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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 3 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:


    I think you're nuts, but I actually agree with some of this.  I use the "Prada and pearls" reference.  Working class people can't relate to someone in Prada and pearls, like Hillary and Huma Abedin.  They just can't.  While Trump cares very little for the working class, he actually paid attention to it in 2016 to a much greater degree than did Hillary.  Neither did a good job of articulating why they wanted the presidency (particularly Hillary, whose message of "vote for me because I'm a woman" probably alienated a lot of centrist white males), but Trump at least fumbled around with his goals (manufacturing, stupid wall, "America first").  


    Personally I think he's a barker of the first order who fueled a stock market with debt load and rank speculation that someone else will have to answer for.  I also see him as a superficial, divisive character who cares more for his ego than just about anything else, including our country.  He's a hopeless liar, has diminished his office, has treated the constitution as a matter of convenience, and has significantly damaged the character and unity of our nation.  


    But I will give credit where it's due: he nailed the tenor of the electorate in 2016, and his disinformation/misinformation campaign with respect to his COVID response suggests that he's figuring out how to do it again. 

    Trump did work harder.  The Democrats worked against themselves.

  2. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    She's the worst candidate ever to run for POTUS. Ever. 


    Proof is, she lost to a sweet potato with a comb over despite having the FBI, DOJ, White House, CIA, MI6 all doing illegal operations to assure her victory. It takes talent to lose a race that rigged. But she did.  

    This is simply not true.  She lost a few states by not that many votes.  Trump had Russian help, but I'm not going to claim I know how significant it was. 

  3. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    This is true. But take it further. I assume that you weren't a fan of W, would that be correct? 


    Ask yourself then, what did it take for the Clinton camp, the Bush camp, and the Obama camp all to join forces? A common enemy in Trump. 


    The enemy of my enemy (which the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas certainly are) is my friend. 


    Trump is not as bad as the media has been screaming since day one. He's not a Nazi. He's not a warmonger. He's not an authoritarian. He's a literal centrist democrat from 1999... yet he's painted as if he's the second coming of Hitler. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why that is? Why is the media so empowered today to throw away any guise of objectivity in order to attack the sitting president. They didn't do that for Bush (some did, but there was a balance). They didn't do that for Clinton (some did, but there was a balance). They didn't do that for Obama (some did, but there was a balance). So why has Trump thrown them all so out of balance? 


    Because he's not who they've told you he is. 

    W was a decent guy, but he was in over his head.  He trusted advisors he shouldn't have.  He wasn't nefarious like Nixon, but by taking bad advice that's the way he ended up looking.  The mistake there was the voters giving him a 2nd term.  He was clearly a 1 term president.

  4. 3 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:


    Hey, could you tell us the one again where social distance violators are like Nazis exterminating the Jews?


    It sounded so believable the way you explained it.


    No, really....

    That's not what I said at all.  I said people reporting those breaking quarantine was like the citizens reporting the Gestapo spin boi.

    2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    She lost -- despite having the USIC, FBI, DOJ, White House, MI6, and most of 5-Eyes trying to influence the election on her behalf. 


    She lost because she was a terrible candidate. The worst to ever run. And she represented the establishment which people are tied of -- for numerous good reasons. 


    Biden is the same candidate as HRC, only somehow worse because he can't run on being the first woman. 


    The establishment has learned nothing. Because they don't care about the people. Only power. 

    Worst to ever run??  Did you see how many votes she got.  That's not a testament to her either.  It's a testament to how bad they BOTH were.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    I won't speak for GG, but yes. I didn't vote for him, didn't take him seriously, and presumed (even prognosticated) that HRC would win in a walk. When that was proven to be wrong, and he won, rather than panic and overreact, I opted to study the man closely instead. Not just his words, but his actions and how he would govern. 


    And if you go by his record, and especially who his enemies are (the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas -- the entire establishment in DC who have stolen from us, poisoned us, and led us into 20 years of endless war and recession), you see quickly that he's not as bad as the media claims. 


    Once you get to that stage of your development, you can start to ask why then is the media so up in arms, calling a man a Nazi who literally has been a centralist democrat his entire life (and is governing like one today). 


    You've never gotten to that point. Because you're driven by emotion not reason. That's why you're losing.

