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Everything posted by Simstim

  1. I was appalled for a moment. Then I re-read it. Clock, you said clock. Phew.
  2. So, that first drive. All that running. A setup for the rest of the game? Keeping the D honest?
  3. Some really smart play calling and execution there. This is nice. And then... Oh my, Diggs is so ridiculous. This is ruddy BRILLLIANT.
  4. Yup, that is the issue. I like that he seems to be playing really well now to be making up for it. That's two top notch catches in a row.
  5. Yup, as soon as I typed that, I thought of Cobra Kai and the fact that I only watched the first 2. I take it the reference was turned around then?
  6. Nope I don't get it. All the Karate kid quoting. Y'all are quoting the loser. Crane kick won it.
  7. Well, that wasn't too awful a first half. I rather enjoyed it.
  8. Oh, that was so sweet. This is no longer just fun. This is fantastic fun.
  9. Mere whippersnapper JCL here at 29 years so far. But, the addiction didn't start till I was 18.
  10. Nah, Taiwan was wide open. It was a great play call. Just a bad drop.
  11. That was fun. Oh so much fun. What a second half. D looked ferocious. 10 and 3. Sounds sexy to me.
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