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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 23 minutes ago, boater said:

    I almost adopted the cruising lifestyle. I looked at being a Looper.


    But I'm a bachelor and would have to go alone. It's something I consider a two person operation. Single handed docking makes my sphincter tighten, or going through a lock alone.

    You are correct, single handing is a stressful endeavor, I’ve taken out our bout solo for just a short sail and it was a lesson in paying attention to say the least lol, throw in the substantial currents that abound makes it imo, a necessity to have a second set of hands, who knows your first mate may be just around the corner, and doing the loop will come into sharper focus 👍

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Doc said:

    As I said before, there won't be a true #1 WR this year.  The philosophy will be "get open, catch ball." 

       This you so eloquently stated is the description of basic requirement for all receivers.
       When this is projected to the last half of last season both our #1 & #2 WRs did not do very well with this basic requirement.  Davis was hampered with injuries.., yet again, and Diggs…, in my humble opinion, was pissed about about what he considered his targets being distributed elsewhere, and yet, he didn’t do well with the opportunities when he was targeted.  
       Brady and Allen had little choice but to rely on Shakir, because Shakir did that, “ get open catch ball thing “…, really well, that’s the only thing Josh Allen (or any other QB) needs from his receivers,  the rest takes care of itself, when your receivers know what they’re up to. 
        Had both our #1 & #2 WRs been available and did that “ get open catch ball “ thing correctly, all this discussion would not be happening as it is, but Diggs gave up, Davis can’t stay healthy, so both had to be “let go” as it were, as both were no longer dependable assets. Couple this with the cap fun, we are where we are now. 
       Some here like to pretend that this is not the case, but we know they regardless of their droning on and on that they are, shall we say, incorrect. 😁👍🍸🚬

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  3. 1 hour ago, CSBill said:


    What got me, Don: "Now located in Beaufort SC, keeping the boat at Ladies island marina, my wife is the new Dock Master there, the new engine is installed in our sailboat, and we have become weekend sailors for the present, we will be heading to the Bahamas next year."


    Good for you. I'm envious.

    Good morning CSBill, hope all is good in your world, the sailboat cruising community likens going sailing to” working on your boat in exotic places” unfortunately it’s not all cocktails and beaches, but I will admit it is a lifestyle that I have grown to appreciate, we started full time cruising in 2018, starting in Connecticut going down the east coast, stopping in many very cool towns along the way, and then on to the Bahamas and then back, doing our best to avoid winter lol,  🏝️  ️  🍹 


    GO BILLS!!!

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 2 hours ago, JP51 said:

    I am convinced that is just a popularity contest... 

    I do think Lamar is a remarkable player... but I wonder if push came to shove if those people who think he was the best wouldnt take Allen in a straight up trade. I certainly wouldnt take Lamar in a straight trade for Allen...  And yes, him winning the MVP was a popularity contest I think. I dont think that award is steeped in reality. just my opinion. 

    You would be correct in that conviction, what else explains totally ignoring the endless pile of stats that say he should have been the MVP at least once…

  5. 5 hours ago, hondo in seattle said:

    I saw an article on 365 Scores that I thought was interesting.  According to the author, Scott Kacsmar, the Bills lead the league in scoring differential since 2019:


    · Buffalo Bills +684 (no Super Bowls)

    · Baltimore Ravens +647 (no Super Bowls)

    · San Francisco 49ers +583 (0-2 in Super Bowl vs. Chiefs)

    · Kansas City Chiefs +574 (3-1 in Super Bowls)


    KC is 4th in regular season point differential but 6-0 in the playoffs against the top three teams.  


    "That number for Buffalo (+684) is historic as it is the highest point differential in any 5-year span in the salary cap era (since 1994) for a team that made zero Super Bowl appearances out of it."


    The article is actually a QB ranking.  Kacsmar was a nice write-up on Josh who he ranks #2.  Some excerpts...


    While it took him some extra time to break out, Josh Allen has been the second-best quarterback in the NFL since 2020. People are going to point to Lamar Jackson and Aaron Rodgers winning multiple MVP awards since Allen’s been in the league, but neither of those players has been as valuable, durable, or as consistent as Allen in the last four years. ...


    Since 2020, Allen has averaged 4,385 passing yards, 34.3 touchdown passes, 617 rushing yards, and 9 rushing touchdowns per season. Those are insane numbers. Steve Young for the 1998 49ers is one of the only quarterback seasons that comes close to hitting those averages as a dual threat...


    The Bills rely so much on Allen, who has responded with four straight division titles and advanced to at least the divisional round every year since 2020. But it’s past time that Sean McDermott’s defense has his back in one of these January matchups with the Chiefs...


    It's a good article.  Worth a read.




    Send this to the folk who determine the MVP designation…, 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 4 hours ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:


     you heard he was moving on.
     What was your take?

     it was more so just a deep breath.
     It was just like,all right.


     Steph was a great teammate.
     Like Steph is probably one of the best teammates that I've had.

    Seeing how he prepares for a game, how he treats his teammates,
     how he executes his passion.

    And I think what the world mistakes of what they're
     calling drama is just the passion that he has for the sport.

    Like I don't expect anybody to be happy with losing. Like and we're all not frantic, but like we're all at that height of emotions.

     Like it's an emotional sport.

     And Steph is an emotional guy for the things that he loves.
     And football is one of those things.

    And I think we're like, like we're going to miss him.

    We love him. And if it was time, and Brandon Bean has all those keys.
     Like we don't control any of that.


    You know, I was sad to see him go, but I'm happy to see him smile.

    And you know, he's smiling and he'll be a great player wherever he goes.