    My biggest compliment of Trump is that he doesn't seem to be a war monger at all, and I was afraid he might be a loose cannon. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    perhaps i am in the minority. while i have never been a big proponent of politics in general (don't vote), due to my perceptions of corruption and graft at just about every national level, i saw what he was doing to the establishment during the primaries and rooted for him to upend the proverbial apple cart. i was pleasantly surprised that he ultimately did just that, not to mention that he kept the evil witch out of the White House.


    with the above said, my attention to the dog and pony show has never been greater. while i may not agree with his methods or the way he sometimes expresses himself, i am supportive of the man and his actions. his actions speak more loudly than what he might say or any malapropism he may utter. i root for the man because i firmly believe he has my best interests at heart, more so than any politician on the national stage in my lifetime. i could be wrong but my life experiences have led me to where i am today.

    I think the guy had a chance to really swing people to his side, but he made it so hard for people to like him.  People who say TDS say it simply to troll the people who have found it impossible to like him.  He could have been another Ronald Reagan(who I liked at the time, but not so much in retrospect).  All he had to do was follow Reagan's lead, but his ego was too big for that.

  7. 19 minutes ago, GG said:


    What does that have to do with the fact that most people here didn't like and didn't vote for Trump?

    Because you'd be much better served to cast a vote for a candidate with a chance who is most aligned with your beliefs.  Also, what do you mean by didn't like?  Does that mean you've changed your mind about him?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    What is he playing at? Trying to bankrupt his state?


    As far as I know every state is in debt, and the country is in massive debt.  There's really no way this doesn't end poorly for all of them, whether it be financially or by loss of life. We would have weathered this far better if we had of been more financially smart before this, but a lot of people were saying debt is good.  it ain't looking so good now. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    You just proved my point -- and that you're being intentionally dishonest about what happened. 


    "You CAN do anything" -- then, he lists an extreme example. That's the pattern of typical big talk. TALK. Not assault. TALK between two men. Classless? Yup. An actual assault? Nope. 


    You're wrong. And you just proved it. 


    A pig pass is a Hollywood term of art. It means people like Harvey were known #######s, but allowed to be so because they paid the right money to the right people and causes. In other words, nothing or no one is more hypocritical than a Hollywood Progressive. They turned a blind eye to Harvey because he voted their way. That's it. Not because they cared about his victims or decorum, but only about partisanship. 


    Be better than them. Be better than Harvey. Be a person of principles. 


    What's this hot nonsense? Can't defend your point so you shift to another topic -- and then bungle that one? :lol: 

    So your proof about Weinstein is what people said about him, but Trump admitting it on tape is fake.  Gotcha

  10. 2 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    Stay classy? Not when I'm dealing with fake people. 

    If you're so concerned about people, why haven't you said anything about Pelosi holding up the stimulus money, not once, but twice? Not a peep from you. So dishonest 

    I don't feel it did any harm.  Corporate lawyers were going to(and are) exploit the crap out of that package.  I'm glad they did a thorough job.  


    Anyways, I thought you were in a hurry to go back to the Biden accuser discussion.  That's why you didn't have a peep to say about about Kavanaugh or Trump

  11. 10 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    You really are a slimeball. Stop pretending you give two sh!ts about anything other than destroying this country. 

    West side style. Stay classy!  

    3 minutes ago, CarpetCrawler said:

    And Obama was still blaming Bush at the end of his second term, how new are you to this game?

    Hillary and Obama have literally said 3 sentences since the election loss, and people continue to talk about them.  What's comical is she's probably watching Martha Stewart and he's probably shooting hoops, but somehow they'd still be the talk of the town if it weren't for Covid.  

  12. 5 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:


    I have never liked Trump - long before he became President, and I didn't even vote for him. So, how exactly does that make me a cult member? 


    Calling anyone else a partisan hack is a joke:  You are not interested in anything other than complaining, pointing fingers, and finding blame - preferably with Trump. You push the same points over and over that have been debated to death in this thread - to the point where there is no use in even trying with you any more. You are either too lazy to go back and read or you really have no interest in intellectually honest debate.


    My guess is you were around in the early part of this thread and this is just an alternate identity.


    As an aside: Given the quality of your posts, you shouldn't really question the intellectual capabilites of anyone else...




    So if someone disagrees with Trump, they're a partisan hack, but you agree with him, yet you don't even like him, hmmm.  You've clearly taken a side, and want to avoid the facts by claiming you've already made them all clear.  By the mere use of your gifs you're officially placed at 17 year old intellectual capacity.  Your last dig is the best of all.  Sure, I really did already debate all these points, and I changed accounts to come back and do it all over again.  Brilliant.

    9 minutes ago, GG said:


    The funny part is, that this is the same for the vast majority of the posters here.  There are only a handful of people here who have supported Trump from the beginning and voted for him.


    But, details ....

    I can tell there's so many Hillary supporters around.  How could I not notice.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    He said he can. Not he does. Words matter and you keep getting them wrong — because you’re driven by feelz rather than fact.


