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Everything posted by daz28

  1. I agree with this, but Trump did come out, and say he was the boss.
  2. Beginning on Sunday, each household in Belgium will be allowed to host up to four other people — preferably all within the same family — as long as social distancing is maintained. Does anyone think Americans have the patience for this kind of approach?
  3. Maybe of the electorate, but Congress seems to have his back pretty solidly. Publicly at least.
  4. Yes, that's true. maybe I should have said the illusion of a political isle. I voted Perot as well, but wasn't upset about Clinton. I'd say absolutely that Trump has morphed into a Republican, though
  5. Isn't leaving everything up to the governors kind of the definition of chaotic disaster if it goes horribly wrong?
  6. Did I assign blame, or are you again supposing I did? I blame the system. I'm all about taking the money out of politics.
  7. You mean like an apple is a metaphor for an orange? Part of that issue is that both sides of the political isle really don't care to make the other look good. Has either party introduced anything the other party would even remotely agree to? The ACA, as you probably already know, was forced through so the Obama administration could say they did something good. Did they have good intentions, absolutely, but they took what they could get and ran.
  8. Not here to have someone tell me I probably want to give free drugs to drugs addicts. If you want to discuss a topic, stick to it. That's not what I meant, and maybe I worded it wrong. What I meant is why give the cuts to those already wealthy if they weren't going to invest it. It should have went to you, I and they other struggling Americans. I guess I was just putting us all in the average American with debt category The percentage of Americans who did have what you had was far lower than those 30 years previously. I'm not trying to argue the ACA with you, I was simply pointing out it was an attempt to address that issue for many people
  9. Pretty much every issue Spot on, and now those children have parents. We call them corporate lobbyists That's both sides.
  10. If you're going that route, our discussion is done. I don't do suppositions. Have a great Mother's day. We tried the ACA BECAUSE our job related health care was already gone. As for your dad's pension, well someone took off with the money. Who let them?
  11. So you prefer the all or nothing approach?? That's the easy, weak response, and as I already told you it leads to a country divided. Somehow they compromised for over 200 years If you're saying a power struggle, then yes I do, but I see the side with the most power winning almost every time Liberals/conservatives, left/right, Democrat/Republican. Call it what you will. Their representation is being left ineffective
  12. Well, we could have just kept the taxes we were collecting, and gave cuts to the people who are deeply in debt, which increases their spending power. It's become a shell game at this point. Honestly, is greed what the people want?? It seems that way, but it's a very complicated issue. It seems there's a sweet spot for how much to tax companies. Otherwise, why even tax them at all, right? If you want to get into some real dicey conversations, talk to a market capitalist Libertarian. You absolutely should, but what happens when everyone else does the same thing? Then who sets the market??? We've already mostly lost job pensions and health care. Where did that money go?
  13. Well, right now McConnel won't even look at a bill, unless he likes what's in it, thereby not having to expose his party to have a public vote on it, so the Democrats right now. Trump does not even try to thinly veil that the Democrats are the enemy, so I imagine you're just being coy.
  14. You answered your own question. It wasn't profitable enough for them to invest that capital. it was better for them to do stock buybacks. The average Americans is like $30k in debt(not an exact number, but it's just to give you an idea). The bottom line is you can't get blood from a stone. You're absolutely correct, the tax cuts weren't paying for themselves. We were taking on debt to make the economy better, which was dumb, because it was already good. The consumer has to have spending cash.
  15. The best way for the government to work for all of us is to have compromises, which work for both sides. This all-or-nothing approach we're seeing right now is the real problem. It seems that whoever has the upper hand doesn't really even have to bat a lash at what the other half of Americans want/need. We are truly headed towards a country divided, so don't forget that the if the progressives do take power, you'll know exactly how the other half felt when they were left out. Also, for everyone here who treats this thread as a way to bash Democrats, you'd think you'd be perfectly happy to believe that the Democrats did nothing.
