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Posts posted by SirAndrew

  1. 16 minutes ago, BBFL said:

    Like anyone in trouble consistently, they have their part to play. But regarding his relationships and having done some simple looking into it due to the stories; seems like these women take him for a sucker and pay day. 

    No wonder he tried burning his house down. Allegedly. 

    I don’t disagree, I think a lot of these guys find themselves in bad relationships with questionable people, but that says a lot about both parties. Let’s say every accusation is false, there’s no need for a pro athlete to stay in that type of toxic situation, unless they are a mess themselves. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Jerry Jabber said:

    I don’t get why people get upset everytime Diggs makes a post. Unless Diggs holds out from playing in the regular season, who cares what he says in social media?! It’s apparent he likes to create drama and people feed into it so quickly.

    I agree, and none of this drama has been destructive to the team in the past, so I’m never very concerned. This doesn’t seem TO in his prime where the drama hurt the team. My greatest concern is the possibility that Diggs is past his prime. I worry about that far more than social media posts. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Sweats said:

    I'm not sure if the guy was used properly in the past teams schemes. He's coming into a situation with an elite QB, adequate coaching and perhaps a chip on his shoulder, wanting to prove himself.......I think Hollins is going to surprise some people this year.

    He did some nice things with the Raiders, so I agree, but I don’t like the fact he’s thirty. In today’s NFL that seems to be the expiration date for productive wide receiver play. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, NickelCity said:

    They're the primary reason we haven't won it all. It's not going to go away unless we get that trophy. 


    That said, in my phase of life I watch the games and frequent this forum, and that's it.

    Same here, I once viewed sports media as professionals with more knowledge than the average fan. I’ve come to realize they’re just guys with opinions, no different than random water cooler talk. The games are good enough for me. I still like talking football, but I don’t need articles or monologues from talking heads. 

  5. 7 hours ago, stevestojan said:

    $500 for a ticket from the 2nd biggest comeback in NFL history sounds…. steep? And this is coming from a guy who spends his money on a lot of stupid *****. 

    I’m with you. I like collecting music stuff, so so I get it. People will put a hefty price tag on things they love. I wouldn’t make fun of anyone for buying these, but the sentimental appeal of that game no longer exists for me. As you mention, it’s not the greatest comeback, and it was just the path to another losing Super Bowl. I think recent success has made me less sentimental about that game. I still treasure the Super Bowl appearances, but that game doesn’t mean as much for some reason. 

  6. 6 hours ago, billieve420 said:

    Brady is a freak of a nature. I don't think most people have the dedication to the game like he had.

    Agree, and it’s not just physical limitations, much of it is mental. I realize everyone wants more money, no matter their wealth, but I’m sure players think they can make money in other ventures. It’s easier to make money once you have it. I find it hard to believe the fire doesn’t burn out by the time a player reaches their late thirties. It’s a grind, and it must be a greater challenge when you have fewer things left to accomplish. I think that’s human nature, but Brady didn’t think that way. He is simply wired differently than anyone who ever played the game. There has to be a pretty large appeal to retiring in one’s thirties with the opportunity to do whatever you choose. 

  7. I don’t even want to discuss Allen in this post, because these talking heads are a joke, but some of the other QB’s listed are ridiculous. Jackson can barely move his offense in the playoffs, and Love was a mediocre QB in GB until late in the season. I know a lot of people like Jordan Love, but I’m not convinced he doesn’t regress next season. I don’t think we’re seeing a genuinely great QB. His game has a lot of weaknesses, and LaFleur’s system helps him a lot. Love can make all the throws, but he’s wildly inconsistent, and not in a Josh Allen way. 

  8. We’ve invested heavily in defense with a great QB who can put up a lot of points. I attribute the point deferential to feasting on bad teams. This defense can totally shut down mediocre QB’s, but that doesn’t happen against the great QB’s. The playoffs become an offensive battle that we continue to fall slightly short in. 

    • Agree 2
  9. McD is a decent coach, but his attachment to defense really hurts us. We need to stop wasting first and second round draft picks on defense. Surround Josh with talent. The best way to beat KC is having the ball last and scoring a touchdown. We can draft defensive lineman every year, but it won’t make a difference. The 49ers have Nick Bosa, but he had zero impact when it actually mattered. One Bosa sack on the final OT drive might have won the Super Bowl for SF. The league no longer has players like LT or Ray Lewis on defense. This regime and many fans don’t get it. 

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  10. I think it’s the Chiefs for me. Tom Brady celebrity stuff didn’t happen until later in his career. The Chiefs have become celebrities being a dynasty in the era of social media gone crazy. I find the celebrity worship portion of KC’s success to be obnoxious. KC’s star players are now portrayed as these perfect superhero’s on and off the field.  Additionally, the Pats and Brady gave off snotty frat dude vibes, while the Chiefs act like hillbillies who made it big. I’ll always choose the latter as less annoying. 

  11. 1 minute ago, DrBob806 said:

    49ers simply won the weaker conference. They would have lost to just about all 7 of the AFC playoff teams.

    I was thinking this when they kept talking up Spagnuolo’s defense. He’s a good coach, but they wouldn’t be such an amazing defense if they had to overcome Mahomes to win the AFC title. Spagnuolo doesn’t really know how to stop Allen, and I think our defense could perform just as well against SF. 

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  12. Just now, Billznut said:

    SF is probably the most talented team in the league. If they would have played mistake free tonight they would easily beat KC. But they are making enough mistakes to keep KC in it. No comparison between SF and Miami. 

    Maybe not, but I see similarities between Tua and Purdy. Limited QB’s whose offensive minded coach gets every last bit out of them. If Shanahan get back to calling his system that helps his limited QB, they might win this one. 

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