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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 1 minute ago, billsfan1959 said:


    No the point is, when you compare someone violating social distancing to what the Nazis did to the Jews, you are insulting to the memories of the victims that were singled out, tortured, terrorized, and murdered under that brutal regime.


    Do us a favor, why don't you contact a holocaust survivor and ask him / her if they feel the same way when they see someone violating social distancing as they did when they saw a Nazi.....


    If you find one that agrees with you I will apologize.


    Until then, why don't you just STFU about a topic of which you clearly are ignorant

    That's your take on it.  Let's wait and see how many real holocaust survivors stop by and feel I was being insulting.  If a few do, I will apologize. 

    1 minute ago, GG said:


    So you don't even see the irony that you would be reporting the actions of one arm of the government to another part of the government that sanctioned those actions in the first place? 


    You know what else the Nazis did?  They set up the equivalent of a hotline to report the Jews to the Gestapo.  Not the other way around.


    In your example, who is acting more like the Nazi government?

    Bottom line is that one is acting for the good, the other is not.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, KRC said:


    The point people are making is that when you say #BelieveAllWomen, it is hypocritical to then say #OnlyBelieveWomenBlamingRepublicans. But you knew that...

    I'm in the camp that unless you have some corroboration, you should be at some risk of penalty of defamation.  If she has 5 or 6 people coming forward saying, yes that's exactly what she said to me at the time, or some other evidence, then she's not credible.  Trump admitted to sexual assault, then said it was locker room talk.  Totally different

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:


    You seem to have some sort of fascination with Nazis. Yet, by comparing someone who violates social distancing with the wholesale extermination of Jews, you seem to have absolutely no understanding of what transpired under the Nazi regime in regard to the intentional terrorization, torture, and murder of millions of people.


    Maybe you should read a history book or two....


    Let it go Felicia.  The point is that I'm mocking the people who compare someone reporting anything is a freedom hating Nazi.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate report released Tuesday affirms the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election in a far-ranging influence campaign approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin and aimed at helping Donald Trump win the White House.

    The report rejects Trump’s claims that the intelligence community was biased against him when it concluded that Russia had interfered on his behalf in the election. It says instead that intelligence officials had specific information that Russia preferred Trump in the election, that it sought to denigrate Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and that Putin had “approved and directed aspects” of the Kremlin’s influence campaign.

    The heavily-redacted report from the Senate Intelligence Committee is part of the panel’s more than three-year investigation into Russian interference. Intelligence agencies concluded in January 2017 that Russians had engaged in cyber-espionage and distributed messages through Russian-controlled propaganda outlets to undermine public faith in the democratic process, hurt Clinton and aid Trump, who ultimately became president.

    Who your enemy wants to win your election should tell you all you need to know. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Joe Miner said:

    Sometimes I wonder what point people are trying to make.  If you think that it's silly to think all allegations are true, then don't play the double standard card.  Be consistent.  

  6. 1 minute ago, shoshin said:


    No h in Fauci FYI. 


    I think it's newsworthy because there is so little talk about it. It's been clear that this is just an initial small wave (small because it started at zero cases and small because we shut down), so I think it's worth understanding what is coming in the fall lineup. Barring treatment leaps and big changes to the way we act, it ain't gonna be pretty. 

    We had better pray it doesn't take the same path as Spanish flu did in the fall.

  7. 3 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:



    Things a Nazi might say for $100, Chuck


    If you report a drunk driver who has a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an accident you're a responsible citizen.  You report a group who's breaking social distancing that could literally harm thousands, and you're a liberty hating snitch.  At least try to make sense. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Article I found interesting that may be an unintended consequence of "unemployment on steroids."


    Restaurants’ bailout problem: Unemployment pays more


    Restaurants represent less than 9 percent of Paycheck Protection loan recipients, but as of March accounted for the majority of layoffs nationwide.




    “If the intention was to get people back to work, they’re not doing it,” said Tom Colicchio, the renowned restaurateur and “Top Chef” judge, who has been an advocate for small restaurants during the pandemic. “They’re not going to come back to work because unemployment is too attractive.”


