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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 2 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    and a good portion of why you don't like Trump is because of the media and their role on the stage. as i said, if the media treated Trump like they treated the Obamanation, i suspect your perceptions would be starkly different

    I don't unless it changed him 180 degrees.  I don't subscribe to trickle down, and that alone would make it near impossible to make him likeable to me.  I don't like the wall, or lock up Hillary, or giving people 3rd grade names.  Sorry, he's just not my kind of president.

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  2. Just now, KRC said:


    Except, your quote of Trump does not say that. Again, you would get laughed out of court if you used that quote as "proof" that he sexually assaulted a woman.

    I'm not in court, but if I was it sure would be good corroborating evidence.  This was about his electability at the time, and I accept it at face value.  Not the first time his big mouth got him in trouble. 

    38 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    No. I saw Harvey humiliate his own employees on a hot set for no reason. Then, at another time, I watched Harvey berate a 20 year old intern for daring to walk between him and a producer while on set. 


    Harvey was a bad guy every day he worked in this town. And he was constantly excused because he supported the right causes and politicians (and he could make other people famous). 

    Which is still not proof he sexually assaulted anyone.

  3. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Video of the interview at the link. Really lays it out quite quickly.


    Peter Navarro accuses China of committing 'four kills' with response to coronavirus pandemic

    White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy director Peter Navarro joined "Hannity" Tuesday night and laid out China's mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, a process he said Beijing might call "the four kills."

    "They spawned the virus, probably in that P4  lab right there in China and then they hid it behind the shield of the World Health Organization," Navarro began.


    ...and this is why I hate Fox news(?), especially Hannity.  Accuses and probably, which leads to further suppositions, which by then end they are almost stating as facts.  I can't even stand to watch it.  When you got the goods, THEN present them. Trump is also real good at telling me things, but refusing to give me the goods.  No I won't accept "trust me" or "believe me".  

  4. 2 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    except you don't.


    you said yourself that you don't blame the media but the gist of your other postings are, Trump is #orangemanbad.

    The thing is I don't like Trump, but the media isn't fooling me, so they aren't an issue for me.  If they both wanna be jackasses, then so be it, but I hold my president to a higher standard

  5. 1 hour ago, Boatdrinks said:

    I don’t know about far better, that’s a stretch. Somewhat or slightly better , perhaps but there was no way this wasn’t going to cause economic havoc. The economy was doing very well before this virus was unleashed on the world by China. The sooner we start digging out, the better. 

    All I'm saying is if we were running balanced budgets for the last 25 years, we'd be handling this situation like millionaires instead of out of work dishwashers.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    I'd strongly encourage you to read the source documents. They are H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. to get through is you do not have a law background (I don't). But, it is worth the effort so you can form your own opinions based on source documents rather than what the "msm" spews.


    I've went through it some, but as with most things trying to fish through the nonsense can be frustrating.  The right wants me to think that the Dems are all deep state, and the left wants me to think everything was kosher.  Even if I did get to the bottom of it, I'd still just be a smarter insignificant daz.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    you don't have to play, 'the media scapegoating game', but ignoring their role in it all is not examining what is happening with a full field of vision. to make an educated opinion, all facets must be considered. you are blaming Trump for the way he fights the fight and yet you completely absolve the media for their role in the fight, that doesn't make much sense to me but it may be a possible reason for your bias here. could be wrong but you might want to take a look at that.


    thank you for answering the question(s). as i thought, you would fight back, as i'm sure most would. in that, you also have to admit we all fight the fight (whatever it may be) differently.




    I didn't absolve the media, I just said that it is what it is.  He probably knew this was what it was going to be like.  They didn't like him before he was elected.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    They didn't interfere on Trump's behalf. That's not backed by evidence -- despite the headlines today trying to fool you into thinking that. The Russians bought 100k worth of ads that intended to favor chaos, not Trump or Clinton. They favored dividing us, not pushing us one way or the other. 


