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Everything posted by daz28

  1. ZERO, and neither will the nutbars. One just posted this 2 hours ago, "Think routine terrorist bombings at early voting centers in red areas of swing states type stuff.". But no, they're not in a cult. LOL
  2. They want to be fed a heavy dose of people who have no facts whatsoever, but say, "this suggests", "raises questions", or "has the appearance of". Somehow this hack trash becomes their Bible. If all they did was accept that something may be awry, then I'd be right there with them digging into the meat and potatoes of it. If any member of the lyin' GQP suggests something, then they get right in line with it. The House has been nothing but unproven conspiracy crap for 2 years, and they STILL eat it up. Congress is for legislating, not for campaigning on lies and supposition.
  3. Then why did he want to "head down to the Capital" to hang out with the white nationalists?
  4. Maybe some people don't want the entire federal government gutted, and replaced with hack loyalist brownshirts? Do I want more Biden? Nope. Do I want Nazis even less? Yup.
  5. The House is the GQP's little sandbox for discontents, who throw sand at the other children when they don't get the pail and shovel when they want it. Who wants 2 more years of this complete dysfunction and partisan lawfare???
  6. Where exactly is the 'bad reporting' in this article? Are you saying the reporters should have claimed that it wasn't Russian disinfo, when they weren't sure, and 50 guys signed a letter saying it has the marks of it? They even reported that Ratcliff said it WAS NOT Russian disinfo. Once again, you're trying to display some kind of 'gotcha moment' that doesn't actually exist. If you could get paid for this kind of nonsense you pull constantly, you would be off on Epstein Island sipping margaritas, and not here posting the same nonsense after nonsense tweets. If you believe that courtrooms, judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers are all squeaky clean, and only act in the strict standards of legal ethics, you're in for a rude awakening.
  7. I agree. I get that cooperation goes a long way in enforcement and prosecution, but the letter of the law is important, too. In reality, if any of trumps cases came sooner, he might actually be going to prison, but the questionable delay on all of them could be seen as giving him the same free pass the rest of them got/get, if he's elected. Neither the lack of justice, or perceived/real selective prosecution doesn't do none of us any good.
  8. My "sound legal knowledge"? What credentials, specifically, do you base your chat forum opinions on? You do realize she had NEVER even been a judge, before she was appointed a Federal judge, right? She has only handled a handful of cases, including this one, and you're free to look them up, too: In a 2023 federal trial of an Alabama man accused of running a child pornography website, Cannon closed the jury selection to the public on the basis of space restrictions and also failed to swear in the jury. This was described as "a fundamental constitutional error" by legal experts. According to court transcripts from June 12, 2023, Cannon was repeatedly asked by both prosecutors and the defense attorney to open the courtroom. The public defense attorney objected to closing the courtroom, arguing that doing so violates the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, which Cannon overruled. She was forced to restart the jury selection process before the trial ended in a plea bargain without the jury deliberating
  9. True, but what is the gravity of the said situation? It certainly doesn't seem to justify letting the defendant off the hook. If anything, sanction Jack Smith(if necessary) and move on. Instead, the judge just said, 'Everbody it's LIMBO TIME', right when the optics of it couldn't possibly be worse.
  10. Right now the facts are barren. I'm not going to judge on biased media reporting and partisan talking heads. I'm judging the judge on her basic lack of experience, which is a public record. I'm also not going to jump to a conclusion to satisfy a fellow poster. Also, I don't really have a big track record of saying, "I think" this or that based on my own intuition.
  11. This idiot Supreme Court ruled the Constitution is not self-executing, so that opens a can of worms that can NEVER be undone. Imagine a world where a president can commit any crime in the world, including treason or a coup, as long as his party holds the House, and refuses to impeach him. Basically, saying the House is above the Constitution. Very very sad times.
  12. While I'm 100% certain the phone call was to pressure them, and any jury is likely to feel the same way, I'm not sure he was demanding for them to commit a crime. I've listened to the entire call a few times. I think that call and several other similar moves were to create smoke and doubt, so people would fall for the fake electors plot, and accept it.
  13. I have no idea. If and when there's an explanation, I'll decide then, but it's ultimately up to a qualified judge. I already don't believe Cannon is qualified, and is in way over her head. There likely isn't many judges who do have any experience in this, though.
  14. The problem here is that the maga clowns are forgetting that even if this evidence was tainted, it was never shown to a jury yet, but somehow that equates to mistrial and TOTAL EXHONERATION! Fantasy land. At worst, Jack Smith should be replaced IF true. It's basically the same ad Fani slept with a coworker = TOTAL EXHONERATION! Funny how they are rooting for the criminal to get off on technicalities here, but every black guy wrongly shot by police was a dirtbag anyways.
  15. In this instance, he was basically Mark Fuhrman IF the accusations are true. Anyways, if Trump committed his crime, AND Jack Smith misrepresented evidence, then they BOTH should face consequences for their actions.
  16. LOL, while this is EXACTLY the kind of crap the GQP tin foil hats do daily, it is funny as hell.
  17. Unqualified hack judge over her head=prosecutor is a criminal. LOL This is the equivalent of OJ was innocent, because Mark Fuhrman. It's about all they have left in the playbook at this point. Sure, Mark was a dirtbag, but that doesn't TOTALLY EXHONERATE! the scumbags he locked up. If this was George Floyd, he wouldn't be getting a free pass from any of you, either.
  18. Apparently, an old guy with poopy pants dozing off at his criminal proceedings is better than some other old guy with poopy pants sleeping in the oval office. They're both HORRIBLE options.
  19. I'll go back to that fact she's only been there 2 months. My point is which of their complaints was she at the helm for? Probably none. Let me inform you of some facts. NPR gets 8% of their funding from CPB(government non-profit). The CPB supports over 1500 media outlets nationwide, mostly local. You can be assured that almost every single one has a bias based on their location. What's going on at NPR is no different than any of those stations. They're simply larger. This is just some crap Elon stirred up. Nothing 'new' is happening at NPR or anywhere else.
  20. We tried that with Supreme Court nominees, and it didn't work. I'd worry about that a lot more than I would someone running a partially govt funded media source. If it were Congress job to vet someone for that position, it might be different. Otherwise, maybe they should wait until she is actually accused of something. Can't wait to do that though, because they might lose their right to run the carnival in 6 months.
  21. Because she knows the people who wanted to ask her questions are very unserious partisan hacks putting on political theater instead of legislating? I'm not defending NPR, because it does have a left slant, but the idea that politics plays into every single persons decisions at their government jobs is deep state bs. NO ONE is more partisan than a House Committe right now, so it's like the giant pot calling a little kettle black. Their version of lawfare is lucky it gets any response at all.
  22. So an audit=a tax INCREASE? Just how dumb does Arynne think people are? Well, apparently she does know how dumb her followers are.
  23. Another "big reason" might be that she's only been CEO for 2 months??? Nah, let's just put on the tin foil hats instead, and claim it's because she supports a political party, like most Americans do. I'm sure twitchy and Joe Concha have no bias of their own either/ LOL
  24. So now radicalization is drag queens instead of blackshirts, brownshirts, and Bolsheviks? How terrifying. LOL
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