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Man with No Name

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Posts posted by Man with No Name

  1. Im happy. Continuity is good. This will bring us some consistency, but a new guy in charge will have a new way of thinking and seeing. no doubt about it. And he will probably have a right hand man with another different set of eyes. 


    No guarantees it works, but it is the right move to make in this moment. 

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  2. im with you, op. i'll check out scores. i might passive participate in a SB get together if the right friends want to get together. But I don't care. I didn't watch a single full game outside of buffalo this year. 


    I think i watched the last 16 minutes of Tampa vs LA just bc I wanted to see Brady lose. And I watched the last quarter of the Steelers regular season finale. That was it. 


    i honestly don't care about the draft either. im not smart enough to know if whoever we get at 25 is worth my attention. it will take that guy 3 years to prove whether he was worth it or not. 

  3. im not a beef on weck guy. don't like the seeds. im one of those people who orders the sandwich but ask for a regular bun. I can only chip in that I have heard from some BoW connoisseurs that Bar Bill is in fact superior to Charlie the Butcher. 


    THe simple french dip with the melted cheese and au jus is my favorite way to do a beef sandwich. 

  4. i wouldn't have wanted to hear from op last night, but this morning i was ready for the consolation. I don't hate the chiefs like i have hated the pats for several years. im not rooting for them or anybody else. they've had too much success to jump on the bandwagon. but I won't be too upset no matter which of the 4 remaining teams take the lombardi. 


    cheers, op

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  5. 31 minutes ago, colin said:



    my hot take is someone somewhere along the chain in our coaching staff simply didn't know the shot in the biggest game of the season, and needs to walk.

    i agree, though as stated before, if the players really, really believe in the coaches, perhaps you don't make that decision. and there needs to be a better option. i am 70/30 on getting rid of frazier. though if it is totally on McD, i don't think we can fire the guy who leads the whole ship. he is a top 5 coach in a league where good HCs do not grow on trees. 

    1 hour ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Not sure this is a "hot take" but McDermott should have gone for it on 4th-and-1 in the 3rd Q




    Firing somebody to "send a message" is a pretty reactionary take.  So is the "Somebodies head should roll" statement.


    Can you give one example of a time when these tactics actually proved effective?


    As for YAC - they're faster than we are, Man



    One more time: the unblocked Steeler who blocked that punt was NOT on Haack.  And the unblocked 49er who blocked the Packers punt and FG was NOT on Bojo.

    Those were ST unit errors, not punter errors.

    As for YAC - they're faster than we are, Man. 


    i get that hill is too fast. he is the biggest weapon that sets them apart from us, and a part of the reason we had the ridiculous defensive scheme at the end. but those other guys had way too much space to run when catching those 1 or 2 yard passes. they didn't even need to make a move or go by anybody. they just had space that our offense is almost never able to create on those plays. 


    but andy reid is leagues and leagues above Daboll. no surprise one can dial up these plays and the other can't. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:


    The game management decisions at the end were incorrect. They are on coaching. But this game was a whoever had the ball last game. I knew all week it would be. It came down to the two best players in the league and neither could be stopped. The Steel Curtain, the '85 Bears, the 2000 Ravens would not have stopped Allen and Mahomes last night. 

    the whoever had the ball last thing is true. we all knew mahomes would score with 2 minutes left. there was a good chance allen would score with a minute left. but 13 seconds left does not apply to "whoever has the ball last"  13 seconds is not a guarantee, but it needs to be better than what we did.  the coaches did not give us a chance at the end. 

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  7. how much autonomy does frazier have on those d calls? do the players really love and respond to him? if not, he needs to be fired just to send a message that they are doing something to try to fix what happened. if the players really do rally around him, there is nothing you can do. 


    but hard to believe there are no ramifications to a screw up as bad as we had last night. somebodies head should roll, but I kind of feel like it won't happen. 

    our corners covered well down the field for most of the game. the end of the game came down to scheming. 


    and not sure what the issue is that caused the chiefs to get so many yards after catch on the short throws throughout the game. that feels more like scheme than players also. 



    • Agree 2
  8. if the bills don't win in the next 5 years, very good chance allen walks away. McDermott might just be one of those guys who is great for rebuilding something that is broken, but just doesn't have that thing it takes to finish the job. 


    hope he learns from this. I do think he has shown the ability to change his stripes before. 


    a huge part of this is on mcD. but a huge part of this is having the terrible luck to be peaking at the same time that  a generational, league changing team is in the same conference as them. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, klos63 said:

    You must be a lot of fun at parties. How many posts are you going to mention that they are millionaires. You're really hung up on how much money they have.


    How noble of you to acknowledge that they are human beings with feelings.


    This has nothing to do with middle/lower class people. Good grief you are an oddball.

    if fans weren't passionate, these guys wouldn't make anywhere near the money they do. they can either grow thick skin or learn to ignore it. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, whorlnut said:

    That’s what we got from our last 1st round pick, and last two 2nd round picks…COMBINED. 


    Don’t anyone talk to me about defense anymore. It’s clear that the best way to win is to load up on offensive weapons and run up the score. Allen and Davis were amazing tonight, but we need a legit RB and some speed at WR. 

    speed is good. we have a little bit of it. but there is only one Tyreek Hill. 


    I did comment multiple times though how the chiefs have this ability to scheme short passes that gain huge yards after catch. is it andy reid, or do they have multiple guys who are just faster than everybody else? 


    the bills seem to get 1 or 2 yards every time they go to those short passes to flats. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Bruffalo said:

    It's probably safe to say that on a forum like this you're probably the odd one out, I'd put money on most of the users of this forum watching a lot of football.


    In the general Bills fandom, you're probably way more common.

    i haven't always been like this. probably been a few years now though. i used to love watching manning. the last couple years though, ive just come to figure out that the other games don't really matter. everything up until december almost literally doesn't matter. it's a game of momentum. just feels like a waste of time to keep up with other teams until very close to the end. 


    and now the bills are gone, and i don't need to stick around to root against brady or the pats. feels kind of good. 

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  12. am i the only person who only cares about the bills? 


    i watched 18 minutes of the bucs rams today, and it is the most football outside of bills games that ive watched this season. combined. 


    i might watch the sb if there is a fun party to go to. that's it. 

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  13. 1 minute ago, KOKBILLS said:


    Agreed...They have to get better...This game was so close we needed them on point. We all knew they would not stop KC and Mahomes all together...


    But the 2...two 3rd and shorts completely taking the ball out of Josh's hands...What is that? And those 13 freaking seconds...That was bad...They're gonna have to answer for that kinda stuff...for sure...B-)

    yup. those calls with josh and the other wasted plays because we decided to get cute when we were in 4 down territory were my biggest gripe until the end of the game made me pretty much forgive those errors. 


    daboll is okay enough. that's it. just okay. i won't be sad or worried when/if he goes. 

  14. Just now, buffalo2218 said:

    I may be wrong, but I always thought there was. I mean yeah, kick it deep and hope Hill doesn't return it, but a squib kick could be fielded and downed without the clock starting

    if they want to fair catch the ball on the 20 or 15, I'll take it!!

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