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Posts posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mango said:



    I am always unsure if people who make this argument know how dumb they sound. So I guess now I’ll ask? 


    What the Bills need is receivers to make catches they wouldn’t be expected to make? And if they had receivers make catches they weren’t expected to make, then our QB would be better? 


    Or maybe, just say...Josh Allen really puts his receivers in tough positions. We can’t expect to have a roster for of ODB’s, but they have to be better than they are now...



    So do you think he put Clay in a tough position with that throw against the Jets?  Or that he put Jones in a tough position with that second down throw over the middle that was dropped?  In the NFL a great throw can be a QB getting he ball near the receiver and relying on the receiver to make a play.  Every week I see guys making tough catches look routine.  My guess is if espn were to pick out the 100 best catches of the year not a single Buffalo Bill catch would make the cut.  NOT ONE. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, The Wiz said:

    Not this best gif but best I could do.



    That hit Clay tight in the hands.  It was as close to a "perfect" pass as you're going to get with that throw or am I missing something?  It hit him in his hands, waist high and slightly in front of him.  If he catches that ball he doesn't break stride.  Maybe I'm just seeing this through my Josh Allen colored glasses but those of you who thought the ball could be better placed I would be curious to know how? 

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  3. I have a bad feeling about this game folks.  The Pats remind me of the Bills in the last years of their run when they weren't going to the Super Bowl but still making the playoffs with Kelly & company.  You could see the end was nearing and they were getting old but late in the season when someone came into Rich Stadium to dance on their grave, they would rise up and crush their opponent.  And for a fleeting moment you would think "yea, the magics back"!   But then reality would intrude over the next couple of weeks with a playoff loss in which the team looked their age.


    This NE team just seems desperate and I suspect that Brady & company still have a great game or two left in them and both the Bills & Jets will see this over the next 2 weeks.  But after the Patriots are beat in their first playoff game you will be seeing the end of an era. 


    NEXT YEAR is when you'll see an improving Bills team lay the wood to the Patriots.  I hope I'm wrong but I've got this sense of dread about this game. 

  4. The best part of the All 22 reviews on Allen is the unanimous feeling that he's improving every game.  This is the most important stat IMO for a rookie QB.  I particularly like that after reviewing the film these folks are concluding that his biggest improvements are in things he did poorly before.  The willingness & ability to learn is huge for the ultimate success of a rookie QB.  

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  5. 9 hours ago, WhyteDwarf said:


    I put Jackson on my list because I didn't think he had any business being drafted in the 1st round yet has taken Flacco's job and is 4-1 as a starter.

    Jackson is an interesting QB and I hope the Ravens keep running him like it's college ball.  I know the conventional wisdom is that he'll get banged up and not last a full season but maybe the times they are a changing in the NFL.


    I'm a big time college football fan and it's pretty impressive to see how much the NFL copies from the college game.  On offense almost all the innovation is happening at the college level not at the pros.  And one aspect of the college game is that most of the top offenses feature a true dual threat QB.  Now Jackson may be a better runner then passer but is he a good enough passer that if he stays healthy can win in the NFL over the long haul? 


    It will be interesting to see but I'm open to the possibility that we're on the cusp of a seismic change in how the NFL views the QB position and how a QB manages their offense.  In my lifetime as an NFL fan I've seen the league go from the I formation with the QB under center to a hybrid that featured the I formation on 1st & 2nd down then a 3 receiver set with the QB in the shotgun on 3rd & long to most teams running a shotgun spread.  Maybe we're about to see another big change. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Phil The Thrill said:

    This is tough because while Thurm has some great games - SB25, Miami ‘93, KC ‘94, he also was a GOAT in the other 3 Super Bowls.  He essentially lost Super Bowl 28.  I can’t give him the nod here


    What swung me to Thurman was that if Norwood had made that FG Thomas most likely would have been Super Bowl MVP in that game. 


    And I don't think Thomas was a GOAT in the 2nd & 3rd Super Bowl.  The whole team played poorly in both games.  As for his fumble in the last SB, he also had a great 1st half in that game and frankly the GOAT IMO was Levy for not being more aggressive at the end of the half when the Bills had a chance to go up 17 - 6. 

  7. Couching my recommendation with the fact that I have been the worst FF player since the end of the Bills Super Bowl run (I drafted the whole Bill's team & started them every week) I would start Wilson over Allen. 


