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Everything posted by millbank

  1. to her knee's to pray, the thought of that vanilla vodka going to waste just to much to bare, intercession by the highest power....
  2. as if one plays enough darts and drinks enough beer ones gets used to being tipsy and when you have to hit the bowl the ladies will not be raging why did you not put up the toilet seat, instead they will be saying, my my
  3. this only the forerunner to the game closer comment that was coined at the battle of Bastogne, "Nuts", just as Patton got his troops to do a ninety , so shall ....
  4. all the literature , instructions, personal training so he may look into the face of ridicule , and be able to say with conviction.....
  5. Daniels special edition, where a toast to the success to the upcoming quest , and all will then hold hands and sing that inspiring song....
  6. anyone who knows anything knows it the shinga ling, followed by three straight bone songs, to end the night(bone songs are those slow dances you did with your honey when you were a teen and not used to holding a young lady close and you became aroused thus tried to get back to the table before the lights came on , ) after which all headed to the....
  7. some said Betty Boop, others claimed more like Princess Jasmine, but Betty Rubble was the answer, which caused all hell to break lose, as those discussing this matter became enraged and started......
  8. but the hell of it all was it was not ziva who turned around, but the most by definition butterface ever seen, having the face of ....
  9. with the would you posts ect. at least this young lady is nice looking. Seems that husband and wife went out to celebrate St. Patrick's day doing a St. Patrick's Day, pup crawl. Both got lubricated sufficiently . Drunk tank conjugal visits likely would be a group activity .
  10. oh God its so embarrassing, blush, bag over head, caught kissing his lucky toonie as he was trying to get the courage to ask
  11. are used in scandalous attempts to cause hallucinogenic incidents where visions of
  12. but fortunately for all the nuts of the world he was diagnosed with a food allergy, such that now nuts are off the option list and only
  13. which for some unknown reason was not received as well as Franks version some said it was jealousy or even the Mob, others said it was because.
  14. Ive got you under my skin, song not by Frank but man who would bring tears to your eyes velvet voiced....
  15. he recently joined a commune where just like in the sixties Peace and Love reign , no bad vibes allowed and only the finest is allowed to be
  16. to confuse those who have not paid attention, soon a day of reckoning will happen upon them, the wrath of Tom will
  17. placing people in a pressure cooker and keeping their heals to the fire, plus turning up the heat to produce....
  18. this group of idiots are able to keep the real idiots under scrutiny and Tom can discipline as only Tom can with words of ....
  19. yes these idiots Tom has right under his thumb as he has much incriminating audio and video data on these , so when Tom jerks the chain they....
  20. how easy it is to install camera's and listening devices in area's of opportunity... thus now Tom has resources to control and achieve his will over many individuals , there is even talk that...
  21. the one thing he has always wanted to do ( top of his bucket list), to dance in a scarlet red tuxedo , "Strangers in The Night" with none other than...
  22. with so much still to be told on it goes... " Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz, my friends all drive porches I must amends, words of the dreamers who aspire to ....
  23. at the local theater guild along with children and adult film and stage stars, (and you thought adult meant something else didn't you you bad, bad boys.) the long awaited stage version of Buffalo Bills, The Agony and the Ecstasy , The Final Chapter where finally.....
  24. those choices would seem obvious the sex in this case takes the form of blissful , romantic , orgasmic sex of the mind, a explosion of waaaaaaaaaaaaaves of passion manifested by.....
  25. Some Evidence of knowledge of the best places to enjoy
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