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Posts posted by VW82

  1. McD answering a question about Josh and what he needs to improve most:


    Q: "What are some of the areas where Josh can help himself get out of some bad situations or not allowing that to fester like he did last game?"


    A: "...I think that knowing where his answers are pre-snap it will be important for him moving forward as he continues to grow. (Then) you can take what the defense gives you and you can (still) move the chains, and I thought that was key yesterday. We didn't get that done."


    I've been harping on this all year and I'm glad McD is at least acknowledging this publicly. Allen has such a long ways to go in that department, and IMO it's BY FAR the biggest impediment to us being a good team right now. Josh just has no idea what's going on out there. We can harp all we want about play calling, but when your QB has such a low football IQ it handcuffs everyone involved.  

  2. 16 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

    Quarterbacks can't be ruined, for the 1,000th time.


    This has now been brought up in about 6 different threads.


    Josh Allen will rise to the level of his own ability, and stop there.


    How high that is remains to be seen.




    Yes because people are all robots and are immune to the effects of non-stop adversity. Good point. 

  3. My theory on what happened yesterday is Josh is currently stuck in information overload. To me he looks like a feel player, and that's part of the reason he's so raw. 


    For the first time in his career, coaches are asking him to do more than just go out and play with a basic game plan. Now he needs to pay attention to pre-snap alignments, check our protections, move guys around, diagnose rush while still going throw his progressions, find the hot route, keep track of his internal clock, etc., etc.,...and it's all just WAY TOO MUCH for him to process because he's never had to do this much before. 


    Yesterday his brain broke on the field. I watched it happen. Twice in the 3rd and 4th quarters he ran away from non-existent pressure right into getting sacked. The first INT throw was another example. He's simultaneously missing unblocked rushers while also running away from phantom ones.


    To answer your question OP, I do think the coaching staff told him to be careful. I don't think that had any impact on what happened. Josh just isn't good at diagnosing or feeling pressure, and given his head is already spinning with everything else he isn't playing instinctively which is also exacerbating his accuracy issues. Last week he played with his gut and with confidence. He stayed out of his own head. It might be time to dial back the complexity of the game plan and the extent of his responsibilities. He's just not ready for this.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    He also has WR's that are quitting on their routes or wont fight for balls?   You do realize that other NFL QBs that when they throw deep balls there is an expectation that a WR will fight for a ball that is not perfect (and they often are not)


    Deep ball accuracy goes way down for EVERY NFL QB because of the throw.......often the difference is the guy that is catching it


    Josh is missing guys by 10-15 yards on some of these throws. How do you fight for those?

  5. 11 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    Do you feel the same way about Darnold? Should McCown have taken over at halftime yesterday? Once the rookie is named the starter they remain the starter. If every rookie that had a bad half was pulled none of them would ever develop. This is typical overreaction to a single game.


    Darnold hasn't been anywhere near as bad as Allen was yesterday. Also, we had that reaction after Peterman was that bad after one half last year (even though three of the five INTs weren't totally his fault), and again this year.


    The only reason we're giving Allen a complete pass for yesterday is because we spent so much to get him. The lengths everyone is going to cover up his bad play by blaming everyone else is comical.


    Edit: also, re your other comment...I didn't count any drops yesterday. Just a bunch of badly missed throws.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, teef said:

    for the 1000th time, i said his play wasn't good yesterday.  the entire team was historically bad.  i don't think the team was bad because of allen, but he didn't help elevate them either.  if you want to use yesterday's game as to who allen will be in the future, go ahead.  as i've said, i think we're going to seem some vikings games good, and some green bay bad.  he just needs to limit mistakes and develop.  if you don't want to wait to see if that happens, i'm not sure what to tell you.


    I never said anything about not waiting. What are you talking about?


    I have no doubt Allen will have days that look more like the Vikings game. He clearly has some talent. The issue is what's his variance game to game, and what's that going to look like when he's closer to a finished product. Contrary to what people say, these early games are a decent indication of what we're going to get from him, both good and bad. One of the things we learned yesterday is Allen is capable of coming completely unglued against a very average (some might say bad outside of Rodgers) team. So although yes we will likely see more Vikings-like performances, odds are really good we'll also see some resembling this game against the Packers. You seem to be acknowledging this.


    I think it's a problem to have a QB who is so inconsistent week to week (i.e. his highs are so far removed from his lows). That variance is tough to count on. Allen needs to figure out how to stop the bleeding when things aren't going well, something Peterman couldn't do. Yesterday's game can't ever happen again. At least not THAT bad. Sinking that low in your level of play isn't acceptable. For any QB. Ever. It's just a really, really bad sign for him. That's all I'm saying. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, teef said:

    Fading...we know how you feel about him. You and a few other posters have him pegged as a day one bust, and so be it. Every time you see a poor performance from this rookie, these types of posts will come out. 