    I just think Allen is going to struggle big time against the Pats.  NE desperately needs this game; it's at NE and when was the last time they lost 3 in a row in December?  I suspect Belichick will take a personal hand in designing the defense to contain Allen and the end result will be a couple of INT's and maybe one TD.  I hope I'm wrong. 

  8. 1 minute ago, ScottLaw said:

    He looks awful this year.

    If it wasn't for McCaffrey Newtons stats would be horrific.  After tonight's game CMAC has 94 catches! 


    Also folks McDermitt better NOT try to sign Carolina WR Funches who is a free agent I believe.  This guy was cloned from the same vat that produced KB. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Boatdrinks said:

    First time I’ve seen a defensive return for two since the rule. 

    Me to.  That alone was worth watching this game.  Pretty cool play and a real risk when you're going for 2.


    It's also like a safety in that Carolina still gets the ball back after the score. 

  10. I'm hearing you coach!  I also have that optimism and while it may be fools gold I'd rather be feeling good about this team in 2019 then walking around with a football cloud over my head.


    In addition to the fundamentals you laid out I do see the beginning of the end for the Evil Patriots empire.  Next season will be a transition year in the AFC East and during transition years anything is possible. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    I think you are being overprotective here. It's a negative reflection on the receiving corps not Allen. 




    You might be right but I took his point as being along the lines of Allen has more drops because he throws the ball to hard. 



  12. 15 minutes ago, Phil The Thrill said:

    This is what Aaron Schatz of Football Outsiders said.  I can agree that the jury is out on Allen, but you can’t argue that his play this season exceeded this very bleak outlook last Spring:


    “A parody of an NFL quarterback prospect, Allen was abysmal in 2017 en route to not even making an all-Mountain West team. We don't want to say there's absolutely no chance he'll ever be good – he's got a deep ball, he's got some ability to make plays on the run and under pressure – but there is zero empirical evidence to support him becoming a reasonable NFL starting quarterback. And if you thought the excuses for his supporting cast were bad in Wyoming, wait till you see this Bills offense. ... Allen is the battleground that old scouts are going to die on, whether they're right about it or, as all evidence suggests, wrong about it."





    Ouch.  I never saw that quote before.  Man it seems a bit hyperbolic.

  13. 2 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:



    I don't know but maybe it has something to do with Anderson & Peterman going to the check down  all the time?  I mean you aren't going to drop to many 5 yard passes on 3rd & 10 that the defense doesn't contest because they want you to catch that ball.  This is the limitation of the analytics guys - they jump to conclusions when presented with the numbers often not considering the most likely factors explaining those numbers. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:



    Yes. You can’t criticuze Allen. But you can post positives with the addition of of course he needs to develop. It’s exaclty what’s happening here. 

    Btw I like Allen.  Ive never posted anything against him. Weird ha? 


    No one is saying you can't criticize Allen.  But 90% of what passes for criticism on TBD about Allen is either nitpicking or agenda driven.  No one is complaining about posters calling Allen to task over some of his dumber throws.  But this is a Buffalo Bills Message Board and people should be biased towards the positive regarding Allen - not the negative.  

  15. 5 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:

    You mean “the” Allen who shall never be criticized?  


    That's not what's happening here.  If you actually read the posts almost all of Allen's supporters make it clear that he has a lot to work on and needs to improve his passing game.  The thing we react to is the mindless Allen hate that keeps resurfacing under the guise of "analytics".  This just seems irrational to me.



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  16. Anyone else watching this game?  Watson for NO just made a diving catch for Brees.  It looked to be almost the same catch that our WR did not make for Allen yesterday.  And earlier in the game a TE for Carolina caught a ball about 6 inches off the grass and turned it into a 10 yard gain.  It looked to be better catch then Clay didn't make at the end of the Miami game.  Sorry, folks but when watching NFL games I see other teams ROUTINELY catching passes that our receivers drop.  



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  17. 1 hour ago, dakrider said:

    oh well Stafford was almost 76% and no interceptions!  Lions must have just had their way with the Bills here and Allen only 50% must have had a terrible day!  

    M. Stafford PASSING    
    CP/ATT    YDS    TD    INT
    22/29       208    1       0

    J. Allen PASSING    
    CP/ATT    YDS    TD    INT
    13/26       204     1      0    1 Rush TD

    But lets look here, I show about 11 of his passes were for 5 yards or less, of which at least 3 of them were on 3rd and long that they didn't get the first down.  

