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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 2 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    Trump is getting desperate. I look for him to lose his ***** very soon. He’s tired of listening to the experts and wants to get back to normal. More people will die because of him. 

    That's exactly what happened tonight.  He was cutting off all the questions until he finally got mad and stormed off.  He wanted his opinion to be right so badly that he wouldn't let them ask the doctors about it

  2. 1 minute ago, sabrecrazed said:

    Ignore him. He's just mad because he's wrong an d Trump is right...again.


    Is that how radical Trump supporters get smarter by ignoring people with an alternate position?  If the guy had of done a good job there, I'd have said so, but it was horrendous.  I've always said that if he was just a little different he could have been a remarkable president, but he just can't help himself.

    1 minute ago, Doc said:


    No drug is completely safe in everyone.  Using that standard is silly.  Again this medication has been around for over 50 years and at no time was its side effect profile a problem...until now.


    You see, at present there is NO TREATMENT for Wuhan virus.  So for those experiencing severe symptoms when no one can predict whether they'll worsen or not, it's better to at least give the patient a chance with this medication.  There have been reports of it working and we don't have time for controlled studies.  And I'll bet if given the choice between possibly dying from Wuhan virus and taking the med, you'd take the med.  You probably wouldn't admit it...



    So you see the words "self medicating"?

    Did you hear the words it can't hurt you?????????


    If you have or are in a condition that otherwise seems irreversible I'm totally fine with an experimental drug.  This drug has had NO effect on symptoms.  It simply cuts the virus load.  I'm skeptical, but damn right I'd take it if I thought I was clocking out for good.  The problem is he was saying that there's NO chance it could harm you.  HE WAS WRONG.  There's not even any logic in him saying that, because no one has any idea if it actually saved anyone, or if it actually made their condition worse or even was the cause of their death.  THERE'S NO EVIDENCE!

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  3. This is why you don't do what he did:



    But in those few days, a few people who began self medicating with the drugs in an effort to prevent COVID-19 have died, and others have been hospitalized. These tragedies have raised questions about the safety of the drug combo, and how valid they are as a possible solution to treating COVID-19.




  4. Just now, Doc said:


    I'm talking about hydroxychloroquine, which (even your article says) has fewer side effect.  And I agree with him: doctors should be the ones deciding and the Feds should allow off-label prescription in a time of emergency like this.

    Look, he said that you have nothing to lose by taking it: ABSOLUTELY FALSE

    He said it can't harm you: FALSE

    When they tried to ask the doctor about legal ramifications, he cut them off.

    He was ABSOLUTELY giving bad advice, and it's indisputable. Am I saying it's a bad idea? No   Am I saying it's a decision between you and your doctor: yes

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  5. 1 minute ago, Doc said:


    Go right ahead.  Then show me the side effects of other antibiotics.  Then ask yourself, if this drug is so bad, why has it been in use for over 50 years?

    It's actually 2 drugs, and here's what your favorite mayor says about the hydroxy





    Just now, westside said:

    I don't agree with you, but I support your right to free speech. We are all in this together. Stay safe.

    Thank you, you too

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Why don't you answer the question I asked? What did HW Bush do to let him off the hook?

    Much is still not known about Iran-Contra because of document shredding, deceit, and cover-ups by Reagan-era officials. Congress handcuffed its inquiry by failing to subpoena Oval Office recordings and calling knowledgeable witnesses. Robert Parry, an Associated Press reporter who uncovered the arms-for-drugs trade years before Webb, criticized the media for failing to dig into the story and succumbing to White House pressure and perception management.

    On Christmas Eve 1992, then-President Bush decapitated the investigation by Walsh. Bush pardoned six figures, including Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, whose trial was about to begin, with Bush likely called to testify. Walsh was livid. Saying “the Iran-Contra cover-up … has now been completed,” he called Bush a “president who has such a contempt for honesty [and] arrogant disregard for the rule of law.” Bush’s pardons are newly relevant because Bush consulted his attorney general at the time, William Barr, who reportedly did not oppose the pardons.



  7. 3 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Ah yes, Doctor Trump.  Go to your local pharmacy and tell them "Doctor Trump" told them to give you a prescription.


    Anyway, it's clear you have no understanding of the medications or the situation we're in.  Or maybe your partisanship is blinding you.

    Do you want me to get the side effects out of my drug reference or do you just want to google what actual people say about them??  

  8. 4 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Do you want to explain that?

    Iran contra?  Basically selling illegal arms to an enemy to overthrow a different foreign government, but pardoning everyone and sweeping it under the carpet.  Oh ya the whole thing was orchestrated by a Colonel. There's no way anyone ever ran any of this by the president.  Why would you do that??  Ever watch the fall guy back in the 80's. It's kinda like that

  9. 8 minutes ago, Doc said:




    Very Presidential press conference there huh??   Maybe just once let them ask the whole question before you cut them off, and start pouting.  He really is that bad folks

    1 minute ago, sabrecrazed said:

    Doctors all over the world are using it....Doctors dumbass....doctors. What does that have to do with my profession? I'm not saying it's right for everybody and neither is Trump, but if a patient is out of options, what is the harm? It sounds like you would rather let them die. Also though, many of the doctors are taking it themselves because it apparently has some preventative qualities. 

