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Everything posted by millbank

  1. Bingo balls every one of them needed for the jackpot which is
  2. they better not have been ginger bread...
  3. play , Jack of Beanstock fame, not Sprat, Jack is known to grab people by their.....
  4. to his head but Scott had already called back Ice to Moderate as clearly far to many assclowns where wrecking havoc on wall and a firm hand needed to ....
  5. and Millbank so deluded thought nobody noticed when in a rage ripped off his shirt called out the entire.....
  6. who we will not mention as a jealous fight would ensue between a host of many dejected, rejected , objected led by ....
  7. asked gungy's address and a taxi to his place, she then handed cgf a bag full of ....
  8. ran to middle of Peace Bridge and planted the Star of Texas between the U.S and Canadian flags, yelling Long Live the Alamo and pulled out her....
  9. brought up from Canada, hidden in a man's underwear , he claiming he just big , border officers declined to pull .....
  10. and yes "the outrage", bought a foam finger at the stromboli festival , and painted it Bills colors, on inspection though it
  11. they get to their respective washrooms, laughing their behinds off seeing fellow workers peeing out windows claiming it was raining to those below many said to be...
  12. mind you most followed the instructions found on youtube "how to poop at work " a outstanding cooperative led by ....
  13. resulted in a rather sardonic sense of humor in a derisive, ironical, mordant, mordacious fashion, causing ...
  14. doing stinkies., then walking around the room with that " was that you?" look on his face, which caused many to exclaim...
  15. Toronto City council have a motion before them that would allow bars to open at 6:00 am so people could watch medal games and celebrate with a beer. Cannot imagine getting up at 5:00 am and heading to my favorite watering hole to watch a game and have a beer at such early hours of day. Given many on wall attend tailgates regularly suspect many have cracked open a beer or two fairly early in the day. What is the earliest time of day you can remember having a beer. Personally 11:00 for a early lunch, this no more often than i can count on my hand. (It a given one can go in bar and have a soda or tea and enjoy being together with other fans, )
  16. on Broadway , with real sharks and and committed people willing to sacrifice their...
  17. my bad entirely, yes windows also a special outlet where Scott could gain some financial support as lurkers would look through to see activities of wall. Also on wall would be mirrors where posters could look at selves to gain a introspective feel. This at a to be agreed cost of course ( had better be careful or this thread could become on of those threads, and we all know what they are..)
  18. ( because all they like is hard wood) because they like the comfort of straight back chairs , not those limp.....
  19. perhaps a floor, that is down to earth and beginners, start their journey of wall memberships and a ceiling where those who are over the top go to voice their opinions, , thus a floor and wall and a ceiling. The room would be for those special relationships .
  20. with creosote and wood stain, not with spilled wine and cheese and those messy...
  21. with wine maiden and only a facecloth to cover him himself , from outside could be heard....dam it mead could you please....
  22. October 11 is National coming out day, have parades, sing songs, whatever, long for the day when the response to such is "so what!"
  23. In a league where linemen are 300+ , does Sam get drafted to become linebacker given he 255?
  24. Aussiew won coin flip with cgf for the privilege of
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