    For this game, Stafford was either getting big pass plays from Golladay or throwing little dink passes.  If your offense is geared to simply hit the 5 yard pass you can do that but it requires great execution on about every play and it doesn't lend itself well to missed plays or penalties.  If the Bills tried to simply play this offense they would have lost this game but Allen would have had better stats!  


    I would add that when Josh Allen was playing Mr. super completion percentage man and had jumped out to an 80% completion % (8/10) we still had not scored a single point.  It was only after Allen started throwing down the field that the O finally got in a groove that resulted in 14  points (it should have been 17 as it was a long pass that put us in FG range in the 3rd but we inexplicably went for it on 4th down instead). 


    I'm starting to wonder if this whole % completion complaint isn't the last gasp of the Allen haters.  At this point it's a very misleading metric.  I guess these are the folks who believe irrelevant metrics are better then no metrics. 

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  18. 7 minutes ago, SCBills said:


    It struck me how often Goff took the check down last night - He must've had 70-80 yards passing on check downs, all easy completions.  I then thought about how Allen would probably stay looking to push the ball down field and then miss the check down window, having to scramble and/or make a tougher throw.


    Great point about last nights game and Goff.  This is typical of his game and it actually opens up his downfield strikes.  Of course given the guys he's checking the ball down to he's learned that those plays can be just as big as a laser fired 25 yards down the field.  The good news for me is that I would rather have a rookie QB who has the attitude of "screw the 5 yard pass, I want those 20 yard passes".  That's not an attitude easily taught by the time a QB reaches the NFL.  It's a lot easier to teach a young QB the value of checking down then it is to teach them to aggressively attack a secondary down the field. 

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  19. The continued obsession with Allen's completion percentage appears to be the last refuge of the anti-Allen brigade.  Though I've noted that it's subtly changed from "Allen is inaccurate" to "Allen's completion % is still at 50%".   Because anyone watching the games since he came back from injury show that Allen is clearly accurate enough on his throws. 


    It's fair to say that those of us who had some concern about Allen's accuracy in making ALL of the NFL throws are resting easier now because he has demonstrated that he can make all the throws.  The issue now is how do we get to the point where the OFFENSE regularly completes 60% of its passes?  Now some of this is on Allen who as a rookie is still not entirely comfortable with taking the easy 6 yard pass play when there's a more difficult 15 yard completion to make.  But this will come with game reps and we've already seen signs that Allen is learning the value of "cheap passing" yards.  Once we have a couple more threats that can turn 5 yard dump offs into 20 yard gains I suspect he'll throw even more of these passes and you'll quickly see his % completion jump up to 60 - 65%!


    But the key point here is that the 50% completion "issue" is no longer only Allen's problem.  It is a team offensive problem that can be fixed with a couple of upgrades on the line and in the skill positions.  The QB is no longer the main problem here. 



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  20. 25 minutes ago, PaattMaann said:

    Man I don't know how anyone can watch Josh Allen now vs his first couple starts and not see LOADS OF PROGRESS. 


    I am beyond impressed with this young man. I thought I might see some things he is doing now, next year, when he is supposed to be getting really better (with a real offensive line/receivers/running game, a year of experience, a full offseason to learn and understand and improve). What he has been able to accomplish in just 9 starts is damn impressive. Cutting down on mistakes, taking what the D is giving him (this means more than just dumping off to a check down) and taking shots. I know this can be said for almost every QB in every game, but on the long PI call (50 yards) and the Deonte Thompson drop (50 yards plus) and the boy threw for over 300 yards yesterday. 


    Improving accuracy every week. The stats likely won't always reflect that because, as mentioned in this thread already, he isnt the type of QB and we don't run the type of offense that will generate 70% completion, but he has become a much more accurate QB in just a few starts. You see it with his body positioning on short throws. A couple nice touch passes yesterday, and some obvious darts through tight windows. 


    Here's hoping this continues in his last two starts this year.


    And lets not forget that he didn't take a whole lot of snaps with the first team offense during training camp and in the preseason games.  I get that the "plan" was for him to sit and probably not make an appearance until after the bye but circumstances didn't allow that.  Still, his performance in the absence of a full preseason with the first team O has been all the more impressive. 

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