    Unemployment benefits vary by state, but in 2019, before the coronavirus crisis, the average weekly benefit nationwide was $370. A $600 sweetener that the stimulus bill added, on a temporary basis, to weekly unemployment checks raises the average weekly benefit to $970, an amount that approximates average weekly pay nationwide and is nearly double average weekly pay within the food industry: about $500 nationwide for full-time workers.



    This is fake news.  You can't refuse to return to work, and still collect unemployment.  Also, the owners are given loans that will actually pay their employees for them, which will be forgiven.  You'd think the government paying their payrolls would be looked at as a really good thing. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:


    Because someone violating social distancing is the same as the torture and murder of millions of people under a deliberate, systematic genocide

    It is similar to letting the invisible enemy infect millions of people with a deadly virus.  The fact that it's not deliberate makes it all the more stupid.  

  10. 7 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Reckless, sure. I get that, but I’d probably say something to them personally before anything else.As for testing ,  I believe the only criterion as of two days ago in Erie County is to have symptoms. That was a change from previous criteria. You now only need to show symptoms, and they have plenty of tests according to the County Exec. 

    I haven't reported anyone, and I probably won't unless it's people being really dumb. As for the test, I meant nationwide.  On my hockey forum a lot of people with symptoms didn't get a test.  I have no idea locally how many tests we have, but that's good news if we do have enough.  The bad news is that some areas will not have enough, while others have too many.  I have heard Texas has way more tests than they need.  


    This is also a problem:


  11. 21 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    We must assume that everyone we see or meet could be spreading a virus. Because they might be , unknowingly. Don’t fall for government schemes to restrict all of our movement by turning on each other. That’s just a Democrat scheme to take power and devolve the nation into Socialism. Consider the source: DeBlasio. This nitwit wants prison cells to have a kitchenette and individual Air Conditioning - that’s something many honest Americans in his city can’t afford for themselves. He expressed surprise that criminals he released due to Coronavirus concerns got arrested on new charges in short order. The man is a moron. 

    I'm just trying to protect myself, my friends and family and fellow humans.  One of the biggest mistakes made was saying the quarantine was to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed.  I can't imagine what would have happened without the quarantine, or how much worse the toll would have been.  I don't consider reporting someone who's being reckless as "turning on them".  If I reported the Gestapo rounding up Jews, and it stopped it, I'd consider myself a hero, not a snitch.  As for DeBlasio and the Democrat's socialist conspiracy, well I don't care about any of that nonsense. 

    2 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    I believe we already have that type of testing. At least we do in Erie County; anyone with symptoms will be tested through their provider or through the County if they don’t have one. They must immediately quarantine once tested. They should quarantine if they even have symptoms. However , there are a lot more asymptomatic individuals that are infected and contagious. Probably many times more than the number of known cases. That’s a much more difficult issue, and I’m not sure there’s any way to do a lot about it. 

    There is criterion as to whom gets tested.  There currently isn't enough testing to test all with symptoms, but to return to normal we will need to have an abundance of testing.

  12. 28 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Yeah, Trump just pulled HCQ out of his ass. :rolleyes:


    Give me to a study that uses zinc.  Which, as I've said a thousand times, is important.  And which, BTW, Trump never mentioned (hmmmm...).

    Actually, I'd like YOU to provide ME with some data that would make me want to believe you over a panel of NIH infectious disease experts who have advised against using the cocktail.  I'm not saying you are wrong, but I'm saying you're pulling your ideas out of your ass pretty much like Trump did, while the experts say different.  Stop watching Hannity.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    It appears the number of actual cases/ infections are extremely underreported. The death numbers are even more skewed by NYC and NJ , where the fatalities are much higher than other regions. People are going to continue to take precautions, so I don’t think that number of deaths is anywhere near a certainty. Hopefully there are effective treatments long before a vaccine. 

    Pneumonia is hard to treat, and with rona it can go from bad to worse real fast.  I'm hoping for testing that will at least take those infected out of the equation as much and as fast as possible.  No one knows much right now, so we can only hope to mitigate it as much as possible.  Like shoshin said, cold weather could elevate this to another level, so all possible measures had better be in place by then.

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