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Posts posted by SirAndrew

  1. 3 hours ago, Beast said:

    The damned dumbest argument I’ve seen is the Chiefs would have got Worthy regardless.

    You don’t trade up with the team you think is going to select your target, you trade in front of that team.


    Obviously, the Chiefs felt one of Tampa Bay, Dallas or San Francisco was going to take Worthy. 

    True, and SF drafted a WR. Who’s to say Worthy wasn’t the guy? 

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  2. Just now, Mojo44 said:

    Certainly possible. But I would be shocked if it was prevalent. You can be overweight and be in good shape and not have type two. My assumption, which is all it is, that it’s not prevalent 

    I agree it’s not prevalent, I just don’t think that being 300 pounds is ever “healthy”. They are very strong guys, and better athletes than me, but there’s a reason most offensive linemen lose a ton of weigh in retirement. It isn’t healthy to maintain, and they’re intentionally gaining weight to be lineman throughout their football careers. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Mojo44 said:

    It’s almost certainly type one insulin-dependent diabetes. Young athletes in good shape are not candidates for type two. Also, managing IDDM is much easier with current medical technology. I don’t see this as a major issue. If he has character issues it’s very unlikely they’re related to his diabetes

    To be fair it wouldn’t shock me if there have been offensive lineman with type 2 over the years. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Roundybout said:

    Not really. Through the entire process I wanted Beane to go all in and get Josh a stud WR1 to play with for the next 10 years. I hate being timid. 

    Similarly, feels like Beane got caught with his pants down when Jacksonville took BTJr (which was stupid because they have a lot of defensive needs). 

    Yeah, once I got over the KC trade, I was more disappointed we couldn’t make any trades up the board. It felt like the right time to go all in considering where Josh is in his career. This felt like a conservative McBeane play, and very much part of the philosophy that keeps us from taking the next step. You can only worry about tomorrow for so long. It’s a great team building philosophy to end a drought, but I think it’s time to be aggressive. 

  5. Beane historically has made great use of trades during the draft. I think he got caught up in the idea that every trade down is good because you build draft capital. This might all work out, but I don’t think he got enough to make these trade downs worthwhile. It felt like starting out with a brand new car, continuing to trade them in to save money, until you’re finally stuck with a clunker at the end of it. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, sven233 said:


    In theory, this is fine as a concept.  Get an established #1.  Stockpile picks to still have some semblance of a draft and trade for a WR.  But honestly, I don't see Tee Higgins as a #1 and Debo is a little older and has more miles on him than I would like.  Ayuk is interesting, but is going to cost a fortune probably in assets and definitely an extension.  Is there another guy out there that they could be looking at?  There has to be a plan.  I refuse to believe Beane got stupid all of a sudden.  There has to be something cooking.  Not giving up on Beane yet.

    I agree, I don’t think any of these veteran WR’s are what some people think. Jefferson would be the only extremely impressive addition. 

  7. Just now, jkeerie said:

    Folks...think this through.  The Bills obviously were not going to take Worthy.  It's likely he would have fallen to the Chiefs anyway and the Bills get a 3rd rounder in the process.

    Here’s my issue, it doesn’t matter if we didn’t want Worthy. You don’t give Mahomes a speed receiver. It’s ok that Beane didn’t want Worthy, but there’s no way you take the risk of giving any help to Mahomes. Maybe the Chiefs draft Worthy at 32, but why be directly responsible for potentially watching Worthy catch deep passes against us in the playoffs? I just don’t get it. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Simon said:


    They likely want to trade down and still take a WR

    That’s fair, but if we have a specific receiver who ranks highly on our draft board, that could be a risky move. A trade down would indicate we don’t have much faith in any of the remaining receivers, and there isn’t much separation between those guys. I think it’s a matter of giving me less confidence on a personal level. I want the Bills to be high on one of these wideouts, it somehow gives me more hope. 

  9. Just now, NoSaint said:

    unfortunately, none of the ones left were real. May as well take a star pass catcher if there’s not a qb

    Yeah, I don’t know if I’d go that path as a GM though. I don’t like any of the QB’s left, but at the end of the day, none of us can predict these things. If you don’t have a playoff QB, I think you need to keep selecting them until you find one. Each year becomes a wasted lottery ticket. That receiver isn’t going to move the dial, no matter how good. The Bills made the same mistake at the QB position during the drought years. 

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