    I dont think hunk he lost poise at all. He just wasn’t good. As others have mentioned, he makes big mistakes when he tries to carry the team, and the game needs to slow down. It’s going to take time. I’m more shocked about the general idea that some fans are expecting high end qb play now. His development is going to take time. We all knew it. Now we just have to hear the whining until or if it happens. 


    Literally no one is expecting high end QB play from this kid in this situation. The issue is he was historically bad yesterday. The oline and WRs didn't help things, but Allen made every mistake at every opportunity, and provided zero play making for the team. It was just a series of negative plays, one after another, until the last five minutes when he finally put together a couple of meager drives to inflate his numbers.


    Until that point he was 9/24 for 13 net passing yards and 2 INTs. I don't think it's overreacting to be surprised and disappointed to see that his floor can be this low. Good QBs, regardless of where they are in their development or if they're having a bad day, just don't have days that look as bad as Allen did yesterday, not unless they're playing an all time great defense or something which we weren't. Wash offense put up 31 points on GB last week

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Comebackkid said:

    i think your exaggerating a bit there.  ive seen horrible performances from other wise good qbs.    Allen today was 16/33 151 yrds..with 2 ints...one due to a dumb play and the other a not so bright player.  also we didnt even try to run the ball.   tannehill was 11/20 100 yrds  and 1 int.   Darnold was lucky enough today to not throw an int but he still only went 17/34 and 167 yrds.   how did cousins look last week?...how many yards did he have before buffalo just let them get what ever to run the clock out?...

    on top of that it wasnt just Josh that looked bad..it was the entire offense.and the play calling.   


    Let's examine the 16/33 for 151 and 2 INTs. Josh went 7/9 for 74 yards on his last two drives which were both in the final five minutes of the game when it was already over. The very definition of garbage time stats. He also lost 64 yards in sacks on the day, and his two INTs were returned for a total of 27 yards. So taking out the garbage time plays and the sacks, and factoring in the negative INT yardage he was actually 9/24 for -14 net passing yards. 


    You can try and put lipstick on that pig and tell me it was just as good as other crappy QBs today, but the truth is he was historically awful. Also, I watched the full game and the eye test matched the historically bad stats. He was way beyond bad, even by bad rookie standards.

  9. 12 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    That very average defense managed to have players coming at Allen from every direction on most passing plays. The entire offense was horrific, from awful pass protection, to receivers who rarely managed any kind of separation at all, to a non-existent running game, to questionable play calling. Any conclusions you reach about a rookie QB in the midst of that disaster aren't worth much. 


    I keep hearing these same excuses, and I agree to an extent. But here's the rub: good QBs, even rookie ones who are having a bad day, eventually step up and make something happen, turn nothing into something, etc. Allen didn't do that at all today. 


    Ask yourself this, if Allen and Rodgers (who's playing on a bum leg) had traded places to start the day, what would the score have been? I bet it would have been 22-0 going the other way. Perhaps you might suggest it's unfair to compare a rookie to a future HOFer. Again, I agree. But don't tell me it's all the Oline and WRs fault. A good QB can neutralize that some, especially against an average defense...and to answer your question, the equally average Deadskins put up 31 points on that Packers D last week, so don't tell me they're some impenetrable unit with nothing but players flying at you from every direction. 

  10. 1 minute ago, pop gun said:

    The unrealistic expectations of a rookie starting his 3rd ever game on a depleted roster is flat comical. You guys suck, give the kid a chance to make a mistake then learn and grow from it. I know it's hard to be as perfect as all of you, but he's trying.  


    No one's asking for perfection. If Allen had just been regular rookie bad, and we'd lost, most fans would chalk it up as a learning experience. The issue was he was really, really bad against a very average defense. That's not a good sign regardless of what stage he's at in his development. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, Domdab99 said:

    I don't know what to think anymore. 


    I don't mind losing games, if there is solid improvement somewhere. The defense is coming around, but the play-calling was not good. Something's got to give there. 


    The offense was so bad, what do you do?? Is it Dabol's play-calling? Is it that Josh Allen literally has no help around him and these bad players can't execute a normal game-plan, so Dabol has to improvise? 


    Allen almost got killed today.  


    It's just do disheartening...forty years I've been pulling for this team, and I've never felt more like a sucker than I do right now. 


    I think it's because deep down you know that this performance can't all be explained away by bad teammates and play calling. At some point a good QB, even an inexperienced one having a bad day, steps up and makes something positive happen. He turns nothing into something...something Allen didn't do at all today.


    A big part of the hope for this team is embedded in our new coach and QB. I think a lot of that hope and trust was shaken by today's performance. It's not just you.

