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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 6 minutes ago, sabrecrazed said:

    I remember when this whole shut down was sold to us as a measure we needed to take so that the hospitals weren't overrun. That didn't happen so it seems we just pivot and find new ways to keep people in hysterics. 

    Do you know why the hospitals weren't overrun?  Think of it like a salary cap.  People think it's to keep teams competitive, but it's really made for cost certainty.  We're continuing the quarantine, because we know that it is saving lives, even though that wasn't what it was initially billed as.  I hate when people use the words panic and hysterical.  Look up the definitions.  Panic means irrational: there's nothing irrational about fearing for everyone's safety.  Hysterical is uncontrolled emotion.  I haven't run into any hysterical people yet.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    No need to ever answer questions from members of a cult.


    All I did was post the words of your cult leader. You know, the leader who has been patting himself on the back since he learned to talk.


    First he tells the terminally stupid that there will not be a pandemic. A month or two later, he tells you that he knew it would be a pandemic before everyone else.


    Then, the cult members tell us that he tells it like it is. I understand that you're in a cult and can't process reality, so you just keep yelling and creating a reality that exists only in your brains.


    The oddest thing about the cult members is that if Trump does a 180, so do they. I suppose, in a cult, what other choice is there?


    While I agree with you about them going with whatever he says, I don't know what that says about your intentions.  I at least attempt to debate the facts in good faith.  If you don't think that's possible, and they will all follow everything like a cult, then I have no idea what you think you will accomplish.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    well... just an observation here but, after being at the grocery store yesterday, it seems pretty evident that the quality of the produce in the stores is significantly degrading. it is like the stuff is older than it normally would be and therefore prone to spoilage much sooner. if i am having to dig deep into a display to find something firm, you know others are having to do the same and how many hands exactly have touched the produce i am bringing home? not sure if 'rona survives on produce or for how long but you can be sure others are afraid of this as well.

    Maybe start packaging the produce until people gain confidence.  Anything seems better than just tilling it back into the soil.  

  4. 12 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    The bottom line is that there are plenty of places on this side of the board that have discussed the entire, stupid 'grab them by the puzzy' thing, but instead of discussing the accusation of assault on Biden, you bring up Trump.


    If it weren't so preditable and overdone, it might actually be a little interesting, but the entire left in America schitt their pants over Kavanaugh and yet have literally nothing to say about an accusation against Biden.


    Forget your own political bend. You only have to be a smidge smarter than Qtip and Tibs to see the hypocrisy.


    Be better. Try harder. It's not difficult.

    Trump was brought up to show that there is a double standard being used.  I said it was ok now to go after Biden, but wasn't ok to go after Trump(talk about hypocrisy).  Context matters.


    I did make my points on the Biden accusation, and accusations in general.  



    4 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    so... if there is a NDA, how do you or anyone else know that a sexual assault occurred? 

    I'm just raising the question.  To me it's a bit silly that you can legally cover up a crime by silencing the victim.  It seems absurd to me.  Then again a court system that makes it easier to pay off a liar is also absurd.

  5. Just now, Foxx said:

    before all this 'rona crap hit the fan, the average consumption of food was 45% in home and 55% outside of home. now couple the fear of going to the grocery store that probably results in a once every two weeks or so venture, yes, consumption of fresh produce is way down.

    I'm way more afraid of take-out than I am of a 20 minute trip to the grocery store every 2 weeks, but that's just me.  Also, I'm an awesome cook.  Maybe people are afraid that people were picking through the produce and handling it a lot??  Also a lot of it is not cooked, and they don't want to wipe their produce with disinfectant wipes?

  6. 1 minute ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Now I know you're only trying to defend Biden because you're starting to sound just like him. The only thing missing was you mumbling about that...uhhh, y'know...the thing...with bread thing... the Earl of Sandwich and so forth and such as...


    Do yourself a small favor: understand the point GG is making, digest the entire quote from, then break down where he admitted to sexually assaulting someone.


    Otherwise you sound like every other leftist: believe all women if they accuse a Republican, but rely on whataboutism if the woman accuses a presidential candidate of fingerphyucking her against her will.

    I truly believe he has made unwanted sexual advances though, and I'm not likely going to change my mind.  I do understand GG's point.  I do not know how to handle the accusations.  I think the women should be heard, but I also think that men should have a defense.  I have no idea how to balance that, but in no way am I just defending Biden in a partisan manner.  I simply don't believe that he said "c'mon man" to her.

  7. 7 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    PPP is here but I know what you're saying. PPE is less of an issue now finally and that should not be an issue for the fall rise in cases. 


    There's no break. Once hospitals "reopen" for anything like normal, they will be flooded with non-Covid issues that will have only gotten worse since this began.

    That's a good point, but at least it will be more scheduled things as opposed to emergency situation after emergency situation.  Maybe they can rotate some people out.

  8. 1 minute ago, shoshin said:


    My wife works with an at-risk population daily. Your second sentence is EXACTLY what is happening. It is a nightmare and what's worse is that many of the support services outside of the medical care but related are also shut down or running barebones. Meals. Transport. Medical supply delivery. An entire chain of homecare support is nearly shut down. Thank a doctor and thank a nurse. But really, thank anyone in healthcare right now. What is happening not just treating covid patients but trying to keep the remaining healthcare system from collapsing is heroic. It's that dire.  

