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Everything posted by millbank

  1. That young ladies push around in shopping carts to attract men of substance and
  2. that stuff in the fancy blue bottle at the perfume section of Oscar Wallensteins five and dime that
  3. and this no ordinary bath tub, it equipped with a large full power
  4. his third helping of atomic bean fortified stromboli and washed it down with not one but six large glasses of ...
  5. after a tough night at bingo, those bingo mavens so tough that when they dab their bingo numbers they
  6. has to eat through a straw held by his nurse and getting frisky could cost him his....
  7. the medicine man who will be hired to dance the dance of Immortals at Ralph Wilson Stadium mid field and introduce a generation of awesome.....
  8. those new Canadian Lucky Loonies.. which will be placed under Bills fans pillows and result in a era
  9. To unfreeze giving travellers to the annual Stromboli and beer drinking contest some sustenance for the two man
  10. hot coffee or chocolate milk, mind you some insist on just dunking them in their ....
  11. Quetzal's were doing in this jar... likely because
  12. this jar stolen after a drunken fiasco, emptied of all the legitimate Monster and Gingerbread eaten by a certain ne'er do well... and filled with...
  13. are able to locate , they hidden on the top shelf where momma stores the ....
  14. shows of endearment and affection via wine to mead but instead offer Dollar Store...
  15. (mead young man! jackmeoff, this Russian?) in his dreams as he a practitioner of lusting in his heart, while
  16. Betty Rubble, clearly the most beautiful women ever , one can only imagine the .....
  17. oh gugny do not listen to them, jealous naves and ne'er do wells , they clearly made this folk tale up.
  18. a automatic pitching machine , aimed at their groins, she exclaiming "who's your momma as they cry out...
  19. favorite game played with teabags and
  20. plus those nations the world over who argue the right to eat those lima beans as they make a person just so frisky and
  21. not to ever be mentioned indiscretions, as all is sunshine and flowers in the bean eating nation of .....
  22. because boy oh boy, do they ever love to stand around in their hoodie's eating leftovers and singing .....
  23. once a week play bingo, just myself , a day away from everything, Ended up today $250 ahead.
  24. a exit that had every appearance of a man not wanting to be
  25. ok, but when B - 9 was called the entire house stood up and yelled.....
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