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  12. 7 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    He simply has no one to turn to with OL issues in both the run and pass game and no receivers who can beat coverage with regularity.  Helluva way to do OJT at the most difficult position in professional sports. 


    I tend to agree. If Allen flames out this year, some of that needs to fall on McBeane, and not just because they made the pick. This is an almost impossible situation for an extremely raw QB who needed time to watch and learn. 


    That said, he can't tank the game on the team like he did today. We can point to Oline and WRs and play calling, but a huge part of it was just Allen playing bad. He made zero good things happen. A good QB, even an inexperienced one, will at least make positive plays here and there even if he has little help. Allen did none of that today.

  13. 2 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    He has to learn by doing. 


    If that's the case, expect a bunch more blitzes. From the article you posted:


    "According to ESPN Stats & Information research, Allen was sacked or put under duress on 19 of his 43 drop backs Sunday. He finished 1-of-10 passing for 2 yards and an interception on those plays. Allen is now 5-of-27 passing (19 percent) with no touchdowns and two interceptions when pressured this season."



  14. 6 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    3 games, guys! 3 games in! 


    If Josh had had a bad day, made some mistakes, and we'd lost I think most of us could chalk it up as a learning experience, and part of the process. The issue is how bad he looked. There are no acceptable excuses which would explain today's performance outside of severe injury or concussion. This has to be the low point which he never hits again. That's how bad it was.  

  15. 5 hours ago, peterpan said:

    Because he has terrible pocket presence.  It was one of his biggest weaknesses in college.  He routinely runs when there is no pressure, and bails unnecessarily.  


    Add in that he can't read defenses fast enough and it results in him trying to run when he shouldn't have to.  


    Right now he's like a more athletic EJ


    This. I can't explain the 'turning and running in the opposite direction' part other than maybe it's just a bad habit, but the running prematurely part of it is surely an internal clock fail safe mandated by the coaching staff. 


    There was a big difference in this between Allen's preseason start where he held the ball too long and got sacked a million times vs. Bengles, and his second half appearance vs. Chargers where he seemed much more aware of how long he was spending going through progressions. I have to think the got on him to start using an internal clock.


    This issue is I'm not sure it's helping him develop better pocket presence. It's more of a crutch, if anything. His feel for the rush and a collapsing pocket is terrible right now. So is his accuracy. 

  16. Man there's a lot of excuses going on here. Play calling was bad. Oline was bad. Receivers were bad. The only legit excuse to me is Allen shouldn't even have been out there. He should have had a real QB to watch and learn behind. 


    Allen was his own (and the Bills') worst enemy out there today. He was the main reason we sucked, not everyone else. He tanked this game with his terrible play.


    Hopefully he bounces back, and we can look back on this week as his career low point (as surely it can't get lower than today, right??). He's going to need to because we can put all the talent in the world around him, but this team won't ever amount to anything if plays even remotely like he did today. Yuck.  

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  17. Jets seem to be going through the same thing right now with Darnold. I disagree we've played four SB contenders though. Ravens look good. Chargers have been mostly average outside of against us. Minny was super banged up. Rodgers is playing on one leg, and their defense is middling at best. Washington took them apart last week. 


    I don't think you can just ignore performances like the one Allen had today, and chalk it up to being a rookie. Yes it's a learning experience, but it still happened. And it was really, really ugly. 

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  18. 1 minute ago, RyanC883 said:


    THIS.   I hope Allen is the guy.  If not, or if we don't know, I'm all for drafting a 2nd or 3rd rounder.  I think there is some talent in that range next year.  


    There are scenarios where it may be in our best interest to take a guy in the first round, or even first overall if that's our fate. We don't know yet, and that's the point. This will all become more obvious after the season when we have better information. 

  19. I don't think we should be afraid to draft another QB if Allen doesn't look like he's developing. That said, you don't take one just to take one. It has to be a guy you believe in. But the idea that Allen needs at least two years before you know is antiquated thinking IMO. Sometimes you can just tell a kid probably isn't going to get there. 


    15 games might not be enough to say one way or another. We'll have a better idea after the season, but we shouldn't be closing our minds to options just because we hope we might have our guy. That's bad decision making 101.

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  20. 27 minutes ago, ******* said:

    Quarterback . A franchise QB can overcome having a bad line/ poor wide receivers 


    This. Maybe that's Allen, maybe he isn't. If he doesn't develop like McBeane had hoped, I hope they have the guts to take another one if the right guy is available. 


    We can use all the help we can get with the online and WR groups though. They're awful. 

  21. I don't think it's so much about the record but the manner in which the games have played out. We've been blown out and looked terrible in the three of the four games. The Vikings game looks like an aberration at this point.


    Also, this season was always going to be largely about the development of our young players. Today Allen proved his doubters have legitimate reason to be concerned. His ceiling might still be high but his floor is really, really low. It's troubling.

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