they are and where they come from exclaim.... .we are the .....
  4. QB meaning Quintessential Baritone , said the rival the three Baritones namely .....
  5. arched eyebrows this may not be the man first thought but none other than the scandalous and most precocious ...
  6. confuse everyone when others ask if he the real Tom Brady, he does not deny it, but on inspection it clear as evidenced by the ....
  7. entire story not been told yet. Given it would appear a young man allowed to act out in any fashion, Parents responsible for discipline possibly role modes for the said behavior , wish it were possible for such a thing as a Parental time out where Parents were mandated one month effective parenting education, and young man one month in Military school. The notion of freedom of expression, that children are just children ect. Somewhere someplace there need be something over adults that in fact are just older children, the children they said to be responsible for , see them more as fellow children and friends. You see your son shooting a puck at a persons head in anger , yelling at the referee for deemed misdeeds, it obvious children , parents a extension of each other .
  8. http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/hockey-cromwell-referee-arrest-charges-police-fight-disturbance-249159901.html During a hockey game between teens 13 - 14 years old a player was given a match penalty with means he is to leave ice. The player became angry and shot a puck at the head of the referee and went to the bench. It appears the referee went into the bench and dragged the player off the ice. Angry parents seeing this called 911 and police came and referee arrested. Putting hands on children at any case is not going to go over well anywhere. In hindsight the referees course of action would have been better had he went to Coach of young mans team, told the coach either the young man leave the ice in a timely fashion of the game is forfeited, least wise to me that seems one answer. Some background police had been called earlier in the weekend at parents harassing referees. It not a large jump to conclude young man with the attitude, likely from home with one. Got to wonder if Coach or Parents deserve unpaid volunteers to give their time son their children can play a game. No doubt most at seeing one of their children being dragged by a adult are going to react quickly, but one wonders if the only recourse was for this referee to forfeit the game and leave the ice himself banning this team for playing further. Referee chose wrong course of action, but I can understand it. What do you think of this incident and what would you have done as Referee, and as Parent. Parent of Opposing team, Parent of player being dragged. ( did not read at any time a adult redirecting young player, telling him to settle down and be respectful) Got to wonder who the victim is here. Imagine in the end this referee who is also the commissioner will be removed from this league and much shame attached to him, young man and Parents enabled to carry right on. Time will tell .
  9. two teaspoons of cgf's super secret ingredient that when taken faithfully will make a person into a outstanding
  10. put a face of contentment on the cows , so tourists are able to pass by and say
  11. omg, a group of old order mennonites who taught him to live by the words... You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm he then went on to become...
  12. as affectionado, salavador dali once said.. 'the only one difference between a madman and me, I am not mad, which resulted in....
  13. Don Cherry need be hired to do Coaches Corner Football.
  14. advocated by those in the surrealist phase of life where they eat as many doughnuts as possible to let out the mysterious inner being and show to the world their ...
  15. and Jim Schoenfeld , he with doughnuts in hand exclaiming.......
  16. all fine attributes one would need to procreate and bring forth a new generation of large red headed .....
  17. It seems that the series is at this point not over but on hold for one year. Is this more that the parties can work out a acceptable financial resolution to end series . Or is it possible it being said in Toronto Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment to purchase the Argo's and move team to their owned facility, which would clear Rogers to move ahead plans to install natural turf at the Rogers Center and perhaps a better playing field for teams to play. This could be what is in mind when as stated in joint announcement they committed to enhancing football experience.
  18. people from Mars, who laugh at temperatures of 20 below zero as they used to 400, Martians are heard to be snickering , what a pack of girly boys, don' t they have any .....
  19. this true, providing change is what occurred. Seems organization has had Owner at the top, qroup of long time associates, below him that have his ear, a now resigned Lafontaine and a young General manger, If Pat Lafotaine leaving has cleared the chain of command now that there is order and communication this change great. If it be Murray has a mandate to do his job without having to clear it with anyone other than perhaps owner, this a good thing. There can only be one leader hockey level the General Manager, the $$ stops here the owner. Upper management idealy stay out of hockey operations. Both Bills and Sabres have spun wheels for a long time, in Bills case many coaches have come and gone interestingly no success in Buffalo , but elsewhere, to some extent this so with Sabres, the record of upper management not a good one. Time will tell. imo
  20. led by Ian Kinsler , who called his past owner a sleezeball , and had rumored talks with Nolan Ryan to leave the madness and join them in Iceland to create a new world power far away from the.. madness that is..
  21. rumors are flying that Pat Lafontaine and Ted Nolan will team up and with promise to rise team Iceland from obscure hockey nation to Gold Medal winner, Icelanders are said to be dancing in the
  22. interesting on the Lafontaine resignation, as of noon today, nobody apart from those immediately involved know what actually happened, each article , each talking head at best speculating . In the end while not so sensational but reality is simply owner sided with his young General Manager and Lafontaine thinking he was Murrays boss had no option but to leave given his legs cut from under him. A call had to be made, time will tell if it be the right. one.
  23. only would scratch using a twenty foot stick wearing rubber gloves and a fully readied rottweiler to be loosened if ....
  24. you may scratch my back , you go any lower and .....
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