  16. You don't even try to understand, but if you did, you'd see that there is no "you're worth what the market says" if the market is only dictated from the top. I think most posters here try to see both sides, but I don't see that from you. I could be wrong, but from your posts you strike me as the guy they made 'ok boomer' for. It means that you could make all the money in the world available to investors, but if their customers(the consumer) are already saddled with bank debts and high cost of living, then the investment is wasted, because they don't have the available purchasing power to give you any return on your investment. With the country currently saddled with 100k of debt for every man, woman and child, there will be absolutely no way out of this without major cuts to social programs. There is also less population forecasted to carry the burden of social security for the next generation. They may be looking to take maybe half of their earnings to keep social security solvent by say 2050. In that respect, immigration is absolutely a good way to replace those lost workers, but people fear culture change. The economy is not going to roar back to life quickly, so I'd protect any risky assets you may have. I'm not discussing jobs at all. They aren't(weren't) really even an issue in this country. I'm just saying trickle down was a sham. Yes, globalism and unions are kind of conflicting issues.
  17. We have been sold the notion that trickle down was going to be great since Ronald Reagan. Turns out it was funnel up economics, which means there was condensation for sure, but never precipitation. It's like a weather forecast gone horribly wrong. The real shame of the whole thing is they were able to blame it on lazy Americans sucking from the government's udders. There was plenty of money for social programs, but the reality is that there was no reason for companies to invest in a market to consumers who are buried in debt. The end result is now a massive sucking sound coming from the drain. Maybe I'm just jealous that I didn't get my share of robbing the American people of $20, soon to be $30 trillion dollars. If you still think this ends well, then you're probably already retired, or close to it. You may now commence on why unions and money wasted on college education were the real problems. Hook, line and sinker!
  18. Yeah, you'd almost think some countries had a better response than others.
  19. This clip right here is pure gold my friend. If you hate CNN, then have a look see what the other side of MSM has been doing. If you pass all of this off as "nobody knew", then you might just be a lemming.
  20. I had no idea he had that poor a rating. I know his pillows are ridiculously priced and not that great, but that rating still shocks me. I'd have given Mike's plan to rob old people of their money a D+. I mean he did deliver said pillows to the customer.
  21. I'd be thinking to myself why did I order the crème brulee when I knew the server was gonna burn the sugar with the torch he has no control over. Why did the chef even allow him to bring that 90% empty canister to my table? Now I'm stuck watching Xi eat the most decadent chocolate cake I've ever seen. This wouldn't have been so bad if Jared hadn't of talked me out of the German chocolate cake I had originally planned to serve, but Ivanka agreed. Everybody knows German chocolate cake isn't that great, everyone knows that, but I agreed to that. Next time we won't allow them a dessert choice. I will reduce Jared's role from prime executor of secondary dessert choices to 3rd string pastry bag piper, and hire Martha Stewart, everyone knows Martha Stewart. Who doesn't love Martha Stewart. Great person, friend of mine. Gave the recipe for baked Alaska to my Uncle Susan, who just graduated from George Washington Carver Jr. High School. Tremendous achievement. George Washington Carver Jr. High School raised miyyuns and miyyuns of dollars to combat wet market bush meat sales last quarter alone. It's saved biyyuns and biyyuns of dollars. No really folks, triyyuns of dollars. Then I'd sleep like a baby knowing even though my dessert sucked, I have tomorrow's press conference already prepped, and ready to go. Good night America This is complete satire, and I think it's pretty good.
  22. Yes, when it does finally get going, people might have a little extra. It will be a nice little boost. If we can just get past these next couple months, we're gonna be ok
  23. This is what I'm thinking. Business will be scant at first. People are going to go a little longer on self quarantine to be safe(at least I know I will be). All of this combined is going to make it tough to bring back the rest of the workers. Every places orders are gonna be screwed up. I guess what I'm saying is there's gonna be a lot of employees standing around for a while. All in all it's probably the best way for it to happen anyhow.
  24. The mayor of Las Vegas is really something to behold. Anderson Coper was roasting her worse than he should, but she is OUT THERE. I know most of you probably can't stand Anderson, but this interview is just WOOWW!!! Holy Cow! Please watch this if you have the time. She said get hit by an atomic bomb, take a shower, you'll be fine. I found it's far better if you just listen, and don't watch the video.
  25. Hockey is looking to resume in July. https://www.cbssports.com/nhl/news/nhl-considering-plan-that-would-restart-league-in-july-report-says/ More good news. Only 4 new cases in last 24 hours in Australia. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1272637/Australia-coronavirus-four-cases-diagnosis-cure-decline-lockdown-lifted-covid-19
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