    This is Russian GRU/FSB tactics 101. 



    He was an active western intelligence source. Meaning they knew who he was, what he was doing, and who he was working for since the 90s. No one inside US intelligence thought he was a Russian operative. That's a canard. 



    Who set that meeting up? Do you know? It wasn't Trump. It wasn't the Russians. It was British intelligence (through a music producer tied to Richard Dearlove). 


    Who did the Russian lawyer meet with immediately before the meeting took place and then again immediately after? Do you know? It was a man named Glenn Simpson. Do you know who he is? Do you also know that he testified to this fact? 


    Who was the only other person in the room who wasn't a Russian or a Trump team member? Do you know? The interpreter. Do you know who the interpreter worked for at the State Department for years? Clinton. 


    Back to that Russian lawyer, do you know that she was barred from entering the country before that meeting by the US State Department? And did you know that in order to make that meeting with Don Jr she needed an emergency VISA request granted by the State Department just to enter the country? Did you also know she got one, overnight, at the request of the Obama Administration? 


    That entire meeting was a set up. From top to bottom. Started by MI6, cultivated by Fusion GPS, and aided by the US State Department. 


    Those are all facts. Not speculations. How many were you aware of before? Honestly...

    But do you believe what he said the meeting was about?

  9. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    I've never denied Russians tried to interfere. Not once. They bought 100k worth of digital ads on Facebook. That's proven. 


    But that's all they did. 


    Those Russian connections you're mentioning aren't real. 


    Sater was a western asset. Not a Russian asset. Like Downer. Like Mifsud. Like Halper. The meeting at Trump Tower was arranged with the US State Department's blessing, and on Fusion GPS's dime. That's not a Russian operation, that's a western intelligence operation. Who was running the western intelligence apparatus at that time? It wasn't Putin.

    I never said that collusion was proven.  I said that they interfered on his behalf.  Sater was likely or at least thought he was a Russian operative.  Do you really agree that Don Jr's meeting was about Russian adoptions???  Do you think he loves that????

  10. 14 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    When the people who lied to you, for four years about Trump being a Russian asset, continue to lie to you and you keep believing them -- it tells you all you need to know about your level of understanding on this topic. 




    Except there were Russian connections.  Maybe they didn't get from A to B the right way, but they did find links.  Sater-Cohen, Don Jr's meeting about Russian adoptions(cuz you know he's a big shot in the international adoption scene).  The fact that Russia interfered is an accepted fact, even if you continue to deny it.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    i dunno, i don't think people say TDS to simply troll people. it is a very real malady. and it is propagated by the liberal arm of the left wing of the bird, the main stream propagandists. there is no balance in the MSM, none whatsoever if one is being objectively truthful. it is they who i blame for where we are today, for they stoke the fires. part of Trumps perception is the direct result of the Left and their lackeys attempts to paint him as in inept bumbling fool.  


    let me ask you an honest question or two if i can. where do you think you (and by extension, the generic 'us') would be today if Trump had the blind loyalty that the press gave the Obamanation? how would you react to attacks coming at you from every direction that challenged every single thing you did, would you let them go by or might you attempt to defend yourself in some way?

    I don't play the media scapegoat game, and even if I did, that's the way the cards were dealt, so play your damn hand.  Would I fight back, absolutely.  I'd have a different demeanor about me that left them understanding my point.  Just having rude shouting matches doesn't get anything done, and it makes us look bad.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's funny how you run away from discussing topics which are uncomfortable to your cognitive dissonance. Rather than engage with the topic, assured in the superiority of your position, and see what evidence the other side has before judging. But nope. You'd rather run away and plug your ears and pretend it's all "deep state swamp" nonsense. 


    That's a dangerous way to try to navigate these times. It only assures you're forever under-informed. 

    I could say the same thing about someone who blames everything they can't explain on the deep state.  You're the one denying the committee's findings, so it's your job to disprove it.

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