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Everything posted by Simstim

  1. Oof. Right in the breadbasket too. C'mon McKenzie. Don't give us the jitters.
  2. Great play calling by Daboll. Gave Mitch a really good chance to get some quick completitions.
  3. That wasn't on Kumerow. Defender was all over him and got his hand in.
  4. Great start for our D Line. And Dane did well considering the size mismatch.
  5. I had him down as backup C/ G and Brown as the backup tackle.
  6. I mean, the problem always was that he was more a Matt Barkley clone than an Allen type. He is on a loser to begin with. Needs some stellar performances to convince that he wasn't just a wasted pick.
  7. Stevenson with the prettiest looking return so far. Intriguing.
  8. Really? I thought he did well and couldn't pull away in time.
  9. That's a harsh call. Really not sure he could have done anything else at that point.
  10. Well, it's still only the first preseason game, but yes, I can well imagine Beane is keeping an eye out.
  11. I'm sorry but Jacobs is an idiot. All that flexing and he lead with his lid. Clear pen and stupid play.
  12. Nice play from Webb and Hodges. Our backup game is is strong.
  13. May I just say once - aaargh commericals. So effin annoying. Won't moan again.
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