    What they need is a break mentally and physically.  They also need to restock their PPP.  All of which point to why restarting prematurely is a terrible idea.  

    15 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    So let's make it worse by letting everyone gather together in restaurants, sports facilities and schools? Ya, that will decrease the stress! LOL 


    Hospitals will be over loaded, attacks on people who cough, fear of not returning to a dangerous work place on threat of being fired, ya, no stress there. Instant gratification society can't take the waiting, I guess 

    This is an important point, because things aren't magically going back to normal.  People are going to be avoiding public places anyways, and looking at each other like they're the grim reaper.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, KRC said:


    So, you can't prove it. Got it. Does this fall under the realm of suing you for defamation?

    Not if I have the tape of him saying he did it, no.


    6 minutes ago, Doc said:


    There aren't.  And you only just now came up with that viewpoint?  Convenient.

    It's not really anything I spent much time thinking about.  How do you feel about NDA's for sexual assaults?

  10. 3 minutes ago, Gary M said:


    If no one is going to the stores lowering the price won't make it move faster, produce has a shelf life.

    I figured with restaurants only doing take-out(which I'm personally leery of), and supermarkets still open, that it would still move.  Maybe people don't know how to cook, and are buying mainly frozen food? It's just a little perplexing to me

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, KRC said:


    Translation: "I can't prove it, so I am just going to write gibberish as I run away."

    The only proof good enough for you would be if I personally videotaped the episode.  You'd claim that his assertion that they were just rape role-playing was the truth.  Even then you would never know the truth, because I'd take the $300k NDA.  That's how truth/facts work in the world of greed.

  12. 2 minutes ago, GG said:


    What in the world did you just write?

    I don't have any clue what more you want than the man admitting it in his own words on tape.  I can't provide any better evidence than that besides happening to be standing in the corner with my cell phone while he's doing it.


    To clarify replace the words ate the ham sandwich with grabbed the *****.  This isn't hard to figure out guys.

  13. 22 minutes ago, GG said:


    I'm not the one who accused him of sexual assault.   If you throw out an accusation, it's your burden to prove the accusation. 


    Go ahead, point to where he admitted to sexual assault.


    Are you saying he had to name names?  I don't know what more you want than him admitting he forced himself on women.  I mean seriously.

    3 minutes ago, Doc said:


    So Blasey-Ford should be sued for defamation?




    I already said there should be protections against defamation.  I'm not sure what they should be. I never really thought about it from a punitive standpoint.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    Guest Commentary: The day South Florida agriculture died



    IMMOKALEE — “Up to the end of February our growers were having a banner year, and it looked like this season would be one of those home runs that come around every 5-6 years.”


    Here is a report that I prepared on the state of South Florida agriculture and shared with officials. This may shed some light on how COVID-19 is impacting agriculture in our area.


    On Tuesday, March 24, a local broker says, everything changed. From brokers, orders stopped and everything got quiet. On Wednesday, March 25, it got super quiet.


    Since then, tomato volumes are down 85%, green beans are like 50% and cabbage is like 50%.


    R.C. Hatton has plowed under 100 acres of green beans, around 2 million pounds, and 60 acres of cabbage, or 5 million pounds.


    Florida’s tomato growers target 80% of their production to restaurants and other food service companies, rather than to supermarkets. In this sector, growers are walking away from big portions of their crop.


    Tony DiMare estimates that by the end of the growing season, about 10 million pounds of his tomatoes will go unpicked.


    Some crops like potatoes and oranges are faring well, while other produce isn’t selling like it used to.


    “With a lot of people staying home and buying mostly comfort foods, products like peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers have actually slowed down incrementally,” said Chuck Weisinger, president of Weis-Buy Farms Inc.

    “The biggest challenge we have right now is getting the stores to start buying,” said John Stanford, farm manager at Frey Farms.


    As you know, produce is highly perishable, and three weeks into this, many companies around Immokalee have already had to empty their coolers and dump produce. One dumped 20,000 pounds a day two weeks ago. Let that sink in … 20,000 pounds of tomatoes a day. They dumped a total of 100,000 pounds so far. This is from one farm. ...

    I haven't gone to the supermarket much, but has produce/fruits gone down in price?  Is it really better to just plow over the product than it is to try to lower prices to move it? 

  15. 7 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    You forgot to mention their control of all money and their exploitation of anyone that is blonde haired and blue eyed.

    Again, these people were blindly following their supreme leader right down the craphole.  Exploited is a bad word, many of them wanted to hate, and not enough of the good people spoke up.  Kinda like the way some people want anyone who speaks up now to be a liberty hating liberal(Jew).

  16. 1 minute ago, Taro T said:


    Dude.  Read what you just wrote.  Not what you think you wrote, but what you wrote.  (And this being the follow up to your saying you would report the Gestapo (government run) to the media (government run) and expect that would have be effective in stopping the extermination of Jews.)


    Now might be a good time to step away from the keyboard for a bit.

    It didn't happen by a flick of the switch.  They started the Jew hate long before they had complete power.  Unfortunately, enough people believed/followed the supreme leader no matter what he said or did.  

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