    Yes YOUR PERSONAL DOCTOR. Not a fat guy on a stage saying it CAN'T HARM YOU

  10. 4 minutes ago, Doc said:


    How much do you have?  Are even you consulting with doctors like Trump is?  Did you even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

    These doctors cannot legally say give random drugs to patients on ethical grounds alone.  It's pure lunacy from a medical standpoint.  I'm a licensed health care professional, and I guarantee I have far more education than you and the manager at the Holiday Inn express.  Ethics 101: Do no harm.  In case you notice Trump WON'T let them answer the question

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  11. 1 minute ago, sabrecrazed said:

    How do you not understand that doctors all over the world are using this treatment with great success? It is a drug that's been around 60 or 70 years. It doesn't kill people. Some don't want to use it because it is cheap and easily made and widely available. It's not a big money maker for big Pharma though.

    Oh I had no idea that what works for one person works for all.  I'm amazed that in school they never taught us that.  Let me ask you this.  If a doctor gives you some random drug, and you get sick, who is responsible???  Should we be giving them Ibuprofen????  Seems safe enough.  I'd be willing to bet $50k you're not a medical professional

    2 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Ignore them.  Armchair doctors that know nothing.  The Shoutbox is even funnier.

    Oh really, how much medical background do you or Trump have???

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:



    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was admitted to a hospital after suffering from coronavirus symptoms 10 days after testing positive, his office announced Sunday.

    Downing Street officials said the hospitalization was a “precautionary step” and he remained in charge of the government.

    A spokesperson said: “On the advice of his doctor, the prime minister has tonight been admitted to hospital for tests. This is a precautionary step, as the prime minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive for the virus. The prime minister thanks [National Health Service] staff for all of their incredible hard work and urges the public to continue to follow the government’s advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.”

    Johnson had been showing persistent symptoms including a high temperature, Sky News reported.

    I know Boris isn't the brightest guy, but he bragged about shaking hands, and now he's putting those health care workers at risk, and he's using much needed resources, because of his bravado/stupidity.  I wonder if Trump will wear a mask now??

  13. 51 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:

    1st point- The following outlets are REALLY damn good at getting people to HATE Republicans over time as well: CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Bloomberg, PBS, NPR (which the US GOVT funds, ironically), and almost ALL newspapers.


    2nd point- I kinda agree with you on the principle of your point, but at a certain time this has to stop. I appreciate your honesty by acknowledging that this is indeed going on, I really do, but I think this needs to stop. Yesterday. I feel like this is so widespread, and I agree it would cripple our government to put all guilty parties in Leavenworth (or worse, eventually) because it is so damned widespread. Therefore, some VERY high profile guilty parties in the spotlight right here right now need to be punished to the FULLEST extent of the law by the most EXTREME measures allowed under the penal code, as a deterrent to those other bad actors chuckling from the peanut gallery. 

    Sorry! :oops:

    1. It's pointless to say any news source is more/less polar than another, because they have your number anyways.  Frank Luntz started tracking, and with all the data they collect now, no one has a chance.  They know exactly how you think, and exactly how to make you think what they want you to.  The HBO series Westworld is pretty good at illustrating this.  


    2.  Richard Nixon was a huge criminal, and Gerry Ford let him off the hook.  Ron Reagan was a criminal, and G Bush let him off the hook.  I could go on FOREVER, but you already know.  With all this Trump nonsense happening I'd say there's close to zero chance that anyone EVER gets more than a slap on the wrist.  You're ABSOLUTELY right they should be held accountable, especially to maintain any sense of integrity in our government, but it's a pipe dream.

  14. 1 minute ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:

    Mike Pence would be a lame duck President at that point, ensuring a Democrat win in November you and I both know that.

    Yes that is most likely true, but Fox is REALLY good at getting people to hate the Democrat, so it's no guarantee he'd lose.  


    As for you saying earlier you're upset no one went to jail, well if they started putting people in government away, they'd be doing it a LOT, so they kinda give each other a pass.  Also, remember in this country the more you steal the less the punishment.  

    18 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    BREAKING NEWS: 4th assailant found:


    See the source image

    Are you here to align yourself with Tiberius or just be one of his minions?

    I think for myself, and yes I'd shoot granny too if she swung that at me.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:

        People must be running out of their meds...or mixing them with alcohol...

    I'm astonished how 5-6 posters here are trying to overwhelm this board

    with their intense hatred of the US, the President, and the American people.


    If that's how you feel, you're going to love it here.  Usually it's just Tiberius getting wrecked by like 12 people.  I'm just bored, and basically trying to make some light comedy

  16. 3 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:

    No, bruh. Just laying out the facts. 


    Just in principle, the fact that not ONE member of our legislature,  or unelected bureaucrat (Comey, Clapper,  brennan, etc) is not currently facing federal felony charges over this makes my confidence in our judicial system alot weaker...

    You do realize that when a coup occurs, the main idea of the whole thing is to put your person in power after the takeover right?? Maybe Mike Pence was in on it too??

    • Haha (+1) 1
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