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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Absolutely no need for NFL preseason games. No need to risk injury for meaningless games. As for fringe players, who cares about them. Preseason just makes them look better than they actually are. Preseason made Nate Peterman look like a capable QB and a rugby player like a capable RB. If a fringe player is good enough to make it they will show it in practice.
  2. All depends on how they do against Titans. If they lose both then he is gone and they probably only win 8 games. I'm still not sold on Titans and Tannyhill though
  3. Always get young at RB and never sign a RB to an extension. Let them all walk.
  4. Great execution all night. Absolutely no need for preseason games.
  5. Hyde is the back-up punt returner. I would guess McKenzie or maybe one of the rookie WR/RBs would step in on kick return as well.
  6. Well stated. McD is no better and may be a bit worse than Rex with regard to time management, game decisions, and challenges. But Rex destroyed a great defense even while building a top 10 scoring offense.
  7. I'm glad to be wrong. After the Marlins outbreak I thought for sure MLB and NFL would be a nightmare. But the players have taken this seriously and they are doing the right things to not get infected. Kudos to them. 20 to 30 year old millionaires doing the right thing. Nice job gentlemen.
  8. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Lots of veteran talent brought in. Losing Star will be bigger issue than this board wants to give credit. He absorbed a ton of blockers last year. H. Phillips was terrible his rookie year but looked a bit better before the ACL. Still its asking a lot from him to play a bunch early on. Oliver is the key here. I didn't like the draft pick but most on this board loved it. He didn't show much last year but there were flashes of him playing well.
  9. Well last year Daboll started the game throwing the ball a ton and never let up. Allen had 37 attempts to only 14 rush attempts for Gore/Singletary. And it was a one score game most of the time. I expect the same. Attack their weakness and see what we have with Diggs, Knox, Brown and company. Pass early and often, get a big lead, and then run Moss in the fourth quarter.
  10. Very interesting takes so far. 1. Patricia - week 8 2. Quinn - week 10 3. Nagy - as soon as they are elminated from playoff race 4. Gase - end of season 5. Marrone - end of season
  11. Good point. If they had a franchise QB that would be one. If this was 2018 we would say Kyle is that guy. Hopefully in 2022 we will be saying Allen, Edmunds, and White are those core guys.
  12. Well each team drafts 6-7 guys per year and usually keeps most on the roster but not all, add an UDFA or two, and 5-8 free agency changes I think it would add up pretty quick. That's 12-16 per year x 3 years or 36-48 players per team. Just a rough guess
  13. Long was cut weeks ago and then retired. Backup center is an issue until Feliciano can come back. Keep looking if they have doubts.
  14. Who cares who starts. They will both get plenty of snaps and in a matter of a few games it will sort itself out.
  15. This is year 4 of the rebuild. If Allen is the reason they don't make the playoffs then Beane had better trade for Aaron Rodgers. Because his seat will be scorching hot next off season.
  16. You have no idea what you are saying. You don't even know the meaning of the word co-morbidity. Yes almost all people who died from COVID-19 had a comorbidity, it doesn't mean their comorbidity killed them. They died from complications of COVID such as respiratory failure, embolism, and heart damage caused by the virus or the bodies reaction to the virus. There are hundreds of comorbid conditions like hypertension and obesity. Judging by a walk through the parking lot my guess is well more than half the people will have a comorbid condition. It's embarrassing. Bills fans travel as well as any fan base in the nation. That should be our story. Not drunks smashing tables.
  17. Please don't. It's embarrassing enough already. We don't need stories of drunk unmasked people outside the stadium smashing tables during COVID-19. There were 80k plus in the stadium when we were just called fans. Pegs needs to put an end to this stupid nickname.
  18. Knox is best TE prospect in decades. There is plenty of skill position talent on this team. Like it or not this season is 90% on Allen and 10% on Daboll.
  19. Philly just can't stay healthy and slumps to 8-8. Dallas wins the division at 10-6, going 5-1 in the division. Washington implodes to 2-14 and the Giants eek out 4 wins.
  20. By far the toughest division and the toughest to call. Decent chance three teams make the playoffs out of this division especially if all three sweep the Rams. I will go with San Fran at 11-5 and the Seahawks and Cardinals at 10-6. Head to head tiebreakers will probably decide the 5th and 6th seed.
  21. Baltimore by 3 games unless the rest everyone and lose the final two. Pittsburgh is going to implode this year. 6-10. Bengals will be lucky to go 3-13. Cleveland disappoints at 8-8.
  22. Tampa by 2 games. Saints will probably get a WC. Atlanta and Carolina will struggle to get to 7-9.
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