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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. just replying to your comment about some dude named el bandito. LOL, But Now I see it. he called you a sissy soy boy and then you went into your genital tirade.
  2. Shh. to a certain group. ITS only the USA and only some aspects. I love when they go all "colonizer" at folks. when that story goes back to ***** sapiens colonizing them cave men
  3. Sissy boy stuff? back in the day sissy boy was a term for a gay person. are you attempting to make a slur, by calling someone gay?
  4. only in TDS infected people's imaginations. Say what you want, the dude can brand.
  5. Hey. we all make mistakes. It probably was on one phone and got all triggered and just started replying not realizing it was using the wrong phone.
  6. why is it lefties seem to be hyper fascinated with people's genitalia? its just strange
  7. I can't disagree with that. but at this point, we have yet to see if any of those (anatomy as science) are being unfairly removed. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2022/02/02/polk-county-group-proposes-book-ban-#:~:text=What You Need To Know 1 The group,removed from shelves while a review is conducted I looked up the bluest eye as that's one of the books on the list. it sounds like a good book, for kids old enough to understand the allegories and symbolisms. "I destroyed white baby dolls. But the dismembering of dolls was not the true horror. The truly horrifying thing was the transference of the same impulses to little white girls. The indifference with which I could have axed them was shaken only by my desire to do so." "Sort of." "He showed his privates to you?" "Noooo. He touched me." "Where?" "Here and here." She pointed to her tiny breasts that, like two fallen acorns, ... Even Time did an entire series on the ten top book controversies in 2007, that book was on it. https://entertainment.time.com/2007/10/02/top-10-book-controversies/slide/the-bluest-eye-by-toni-morrison/#:~:text=Excerpt%3A “I destroyed white baby,my desire to do so. Seems like that would be a good book for advanced or high school kids
  8. welp. "The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that teachers have been instructed to remove all books from their classroom libraries that have not yet been approved by a certified media specialist." and is being reported by Alejandra Caraballo on twitter The message that the district sent out states that the material must be, “free of pornography” and “appropriate for the age level and group.” that sounds horrible. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/florida-teachers-forced-remove-books-192705307.html It all sounds like some administrators and teachers creating story for political reasons.
  9. per clips from a book someone is hocking in the non fiction section. but hey. anymore thats the grift.
  10. They have false information in them? while being labeled as non fiction?
  11. So exactly like Rachelle Maddow getting out of the AON lawsuit. Where her lawyers argued that her statements are so over the top, no sane person would think its actual news or factual. The challenged statement was an obvious exaggeration, cushioned within an undisputed news story,” Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. wrote in the opinion. “The statement could not reasonably be understood to imply an assertion of objective fact, and therefore, did not amount to defamation,” the judge added. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/568213-oan-loses-appeal-in-defamation-lawsuit-against-rachel-maddow/
  12. Does that fact take into affect, the SALT deductions for rich landowners in high tax states, paid for by everyone. even them poors in the southern states you seem to dispise.
  13. explain SALT deductions and why Pelosi traded the enhanced child tax credit, to get it back? and are still trying to remove the cap in it?
  14. Wait what, he isn't the hard core Righty/trumper the MSM is trying to make him out to be?
  15. the funny part is the Mueller report itself stated. just that. same with the sussman trial. But I guess if MSNBC didnt have a talking head explain it.. it never happened.
  16. Between Stormy's books and settlements, she will never have to work another circuit again. in this country or overseas
  17. Any by secondary and primary research. it means MSNBC, NYT and some you tube video.
  18. In the other half of that statement, it proved itself correct.
  19. So the war was almost fought prior, over slavery. then was finally fought over??????
  20. any link to the actual video. Cause the reporting last week stated the average cost at the colleges he had audited was 5 million per school. Thats one way to help this huge issue of college cost/debt
  21. Dont you know, it was always about the Halupki, Pirozhki, Paska and Borscht. Its always been about the Borscht
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