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Everything posted by daz28

  1. No that's precisely what you did. Asked a question, received the facts, then proceeded to already know the facts.
  2. Ok you're right. Congress is a mess, and always has been only because of the Democrats(who used to the Republicans). If only the Democrats got Covid, and all died, then Congress would be a finely tuned machine that met the needs of all the people all the time, because the Republicans would instantly remove all money involved in politics, which in turn would leave only the needs of the average American citizen at heart. Gotcha. To think I was really always this naïve. I feel ashamed. Yes, and sometimes I get what I want, sometimes I have to compromise. So you're saying if you own a business with someone else, you don't have to compromise? You just make a stand, and always get what you want? This doesn't even make sense. Are you blaming the founding fathers or God? Is this sarcasm?
  3. Read the thread more carefully you'll see the point was that it's better to give it to the average American than it to give it to a company who's just gonna use it to buy back stocks
  4. Me either, but I was just pointing out he didn't need to say it.
  5. I've been in a room with 60 other people wearing masks hours on end for 2 years, and not one person passed out or had Co2 'poisoning'. I get it you don't like masks, but why you trying to troll job me on that. Also I guess some of you don't like China either, but you can chill the **** out too
  6. I let it play out, and if I felt a need to look into it later I left the possibility open. I believe I was actually here when he said it, and posted that I felt it was a blunder that could come back to haunt him. WTF dude it was just an fyi, which means if it doesn't interest you, then ignore it.
  7. This is just a FYI on China air seeing we touched on it, I'm not trying be a dick. I figure some people may not know just how bad China's air can get https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2FOoBtUfG&id=C3EA538983A00874051AC9FC4FDA54FCC6B08D5A&thid=OIP._OoBtUfG0N4pl0q-dOvjHAHaEp&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.careourearth.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F02%2FExamples_AQI_2017-2018.jpg&exph=707&expw=1128&q=china+aqi&simid=608014188878104237&selectedindex=14&vt=0
  8. 60% and Co2 poisoning false Face touching true Saturating is exaggerating Touching and spreading to surfaces true only if misused Reinhaled false Fresh air is good for you-that's the duhh hurr one where I'd realize the meme was a troll job
  9. We do better than China yes, but we have air quality issues in America as well. Please don't change it to WNY air now
  10. I know that, but it didn't say fresh air in America is good for you it said fresh air is good for you.
  11. Bro, are you saying Chinese people have easy access to fresh air(and by fresh I mean clean)
  12. I've taken infection control, and worn tons of masks. Most of it is nonsense or nonsensical. You should learn how to use a mask properly. Fresh air is good for you??
  13. Exactly, and we'll never know. I barely trust the government any more than the media, because they'll just deny it ever happened. We have every right to know why we should/should not trust the CDC. We pay for it. It belongs to us. I hate the notion that we always have to be protected from ourselves.
  14. You're obviously not even attempting to understand. The Republicans could have had witnesses. C'mon man you're really not even trying. If you think the Democrats are the only problem, then you're the problem, too.
  15. The average approval rating for Congress has been 17% for over 10 years, so I think it might be easier for you to tell me what needs actually HAVE been met. If you want to know how they could have met the needs of the people during impeachment, maybe we'd have been happier to have gotten all the information, and then decided for ourselves what was true?? All witnesses, no closed door meetings. Instead we got a circus.
  16. I can confirm that nasty mouth bacteria and tooth decay odors certainly are not inhibited by wearing a mask. Those odors stick to your clothes, skin, and hair like glue as well.
  17. The ones I mentioned weren't N95, just regular paper ones, so I'm guessing N95 is much more expensive.
  18. Would you happen to know what the cost of them is now? I saw on tv they were selling 10 paper masks for $30 plus s&h. Many seniors can't even afford that
  19. A well functioning government that manages to compromise to meet the needs of all the people. If you want an example, did you like the way Schiff went Nazi on the impeachment? Do you think most people were happy with a trial with no witnesses, and several not allowed to testify?
  20. I agree with this, but Trump did come out, and say he was the boss.
  21. Beginning on Sunday, each household in Belgium will be allowed to host up to four other people — preferably all within the same family — as long as social distancing is maintained. Does anyone think Americans have the patience for this kind of approach?
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