    And I'm just glad that, you know, like we got to take a shot at it with Steph.

    That was a whole bunch of fluff, and could be completely true, but you can’t expect anything else, there after all is a code of conduct when it comes to interviews, and Dion is a professional when it comes to this stuff, that and none of these guys are going to put themselves in a position that their employer or coworkers frown on, 

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  7. 13 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    More false narratives.   This one courtesy of Donny two-ply.

    like I said, is what it is, childish remarks don’t help your position, they only reinforce what has been said, nuthin but luv, Bado, and I mean that, it’s not personal, just an observation of your posted opinions here, you are likely a good guy and fun to have a beer with,  let’s both hope for a positive outcome on this upcoming season. 



    • Like (+1) 1
  8. On 5/27/2024 at 11:37 AM, BADOLBILZ said:



    Yeah, I never got where people like you formulated this opinion that fans are rooting against the team  just because they are being realistic about a player who has washed out due to his own poor attitude.    Literally NOBODY said they hope he fails.   Dude hasn't been worth a damn in two straight NFL seasons.  And shame on @NewEra for advancing that idiotic line of BS.

    You “realists” are so entertaining, it’s a rare occurrence when any of you say something in a positive light about the Bills team, and when it happens there is always a but reversal tossed in to negate your lightly positive comment, is what it is, nuthin but luv, GO BILLS!!!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Gee, everyone knows, or at least those with Josh Allen Derangement Syndrome, that working out with your receivers in March/April is way more useful then doing it in July with training camp right around the corner!



    Yup, JADS is a serious affliction, it is usually followed by a severe case of DKS, which is generally incurable,

  10. 5 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Funny, when I logged in, I had several private DM's and assumed it was about the QOD thread.  But no, there were all about you and your reply here and how out of line you get and how the mods don't do enough...even funnier is I had not even read your reply yet lol.


    Then I read your reply...and it just made me laugh.  I mean you are the same one who foolishly argued last offseason and even during the season that Shakir "can't catch".  You aren't as smart as you think are, and that is fine, that's honestly probably true about most people lol.


    But I do find it funny how you go out of your way to turn into a disrespectful petulant child when facing something you were wrong about or someone making a point you don't have a good reply for.  And as far as your over the line stuff at the end, I wouldn't even want your post taken down, its better others just see your character.


    PS:  Since there was you know some football stuff in your post...I will say this...comparing Shakir to Foster and those other guys is about as bad of a take as all your failed arguments to prove Shakir can't catch.  Good luck eating a bag of crow 🍆's when Shakir serves them to you this season :thumbsup:

    Bado, never has anything good to say about the team or 98% of the players, frankly I find him to be humorous, in which you know he will disagree with any positives posted about the team or most players, it’s like clockwork so to speak, lol, 

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  11. 10 hours ago, BigDingus said:

    So I recently got a bit irritated after hearing a segment that mentioned Allen's playoff stats being "inflated" due to the Pats game... as if that's the reason his stats look so good overall.


    They were also talking about Burrow & Lamar, but they seem to always get the benefit of the doubt due to Lamar's 2 x MVPs & Burrow's SB appearance & beating the Chiefs. So I decided I'd comb through all their stats & see how "inflated" Allen's stats truly are.


    Allen (Without Pats Game) - 9 Games:

    - 63.2 % Comp. / 2,912 TOT YDS / 323.5 TOT YPG / 22 TDs / 4 INTs / 95.5 RTG / 61.5 QBR


    Burrow - 7 Games:

    - 67.3% Comp. / 1,927 TOT YDS / 275.3 TOT YPG / 9 TDs / 4 INTs / 93.8 RTG / 52.6 QBR


    Jackson - 6 Games:

    - 57.4% Comp. / 1,845 TOT YDS / 307.5 TOT YPG / 9 TDS / 6 INTs / 75.7 RTG / 50.6 QBR


    *** Burrow has a higher completion percentage, and that's it. Jackson comes in dead last in every category.***




    Ok,  now a hater might say "well Josh played 2 more games than Burrow & 3 more than Lamar!" so in that case, I'll combine the 2 and do their average over 13 games, AND I'll do another where I just cherry pick each player's BEST avg stat for each category:



    Burrow + Jackson (Combined Totals & Averages) - 13 Games:

    - 62.4% Comp. / 3,772 TOT YDS / 290.2 TOT YPG / 18 Total TDs / 10 Total INTs / 84.8 RTG / 51.6 RTG


    ***In 4 more games, they average less YPG, have less TDs & more than double the INTs***


    Burrow + Jackson (Cherry Picked BEST Averages):

    - 67.3% Comp. / 307.5 TOT YPG / 1.5 TDs Per Game / 0.6 INTs Per Game / 93.8 RTG / 52.6 QBR


    Allen's Averages for same stats (Without Pats Game):

    - 63.2% Comp. / 323.5 TOT YPG / 2.4 TDs Per Game / 0.4 INTs Per Game / 95.5 RTG / 61.5 QBR


    *** Even when cherry-picking the best stats of both Lamar & Burrow OR using their combined numbers, Josh has more total TDs, more TDs per game, more YPG, less INTs per game, a higher passer rating and a higher QBR!***



    In conclusion, it's clear as day that no matter how you break it down, Allen has played SIGNIFICANTLY better than Jackson & Burrow. Again, this is WITHOUT the Pats game to "inflate" his numbers. That's 5 x TDs, 350+ total yards, a 130 passer rating & 98.8 QBR not accounted for, yet he still out performs Burrow & Jackson's individual and combined totals & averages.


    The END!

    Send this to those who determine the league MVP awards…, 

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