    Harvey was an open secret in Hollywood for years and years. Everyone knew. No one said anything because he had a “pig pass”. 

    I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

     Grab them by the *****. You can do anything.


    From the perfect transcript:  I just kiss, not I could just kiss.  They let you, not they might let you.  You can do anything.  Not you could do anything.  


    Maybe Harvey could have had a pig pass.  


    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    You said he committed an assault — and then to prove that you point to words he said with a man while no women were present. And those words didn’t say “I did it”, they said he “COULD” do it. 


    No HE SAID that he grabs women by the *****.  Those are his words not mine.  


    Also, did you see Weinstein do it, or was that just hearsay like Kavanaugh??  


    I ate a ham sandwich.  What do you think that means?  I think it means exactly what it says.  It doesn't mean sometimes in the locker room me and the boys joke about eating ham sandwiches.

  15. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    What exactly is a cult member? I'm scratching my head over this one.

    It sounds like reporting what the daily pressers say make me a "cult member."

    It sounds like blaming the source, China, makes me a "cult member."

    It sounds like watching the mobilization of our health care, R&D, manufacturing - which has been completely hammered the last 8-40 years in pro-China, pro-offshore, policies during that time - and being in awe of what has been accomplished during that period, makes me a cult member.

    You are now blaming the US for not having a spy in the Wuhan facility. Whoa Nellie... I think you may want to check a few articles on Hih, Harvard, the WHO, and more (use duckduckgo as google scrubs).  Follow the money. Follow the people who have ignored current government regulations to do what they please (follow the money). I am pretty sure there may be more of this in the China thread.


    I was just using it in the sense that Kemp was, because billsfan2003 was insinuating I don't debate with any good faith(just here to troll)

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  16. 23 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    The left's slogans give it away

    by Dex Bahr

    Original Article


    As we go through yet another week of Wuhan virus restriction in the United States, do you find yourself becoming annoyed at the daily sloganeering? We see these messages on television, hear them on radio and flashed before us while driving. I, for one, am beginning to tire of this "we're all in this together" claptrap, along with "flattening (or bending) the curve"; social distancing; and "stay safe, stay strong."


    However, the one slogan that is most irritating is "stay at home...save lives." Let's not forget that original reason for sheltering at home


    More at the link.




    Maybe we should have used the term, "get the curve flat, and keep it there indefinitely or at least until it magically disappears". 

    11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Mayors might consider a few other options. First, they should inform residents of their rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The OSHA website explains, “The General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Act of 1970, 29 USC 654(a)(1), which requires employers to furnish to each worker ‘employment and a place of employment, which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.’” If they believe their workplace is unsafe, they can file complaints with OSHA field offices.

    Is it too late to shut down that nuisance to progress that is OSHA??

  17. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    You said he committed sexual assault when he didn’t. Unless you are saying two men talking in private constitutes a sexual assault on a female who was not even present. 

    But details. Stick with those FEELZ over facts. It’s served you well and hasn’t left you hilariously broken. 

    Should I apologize for taking a man at his word, or should I just always assume he's lying/joking?  I guess with Trump, I should always assume he's not speaking truthfully.

  18. 5 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:



    ...and you're not a cult member, right??  Just another guy trying to discover the truth.  Stop patting yourself on the back for being as partisan a hack as anyone else.  Nothing says I'm a genius like stupid memes and gifs, but you do you.  I hope you're not really 60 years old, because posting crap like this makes you seem like you're 17.

  19. 2 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    did you know that TRUMP WAS WRONG?!?!?!?  (He was the only one, too... science-denying racist).

    But when he's wrong, it's only because he listened to someone else, which goes against his mantra that he knows more than anyone about anything.  That and but Fauci, but DeBlasio, but Cuomo.  Let them own their own mistakes, and Trump own his own.  Also, I find it hard to believe we had absolutely no intelligence on the ground monitoring the situation in China.  That alone is a HUGE blunder.  China is not our ally, and it's our responsibility to keep our eyes on them.  You can't blame them for our lack of intelligence.  Also, you don't leave the cupboards bare, and blame it on a guy 3 years ago.  Supposedly the military cupboards were bare, and now they're the greatest ever.  Why didn't we do the same thing with our pandemic teams/supplies?

  20. 7 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    Press does the 'gotcha' dance over 'Trump-touted' NIH hydroxychloroquinenon-recommendation, flunks basic reporting

    by Monica Showalter


    Original Article





    This article fails to mention that he said take it can't hurt you and what do you have to lose, which also flunks basic reporting.  He was pretty much stopping the experts from answering the press questions about it.  Pot calling the kettle black.

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